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Posts posted by Northstar

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    Here is a villainess for B's Champions game. Kinda like the slinkyness of this one.


    I'm the enigmatic "B" who commissioned Lady Dread. She is the central villainess/anti-hero/tragic figure of a game I run called FF ALT, which is an alternate version of the Fantastic Four. (completely original characters, with powers & personalities designed by the players)


    This is Arianne von Drede (say it just like 'Dread') who is the story's Dr. Doom, as I'm certain you can guess. When I first sat down to plot out the game, the concept of a female Von Doom was overpowering and irresistable. (I have a liking for iconic, female power figures, what can I say. I'm sure I'm alone in that. :D)


    Storn did a first rate job nailing this persona, (er, no pun intended...) and I was very pleased with the result. Chalk up another happy customer!

  2. Re: In which Chad thanks those who probably will never read this.


    Aww, sentimental and cool! (They're not in fact mutually exclusive. Just don't tell my GF I said so...)


    Thanks to Bill A. for being my best friend and co-creator of various worlds for what were probably the best years of my youth, even though I didn't think so at the time. My only real regret is that I wasn't a better friend when I could have been.


    Thanks to Deena D., a lady of rare and special magics, just for being herself. Same regret as above. (Ain't hindsight just a B**CH??)


    Thanks to the three Ricks... Rick D., Rick B. and Rick W. for being the beginning of it all. Damn you guys... how much $$$ have I lost over the years by having this overdeveloped gamers imagination that I spend so much idle time indulging??


    Thanks to the inimitable Duffy... you taught me that one has always the choice to greet any situation with a sense of humor and a smile.


    Thanks to Ramone M. Dude, you were a friggin' dork, and I'm sure you still are, but don't ever change! (But I will still never forgive you for losing my original copy of Deities & Demigods that contained the Melnibonean and Cthulu mythos. :weep: )


    Thanks to Liz E. You were seriously under appreciated, but I still have fond memories.


    Special thanks: E. Gary Gygax. You may have been a pompous old blowhard, but you largely fathered a sharing of dreams and universes in a way I might even label beautiful.


    Special No Thanks: Donald. For your sake, I truly hope you got a life.

  3. Re: What were the best Marvel titles of the 70's?


    As I no longer have much of my collection (wah!) I'm afraid I can't list writers/artists for most of these, (and I wasn't paying attention as a kid) but these all still influence my gaming, writing and imagination into the present day from what I (even still) remember of them:


    1) Captain Mar-Vell - Jim Starlin (What a shock! )

    2) Adam Warlock - Same

    3) Doctor Strange

    4) Fantastic Four

    5) The Defenders

    6) Marvel Team Up

    7) Marvel Two In One

    8) The Invaders

    9) Guardians of the Galaxy

    10) X-Men

    11) Avengers

    12) The Micronauts (Mantlo /Golden)


    Obviously, I preferred the team series, generally. A lot of the individual hero titles were great too, but a dozen is enough!

  4. Re: The new face of Iron Man


    Yes, yes but think!


    This give us the oppotunity now to combine each of their arch enemies into a single baddie! I mean, if we're going to plumb the depths, let's go all the way, with cheeze whiz and everything!


    Red Skull is the obvious one for Cap. Unfortunately, I stopped following shell head too many years ago to even know who's still alive and kicking.


    Uh, the Red Mandarin maybe? (wait, isn't that a fast food chain? :think: )


    The Skull Melter?

  5. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever


    I always loved the old Defenders mag in my youth, but some of the writers just did a rediculously abysmal job with Dr. Strange, reducing him to little more than a levitating EBer.


    So, this springs to mind as a WCBSFE: Strange and Nighthawk fight Luke Cage. And Cage holds his own. Um... N.Hawk was just dead weight in any case, but Strange could dispose of Cage in about two seconds. Then, all three went on to fight the Wrecking Crew. Cage -and- the Crew wouldn't be any threat to Strange unless they really got the jump on him... like finding him asleep.


    OTOH, I understand the challenge writers faced in that mag with a team that included both Strange and the Hulk. (wisely, they dumped the Surfer relatively quickly) But I really enjoyed the team when the core line up was those two plus Valkyrie and Nighthawk. It was really a quirky mix of personalities, plus some very offbeat stories for its day.

  6. Re: Superhero Comics & D&D Alignments


    So many would qualify as LG or NG... trying to think of some others:


    The Hulk - Neutral or chaotic neutral, I would say.


    Human Torch - Like Spidey, I would see him as a chaotic good.


    The Vision - Lawful neutral


    Multiple Man - Chaotic good (As an old X-Factor fan, he happened to come to mind)


    Hercules - Chaotic good


    Hawkeye - Chaotic good

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: What other caring words from Marie Antoinette ensured she got decapitated when talking about manure ?


    A: Lives could be lost


    Q: What might happen if the Death Tribble farted?


    A: Please oh please don't paint it purple!

  8. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin


    Leave us not forget the sheer power and usefulness of being a really, really good whiner. Even the strongest willed of GMs will usually relent rather than go on listening to it. (Particularly if you have the group at a disadvantage in some way, like being the sickly little brother of the group's sole female player.)

  9. Strictly a narrative based pbem, no gaming system for this one. Emphasis on character development & role play. Based on the reopening of Department H, players are raw recruits for the entry level Gamma Flight team. Somewhat darker, grittier, more cynical tone than the classic AF series, though there is plenty of room for idealism and virtue, also.


    See here for more info: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/gammaflightrpg/


    E-mail brianshaffner@earthlink.net with any questions, or to shoot me a character proposal.

  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


    I have a friend who absolutely loves them. Each time she mentions them I have to keep from asking ashamedly... "Who?"


    Lol, really only known for the song "Laid":


    This bed is on fire

    With passionate love

    The neighbours complain about the noises above

    But she only comes when she’s on top etc.


    Dye my eyes and call me pretty! Eeee-Heeee-eeee etc. etc.


    I picked up the best of CD 'cause it was just a classic tune I wanted on disc, and couldn't believe how many other good songs were on there once I got into it.

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