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Everything posted by artmc

  1. Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ? As for Padriac Colum's book The Children of Odin it is still available. * art *
  2. Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ? Well as mentioned the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda are really usefull. I can suggest books on Runic Magic by: Edred Thorsson. Though I have not read them, they appear popular. Also one: Freya Aswynn. Is very popular. Amazon carries several different books by each author. I hope this helps. * art *
  3. artmc

    Hulk Promotion

    Re: Re: RE: Hulk Promotion I missed that one. Though Green Ronin did include Direction Sense, which 'could' cover that. * art *
  4. artmc

    Hulk Promotion

    RE: Hulk Promotion Good point Steve. I don't have the MURPG *YET*, and I know that there will be more Hulk info in the "Guide To The Hulk and The Avengers" in September. As you said it could be an easy oversight. * art *
  5. artmc

    Hulk Promotion

    RE: Hulk Promotion Did any one else notice that only the 'Official' Marvel game left out the whole Astral Sight/Vision thing? Very odd, 4 write-ups and only the one from the new Marvel game missed that. I wonder if this is being removed from canon for the Hulk. *art *
  6. artmc

    Hulk Promotion

    Re: Hulk Promotion Sorry for the late reply. Yes I would be very interested in this, though every month might be too much for the designers. Possibly having companies switch off every other month. Maybe do the special every other month, but have other companies added to the list, depending on the 'source' selected. Or something along those lines. * art *
  7. RE: Game of Thrones Okay here is the product blurb: GoO gets 'A Song of Ice and Fire' It contains a link for the whole press release. It seems like it will be both Tri-Stat & d20, in seperate rule books. I believe it will be full color, but I could be very wrong. It is slated for autumn 2003. Guardians of Order getting this is a big surprise, since Martin is a long time GURPS player/fan. Several systems can do Westeros/A Song of Ice and Fire, very well: Hero (of course!!) Pendragon The Riddle of Steel (my current choice for this) GURPS Tri-Stat (I really want to see what GoO does with this) d20 (needs changes, but could work) Others systems could work as well, though. I hope this helps. * art *
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