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Posts posted by Northstar

  1. Re: The cranky thread




    Junk mail REALLY makes me cranky. It's just plain effrontery. It is having people send garbage into your mail box.


    If I was independently wealthy, I would hire a team to acquire all the addresses of the executives of ALL the companies that send me junk mail. Then, I would have the team stuff envelopes with cigarette butts, banana peels, used kleenex etc. and mail it to their home. At least twice... no, three times a week.


    Ah... yes. :D Revenge would be sweet...

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    You're a half an inch taller than I am - I like to say I'm 5'9", but I'm really just a bit over 5'8".


    Say... me too! Is 5'9" the default height for an NGDer? I love being part of a group where I don't have to feel short! :D (It's brutal here in TX... Lots a tall people! Even women who are like 5'10" - 5'11". In the words of ELP, "somebody get me a ladder! " ;) )


    My gripe: What do people have against cherry flavored beverages? My favorite Sobe was the Black Cherry... and, of course, they eliminated it.


    So then they come out with regular Cherry (Courage)... and now it looks like that's going away.


    Cherry coke continues to become increasingly harder to find, replaced by *blech* vanilla.


    What's wrong with cherry, anyway? Cherry is good. It's even good for sexual puns and double entendre... I mean, c'mon... :D

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    I hate insurance companies. ALL of them. At the end of the day, they're just about taking $$$ from people and doing nothing in return.


    Yep, I may be glad I have insurance some time in the future when calamity strikes... but I'll still despise their companies from whom I've had consistantly, bar none the absolute worst customer service of any industry I've dealt with...

  4. Re: The cranky thread


    and people wonder why I quit watching the news....


    Yup, that's the real solution here. Good stuff does happen... but the news likes to talk about it very seldom. A lot of people get off on death & mayhem, apparently. No one I've ever met... but somebody apparently... 'cause they're just given the peeples what theys wants...

  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    I just flew out to Cali for the holidays, and took CJ Cherryh's "The Morgaine Saga" (originally released as a trilogy) for reading purposes on the plane. It's one of my favorites... I've read it probably fifteen times or so since 1985.


    Her works just blows me away... she has influenced my own writing far and above any other fictional author. CJ can deliver more impact in a paragraph or two of subtle dialogue than some authors can in eight chapters of bombast. Also, she can do both Sci Fi & Fantasy with roughly equal skill. Sweet lady, too. Will answer fan's questions through her web site. (http://www.cherryh.com)

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Ya know, that's funny. I have almost exactly the same sentiments about George Bush!


    Letterman's not a comedian, he's a salesman.


    He's sold the idea that he's funny and a talk show host. He's about as funny as a root canal, and he is the absolute worst talk show host ever.


    What he is is an attention whore.

  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I have a side to me that is pretty self critical. However, as an adult, I've learned to use it in mostly good ways... to be honest about areas where I'm weak, and really need to improve... and then do something about it.


    Once & awhile I'll buy myself a beer though, just to keep things friendly. ;)

  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Last February I moved from the CA Bay Area to the Dallas Metroplex. (Long story, won't bore ya...)


    It's the first time I've ever moved out of state... hell, the first time I've really changed location in any significant way. I got all the obligatory warnings from my friends back home when I told them where I was going: "The weather sucks in TX," "There's nothing out there... it's all flat lands," "They get tornados," "You can't get healthy food at restaurants," "It is SO right wing," etc. etc.


    You know, not once since I've been here have I ever given much thought to the weather, even during the summer. The geography hasn't really bothered me... though I do miss being in driving distance of the ocean. I've managed to find reasonably what passes for california cuisine, and I've not thought too much about being more or less a democrat in a very pro-republican environment.


    But damn, it does strike me daily how many people I had back home that I really miss. Enough that I'm now really giving thought to closing up shop here, selling or renting the beautiful home I got, and heading back to my -real- home...

  9. Re: Who was the LAMEST?


    He never had his own mag (mercifully) but I just can't not nominate this guy...


    Herbie the Robot who replaced the Torch in the FF cartoon in the late seventies. Rom nothin'! That lil' twerp was the frickin' epitome of robot dorkiness! But apparently S. the Man thought he was so cute, they just -had- to introduce him in the comic for a bit, too! Ugh!

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