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Kage Neko

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Posts posted by Kage Neko

  1. Personally, every time I have fought a lycanthrope in a game, the only guaranteed way to take them down before they killed you was a head shot. I call one on this thread!


    Kevlar is not going to help against me (I have run across this beforem ;)).

  2. A unique idea for starting a campaign. Maybe next time I GM ...


    But I would have a standard list of what the character can start with/roll for:

    1. Primary weapon
    2. Secondary weapon x3
    3. Shield
    4. Armor
    5. etcetera
    6. etcetera


    With a couple of free choices at the end where the character could roll for anything short of artifacts. Of course discussions with the GM would be necessary for some characters (e.g. the two sword wielding, shieldless, arena fighter). That way you could limit how many things the characters get, but stil alow them to have a reasonable chance at unique items. You will also need some defaults for when the characters fail to roll successfully for essentials (main weapon, armor, daily traveling clothes [nudist sword fighter anyone :D]).

  3. Thank you for the idea, I had not even considered aid or succor, but they seem ro require a lot more points and honestly seem a little clunky (no offense intended) being two separate powers, though I assume the multipower could be considered the weapon design.


    What I was looking was a relatively simple power, such as the HKA (with or without the Armor Piercing advantage), that would just add to/stack with the inherent damage of the weapon and convert it to Killing damage, not requiring any redesign of the inherent weapon stats.


    This is why I brought up question three. If the player does not want to add any DC, what does he have to do to convert to Killing damage since it requires resistant defenses? And question two, assuming DCs were added, where does the DC boost available from strength factor in, if at all?


    In addition, with the Chi Boost power as written, or with OAF Some Weapon Type, even if the weapon were designed as a multipower the damage could be added to each part of the power while not necessarilly boosting any of the weapons other abilities.


    An aid or succor designated as adding to the DCs or other abilities of a specific weapon type, not necessarilly a multipower, might be something to think about. I will have to think on a design for one such ...

  4. Originally posted by Toadmaster

    Specifically I would like to see examples of


    A "D&D" clone magic system (spellbook, limited number of spells per day etc) same goes for the diety based "d&d" magic as many are going to be using d20 as a starting point, make sure to include a "magic missile" clone as that seems to be asked every couple of months.


    A Runequests style "rune" based magic for a very differant style.


    A "mana" based system such as GURPS (endurance battery?)


    Magic with required prequisites (you need this to even have the potential to use magic or to cast a specific spell)


    and finally a sort of silly or wild magic system such as the spell singer series, you have an idea of what will happen but no idea of exactly how it will occur. Caster shouts "Die" and points a finger and a flock of geese appears flying into the target knocking him off balance resulting in a fall from the cliff or sings the Who's "bucket T" and summons a riding snail.


    Exactly, this would be great. Not just a way of doing magic over various power levels, but a set of examples showing really unique magic systems. This I feel, other than modern fantasy in general ;), is the hardest part for fantasy. Making a unique world is easy; making a magic system as unique is not.

  5. The Sword Mastery is an interesting way to handle this, but I was not trying to specify it so much to one weapon. With the Chi Weapon Charge, someone sufficently trained should be able to pick up any normal damage weapon, take a stance, make a few gestures and chants or shouts, and start doing some massive damage. It costs about the same.


    If I was trying to incorporate it into a specific style of martial art that focused on one weapon like the Bokken, I might switch to OAF Bokken. But I would still keep the power with the character. The reason I did OIF WoO was that the practitioner should be able to pick up any weapon they are familiar with (with the weapons inherent attributes) and use the Chi ability with it (especially since the CWC really boosts the inherent damage of the weapon). The multipower you describe seems to be more of something I would design as inherent to the weapon, not the practioner.


    I would still like to here comments on how strength should play into the Chi boost. So please keep those replies comming.

  6. Another group that might be funto play would be the Telpaths. If they are part of the Psi Core, what do they do and how do they feel about the core? If they are blips/runaways, how do the evade the core and are they trying to reach the supposed safety of the Telepath colony on B5? Then of course there are the Psi Wars and all the changes they bring. Where would a group of telepaths stand, especially if they only recently realized what they were?

  7. Originally posted by bcholmes

    Yeah, I'm *really* interested in Urban Fantasy as a genre (and it still seems to be a trendy genre, if In Nomine, Vampire, Exalted, Unknown Armies, etc. are any indication), and I'd love to see it treated well. I suspect that trying to coerce more than a passing reference to Urban Fantasy into the Fantasy Hero book would cause a lot of loss of focus, but I'd still really love to see it.


    Please, please, please consider an Urban Fantasy sub-genre book!


    Truthfully I have to agree. While I do think modern fantasy should be given due consideration in FH, it really does deserve it's own book to cover the many details that GM and player expectations will add to the game.


    These details should not be slighted. They may be small and add some more work for the GM, but without them the players and GM will quickly feel that something is missing, something they expect to be there, even in an entirely seperate world setting like steampunk.

  8. This question I found while reviewing NH and UMA, but I feel is general enough to be posted here.


    A common ability is a character charging up his weapon to do more damage. An interesting version of this is commonly seen in Anime where high-school students to grand masters seem to constantly carry around a Bokken (wooden version of a Katana [5d6 Normal Damage UMA pg. 169]), get into a tough situation, then charge up and proceed to cut through things like trees, walls, cars, and people (with or without the large splash of blood). A good example of this is the anime Demon City Shinjuku. So here is my question:


    1. The damage has obviously become Killing damage. If the power up also boosts the damage (say to double the normal DC), is it a straight DC to DC conversion? 5d6 normal damage Bokken + 5 DC Killing damage = 3d6 + 1 (10 DC) Killing damage.
    2. Assuming this is correct, does the bonus strength can add to the damage allow double this new total (ie. if the practioner has a strength of 50 can he do 6 1/2 d6 Killing damage with this weapon) or only the original damage of the weapon or none at all?
    3. What if the player does not want to boost the damage, how do you simulate the conversion from damage type to the other considering only resistant defense is good against Killing damage? Do you require the player to pay for a minimum of +1 DC Killing damage?
    4. If you assume the damage is also Armor Piercing (for the fact that the practioner seems to be able to cut through anything), do you have to pay for the Armor Piercing advantage on the original 5 DC from the Bokken (+1/2 advantage for 25 points worth of DC = 13 pt. cost)?


    A version I came up with that does not require specifically a Bokken is:


    Chi Weapon Charge

    +2d6 (+6 DC) Killing damage (30 pt.); +1/2 Armor Piercing (active point cost 45 pt.); -1/2 OIF Weapon of Opportunity, -1/4 Incantations, -1/2 Gestures (2-hands), -1/4 Cannot Add More Damage Than the Base Weapon Can Normally Do (a variation on the Damage Shield limitation in UMA pg. 131) [final cost 18 pt.]


    +1/2 Armor Piercing for up to 6 DC (15 pt.); -1/2 OIF Weapon of Opportunity, -1/4 Incantations, -1/2 Gestures (2-hands) [final cost 7 pt.]


    Total Cost: 25 pt.


    Someone with the Chi Weapon Charge ability would be dangerous in almost any environment, the only safe place to confront them woud be in the middle of an empty field, but then that blade of grass at their feet might be a problem (especially if they add the ranged advantage) :D .


    So what do you think? This sound like the right way to simulate this?

  9. Modern Fantasy


    What I want to see is a detailed description of modern fantasy. I consider modern fantasy everything from steam punk to modern times with magic. Modern fantasy is the absolute hardest thing I have seen to get right for fantasy.


    The things that need to be considered are:

    • Re-introduced magic vs. alternate time-line/-world vs. hidden reality.
    • For re-introduced magic:
      1. Where has magic been?
      2. Why has it come back?
      3. What were the immediate and long term changes society has to adopt?
      4. How to handle a campaign where the world starts normal (what is normal anyways :D) and then magic is re-introduced, whether or not the characters had anything to do with it?
      5. How to handle a resurgance in the mystical powers of the faithful (assuming there was one when magic came back)?
      6. How to handle the secret societies that kept magic traditions alive and now find themselves really powerful?
      7. How to handle magic if the magic level is still increasing?


      [*] For alternate time-line/-world:

      1. If magic exists, why has technology developed?
      2. How has magic changed the direction technology would develop?
      3. How to handle the changes magic brings in an alternate history in ways players can accept?
      4. Are there inventions that magic-technology fusion has allowed (the Steamjacks of The Iron Kingdoms comes to mind) that we do not currently have and how to handle their effects on the world?


      [*] For hidden reality:

      1. How has magic/the supernatural been able to stay hidden all this time?
      2. How to handle exposure?
      3. How to handle the secret groups in this hidden reality, and how they exist in relation to the "real" world?
      4. Government and the hidden reality. How to handle governments that know, governments that don't, and governments where only select groups know?


      [*] The effects of technology on magic and vice versa (ie. can magic and technology work together, if not, ways the GM can use to keep them separate)?

      [*] How to handle low, moderate, and high level magic in a technological world?

      [*] The social/political aspects of being someone who uses magic vs. technology vs. using both?

      [*] Magic and computers/internet, what can and can not magic due to the information world?

      [*] How does a wand of magic bolts compare to a pistol, a fire spell compare to a pocket lighter?

      [*] The mystic races/beasts and there place in modern fantasy?

      [*] How the mythic races/beasts of different cultures will interact with each other with modern considerations (how does a GM handle an Oni from Japan getting on a plane and visiting a demon's home in the Alps)?

      [*] The darker side of society. How the average street punk, or the mob, deals with groups such as goblinoids or dark elves?

      [*] How different modern cultures would be affected by the presence of magic? This would be useful for all three versions of modern fantasy, even as examples for alternate time-lines/-worlds.


      [*] AND MOST IMPORTANT - How to keep modern fantasy in the fantasy feel as opposed to supers or sci-fi?


    The difficult part about modern fantasy, even such as steampunk, is that players have certain expectations about what to expect, similar to sci-fi. What is needed is a section, preferably a chapter like in StarHero for Time Travel, to give the GM and players hints and guidlines in how to mesh player and GM expectations of the world with the many possiblilities opened up by the fantasy element.

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