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Hypnotoad, the

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Posts posted by Hypnotoad, the

  1. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!"


    I did manage to play a monster once...sorta.


    The character transformed herself into a giant version of a dinosaur. Thankfully, the dinosaur type in question was a plant eater. Still...she was large enough to make the ground shake (thus setting off car alarms for several blocks). Aside from being the team's brick, she also acted as "mobile cover" for the rest of the team (she was next to impossible to score knockback on).


    This last function nearly got her killed once, as a team of really nasty folks in power armor with even nastier killing attacks tried to kill the team. She acted as cover long enough for the rest of the team to recover and counter attack.


    So, in concept, she might not have been a "real" hero, but I think her actions proved otherwise. :bounce:

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    My gaming group took a break from gaming for a couple of weeks, and instead took up a ParanoiaXP game. This conversation happened between our Indigo Level interviewer and the Loyalty Officer of the troubleshooting team.


    "I regret, sir, that I feel that I have ultimately failed to live up to my duty as Loyalty Officer."


    "And why is that, friend Citizen?"


    "In my opinion I didn't find a sufficient number of disloyal people to kill."


    I'm happy to report that we'll be returning to a Champions game next week.

  3. Re: Good Natured Brawling


    Hm...let's see.


    Most of the GM's I've played under have usually designed their own groups to tangle with us--but there have been exceptions.


    Usually for the generic line of "faceless minions", VIPER tends to be the gang of thugs by choice, providing a bit of a challenge, yet at the same time allowing for heroes to really get flashy in the methods in which they dispose of the agents.


    Funny villains/gangs? Oi...that list, it do go on! One of my faves was a gang created by the PUNisher--a villain who attacked using puns. He created (wait for it)...




    Their members include...


    MAJOR VICTORY: I have no idea what this guy did, but he gave pretty speeches, and was the general leader.


    MAJOR FORCE: A brick/energy projector with a short temper.


    MAJOR OFFENSIVE: He smelled REALLY bad.


    MAJOR DISASTER: He had a transformation attack which inflicted 5D6 unluck on the poor schmuck.


    MAJOR BUMMER: He was the team teleporter--handy when things turned against them.


    Oh...they all dressed in the dress uniforms of army majors.

  4. Re: what Champions products are you really looking foward to?


    Golden Age Champions: The last time I was in a WW2 game, it was a party in a can!


    Pulp Hero: For much the same reason as above.


    Scourges of the Galaxy: What can I say? I had a taste of "Galactic Champions" once, and I want more of it.


    Teen Champions: Superpowers, superfights...and getting a date for the prom! It's all good.

  5. Re: Loopy Supers


    Okay...let's see what I can pull out of the archives ::blows off the dust, nearly chokes on it...::


    Captain Koala: An annoying little man with an ungodly number of dice in mind control--specifically to beat the snot out of him until he shut up or went away. Villain teams used him as a distraction.


    Llama Man: Deranged "hero" who gave llamas superllama powers (a special effect of a friendly summon), so that they might escape their captivity and claim their FREEDOM!!!


    Captain Kodachrome: The arch enemy of dull color coordination. He had a transformation attack that changed anything to the same thing, but in incredibly LOUD COLORS! He really had a problem with black and white combinations (Nuns, zebras, penguins...).


    Burnout: Had INCREDIBLE characteristics and defenses--all on four 1-turn charges, with a burnout roll. His special effect came from a bad batch of speed. Please note: He had "berzerk on 14- for no particular reason; recover 8-".

  6. Re: Good bye


    Well, I for one hope you stick around. You're the first buddy I've been able to confirm is actually on this board. Oh, I know that there are more, but you're the first.

  7. Re: Superhero Day!


    I can see the following observance happening in coastal cities (or places where they have a large body of water--like a lake):


    "Superhero Day" Flugtag!


    Crazy people doing nutty things, from dressing up as their fave flying heroes, to making flying machines that are patterned like their fave hero's costume, and then catapulting themselves off the pier in order to jump into the sky...and then go "flop!" into the water.


    Good clean fun...right?

  8. Re: Why I love HERO


    What's not to love?


    Okay, seriously, the reason I love Hero is simply because no other system has successfully been able to keep up with my imagination as well. Oh, I was able to play in other systems and occasionally twist the rules to come up with some original characters, but that had its limits. The only limits I had in Hero were point limits and my understanding of the rules--both of which aren't really limits.

  9. Re: Help with my character:Stopwatch


    Hrm...difficult ones, both of them. I should be so foolish as to make my first post in an attempt to answer this one.


    But what the heck? I have a few ideas. They're all dependent on special effect, but use fairly conventional powers.


    1. Rewind: The easiest way I can think of doing this is with Luck, since there's no guarantee that going back in time a little bit will successfully change anything. Hell, it might make things worse, and you could reflect this with a "side effect" limitation, in the form of unluck, perhaps.


    2. Butterfly effect: This is a little harder from my POV. Maybe someone can come up with one better. My idea is a Major Transform, maybe with a random effect under GM control. This is one you'd really want to talk to the GM over (unless of course YOU'RE the GM).


    Anyways, that's all I can think of. Have pity on the newbie.

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