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Posts posted by sturmrider

  1. 22 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    Valid point, altho it doesn't impact the legality.  


    Attacker makes the attack against a target.  If the attack hits the target, at his full DCV:

    --target becomes the centerpoint for the AoE, until the END pool empties. 

    --Target and anyone else in the AoE are Flashed. 

    --Anyone moving into the AoE, either by their choice OR due to the target moving, is Flashed.

    --The duration of the Flash effect is separate from the duration of the Flash power.  Once hit by the power, the Flash effect duration (which is in segments) applies.  If the Flash power's duration (which is in phases) extends beyond the effect duration, determined on a person-by-person basis since different people may be affected on different segments, then the Flash power takes effect on them again.  The key point is to recognize that the two timed effects are separate.


    If the attack misses, or when the power's targeted at a hex...the point of impact has to be determined.  That's case-specific, clearly.  But once that's determined, that is the centerpoint for the AoE, and the rest follows.   


    You have defined exactly what I'm trying to make. Not sure if I can do it, but working on it.

  2. Hi guys,


    Trying to build an unusual power. The concept is I flash a target. That target now has stuck on him an area of effect let's say 6 meters for the next 4 rounds where anyone else entering it will trigger another flash.


    So basic concepts are there has to be a trigger which will then generate a flash attack that affects anyone who entered the area, but it also effects the person it is stuck on. I figure the power is uncontrolled and cannot be bought with reduced endurance in any way so you have to spend the endurance for how long the field lasts. 


    There are some uncommon effects in this power and I haven't built a power that sticks to anything and is triggered by something else before. I figured here was the place to do it. It may have to be a compound power not sure.


    Thank you for any suggestions.

  3. Thank you all for your feedback slowly, but surely I am getting a small handle on the building of this drone. It has been so long since I played Hero I have forgotten most of the rules on building things, but everyone here has been a great help. 


    Thank you all I will see how the GM and player likes the new build. Take care.

  4. 19 hours ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    Yup - switch from Mental to Radio is a -0 "limitvantage"



    It's either "reduced range" for -1/4 or "limited power" for whatever value seems reasonable for the expected loss of utility.  How often will the PCs be separated by greater distances and unable to communicate fast enough to matter?



    Linked means that one power cannot be used independent of the other.  Is there any reason that radio communications with the team must be operating for the drone to operate, or that the drone has to be buzzing away out there for the team to communicate?  I'd say no to both.  They are both getting the Helmet limitation.  One is getting the extra Limitation for the teammates needing radio gear and the other is getting the extra Limitation for the drone being a target.

    I was thinking he needed the drone linked to the helmet to see what it saw. Maybe I am wrong on this. It is not needed for communications.

    19 hours ago, Hugh Neilson said:



     That could be as simple as "Physical Manifestation - earbuds"


    So is there a reason the Drone needs to transmit other Hearing Senses, or would just "Hearing" as the normal sense work?  It's a 5 point (base) difference if he only adds one sense instead of the group.

    I tried to pick hearing, but clairisentience only offers groups

    19 hours ago, Hugh Neilson said:



    What does he expect Targeting to accomplish?  Without knowing that, it's not possible to suggest how to build it.  The only purpose for a Targeting sense is to allow attacks to be targeted using the specific Sense in question.  Most characters don't have Targeting Hearing, but if their hearing is so precise that they can reliably aim an attack using Hearing alone (so no penalty for being blind as long as they can still hear), that would be Targeting Hearing. Targeting with the drone's Clairsentience makes no sense to me in isolation.

    I have eliminated targeting I think I was confused a bit by it I am thinking like our military drones give a laser target or direct fire to our targets, but I figured out it wouldn't work for a pistol.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:

    So far, so good.

     A switch between mental and radio for a Mind Link is a specific example of a switch that merits no advantage or limitation (6e V1 p 160).  Same page notes affected as sight would be -1/2, and any other sense would be -1/4.  Note that switching to Radio means it is not affected as a mental sense.

    This is not supposed to be a mental sense, but radio communications think of like secret service ear wigs for the other players. So I should remove the I should remove the 1/4 limitation.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:



    OK  Seems to devalue "no LOS", though.  Will he often be in that range, yet unable to see the teammates to establish the link?  Maybe, but he can't even reach them across town with a 1.2 km range.  Note that standard range is only 10x base points, which would be 350m

    I was trying to figure out what the limitation would it be to remove it from planetary to let's say 5 km I am using Hero Designer and found they don't always have exactly that limitation in the program.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:



    So if I blast the Drone out of the sky, the radio communications shut down?  Why would the character build the receiver and transmitter into the drone instead of the helmet?

    No the Drone does not control the communications I obviously messed something up in the build it should be the helmet with all communications, but it has to be linked to the drone to control it and receive its infol.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    The OIF makes his helmet a physical object.  Are his teammates also wearing helmets?  I'd buy a -1/4 for the link being unavailable if some item (even an inobvious earbud) in the teammate's possession is removed or destroyed, if that's what this represents.

    I will definitely add the -1/4 for the earbuds.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:

    Base points before doubling range is 45 points, so base range is 450 m, doubled is 900.  For neatness, I'd set the Radio Link at the same maximum.

    That makes more sense than the one I had I will have to figure out how to do this in hero designer back to work.🙂

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    Does the character have any enhanced hearing senses, or could he get buy with 1 sense rather than the entire Hearing group?

    Character is just a gadgeteer who invents things and creates them as needed. Helmet and drone are something he always has and may improve in the future to include a blaster or something along those lines.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    What benefit does the player think he is getting with Targeting?  Note that Clairvoyance cannot establish Line of Sight.  Being able to perceive a target 300 meters away does not change the range modifier to attack that target, nor enhance the range of the character's attack power.  If he can't see or hear, he can't see or hear through clairsentience either. Absent, say, an Indirect attack that always starts with the drone (which is pushing more into "drone as follower" territory), I don't see much use in this adder.

    I tried adding the targeting to the helmet, but it wasn't available I will have to see what I can do there. Any suggestions would be great.


    Thank you for all your feedback. It is helping me get back into Hero after a hiatus that was sort of forced on me. Now to figure these things out.

    17 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:



    I'd stick to OIF Helmet (to establish Clairsentience) and Physical Manifestation plus the recoverable charge (to reflect the drone itself, the perception point, also being targetable).


  6. Yes we abandoned the idea of a follower drone. The OAF is the drone and he can perceive what it sees through let's say the camera on the bottom in his helmet and give commands to it through the helmet to direct it. He has one drone at a time and for some reason I forgot about the recoverable charges set that up right away. He does want targeting through the drone to hit his enemies not sure best way to set that up but just took targeting on the drone at the moment. Had to boost the number of minds it is 6 total 5 team members and himself. 


    He can relay what the drone sees through our communication sets, but that's about it. I made those normal range which makes it about 1200 meters these are only in use when we are in combat so that should be more than enough.


    Here are the new builds any thoughts would be very helpful and thank you very much for your input.


    Communications and Drone Link Helmet:  Mind Link , Anyone on team, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); OIF (Control and Communications Helmet; -1/2), Flashed as Radio and Hearing Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Radio Sense Group (-1/4), Normal Range (-1/4), Linked (Spy Drone; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -1/4), Physical Manifestation (Helmet; -1/4*)


    Spy Drone: Clairsentience (Hearing And Sight Groups), x2 Range (400m), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 24m per Phase), Targeting (55 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (Drone; -1), Affected as Radio (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Limited Range (-1/4)
        Notes: Mobile Perception Point (Flight)




    Look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Here is the helmet it is linked to:


    Helmet Communications and Drone Control Suite: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group), Targeting, Tracking (27 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2), Linked (Spy-Drone; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -1/4) Real Cost 12





  8. We have bought the cost down and just made it a reconnaissance drone for him. It is linked to his helmet and not in any pools. Here is the build:


    Spy-Drone: Clairsentience (Sight Group), x2 Range (400m), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 24m per Phase) (35 Active Points); OAF Durable (Drone; -1), Cannot Move Through Solid Objects (-0)

    Real Cost: 17






  9. I definitely would not let him make up powers on the fly. The VPP I made had 3 powers 1 always on when the drone is flying the other two he can switch between as needed. It ended up costing 50 points I may try now to set up the drone as a linked multipower that is an interesting way to go.


    I will let you know how it works out.





  10. Thanks JHamin, that is a great idea to buy them as powers defined as Drone using a Foci. I now know how I want to do this. You are right too many reach for the Variable Power Pool and this is one of the first times I have done so for a gadgeteer. I think I will just put it in his VPP as powers defined as drone. Then he can decide which ones he wants active. I have to admit making a VPP for me was a challenge where it was my first time and I've played Hero since first edition just never had a use for one till this player decided to be a gadgeteer and the GM suggested the pool.


    It is a good learning experience for me now I was thinking of everything from a summon and another character as you proposed to making a new VPP for all the drone's capabilities, but "KISS" is in effect here and I like that better.


    Take care.





  11. I have a player that would like to design a drone for his character to use. I am considering making a Variable Power Pool called Drone for this I am just curious what others think would be the best solution. I know he wants a spatial awareness part of it being fed to his helmet I am thinking fine, but he has to process it as a person just as our drone operators do. Any suggestions for this would be appreciated also if there are any prefab modules out there that have drones great. I have the equipment and gadgeteer prefabs and didn't see it in there.


    Thank you all for your feedback.

  12. On 2/7/2022 at 3:04 AM, Tasha said:

    I am very partial to the Tasha's Ultimate Sheet. Though I may be biased.

    Tasha I like your design a lot, the one thing I would like to see mind you I am not familiar with html is on page 2 where it gives OCV and DCV a little note that to hit is equal to 11 + OCV - Die Roll = DCV hit. I put it on the pdf I printed from the html, but to do that for every character takes some doing. I don't know it may not be doable on your end, but this is more to help the newer players in our group and remind the older ones as they forget.


    Take care and love your character sheet.

  13. Hi all,


    I bought my version of Hero Designer back in 2017 it is version 6, but since then have there been any updates or reason to buy it again. I have been away for a little while health reasons and am just getting back into Hero and if it is worth updating I will do so. For example I saw one of the programmers talking about adding I think it was Divination, but it may have been something else. 


    Look forward to hearing from youi.





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