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Everything posted by Skouser

  1. Re: Fourth Age Hero Hey Savinien, I have run some Campaigns in Middle Earth recently, though using the old Rolemaster system, but had to stop due to work. Here is the ultimate source for material for an ME campaign: http://www.merp.com. Join the site and then go to the downloads section. It has uh, every single out of print old ICE MERP product in PDF form. That's countries, cities, maps (beautiful Ron Fenlon ones), dungeons, everything... Go nuts. I had started a 4th age game that was going to send the PC's down to Harad and then even farther south. No need to worry about affecting the tolkien 'Canon' with hijinks down there either. Super high powered bad guys in the jungles of the far south of Middle Earth. Check out the module: Court of Ardor.
  2. Re: Creating a mafia Might want to check out the Jhereg series of books by Steven Brust. High Fantasy Mob stuff, and very good reading. Could give you lots of ideas.
  3. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement Banked and never spent?!? That ain't right... Thanks for the help guys...I appreciate it! If the GM will let me "rework" the character, I'll post the .hdc file of it and we can figure out a way to round out the guy a bit. He's sort of a medieval Tony Soprano type, and we're playing in Terry Amthor's ShadowWorld setting. Lots of city stuff and plenty of intrigue. Again...thanks for the help!
  4. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement We can't use the XP unless we train. 1 month of training per XP point. We didn't get charged experience for the treasure from the last dungeon though, so I can see that being an added benefit? Regardless, I still think character advancement in this system is pretty much at a snail pace compared to the other systems I've played. Good or bad, that seems to be the case. I don't have enough experience with the system to judge whether that is designed to maintain game balance, but whatever...it's still fun.
  5. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement Hmm...I'm a newbie, but I thought the GM determines what can be picked as "everyman" skills? I could be wrong tho? I'll ask my GM about it.
  6. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement Yeah, we are playing Fantasy Hero. We were allowed to start with 75 points and 75 points in disadvantages. So far have been doing quite well in combat...I developed an Archer and also took penalty skills so that called shots are more easily successful. (I mitigated the -8 against head/vitals shots by developing the penalty skill to +5, so now just a minus 3 to aim for the head or vitals.) Came in handy when shooting at some trolls gonads recently. The 2x Killing damage makes a huge difference. But the character limitations on other stuff due to a minimum array of skills is starting to rear it's head. Kind of coming to the conclusion that my character will be unbalanced this way for a quite a long time, as at this rate of XP development it will be a long time before I can round out the character correctly.
  7. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement Yeah, I guess it can vary from game to game. I'm pretty generous with the Rolemaster group that I GM, so it's kind of the opposite situation for this HERO campaign where I just run a character. Problem is...there are some very basic skills that I had to pass over in order to make this guy potent enough to survive any combat encounters. Can't swim, can't climb, can't do a lot of basic stuff. That's the rub I guess. I suppose I could have built the character with more skills, but then sucked during combat... I guess I'm still too much of a newbie to be able to find the right balance. In the meantime I'll have to keep rolling -8 or under to keep breathing/walking etc. ;-) I hope to have accumulated enough points for that stuff in another year or so...
  8. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement alas...seems like a flat rate of just 1 per. I do like HERO, but I must say, the development point aspect of it (at this rate anyways) is pretty lame. However, the character seems to be more potent at the start...so perhaps that's the balance?
  9. Re: New To Hero: Character Advancement I've just started playing Hero, but the XP rate we receive from our GM is only 1 per gaming session. Is that pretty low? It seems like it to me. In other games I've played D20, Rolemaster, Gurps, it seemed you could do more with your development points.
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