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Posts posted by mserabian

  1. I guess the title says it all...


    What are your thoughts on the new 6E version of the Champions Universe book? What does it add that's

    not in the 5E version? Would you rate it better than the 5E book, the same or worse? What's changed?


    What's the campaign and adventure hook ratio on this book? Does it get your juices flowing for running

    campaigns in the world of Champions?


    looking forward to the discussion!



  2. Re: Thrilling Places!


    I bought the PDF on the first day it came out! It's as excellent as Masterminds and Madmen!! If you liked that book you will love this one.


    I'll be sure to pick up a hardcopy of the book this week at my FLGS in hopes of keeping this line going...


    Darren and Steve - does this mean the Pulp Hero line is in danger? :confused: Are the Pulp Resource Book and Lands of Mystery possibly up for cancelation? Please say it isn't so.:eek: Pulp Hero, Masterminds and Madmen, Thrilling Places, and the HPAs have been some of the best pulp rpg products ever produced and I (and I think many others) have been eagerly wanting more in this line of products. Certainly Lands of Mystery must not be canceled as it is a remake (with Aaron no less) of one of the best rpg supplements ever written!



  3. Re: Recent Lost World novels


    Several books by James Rollins are quite close to the old Lost Worlds books.


    Subterranean is a true lost world novel. This is his first book and it is one of his best.


    Excavation features a lost tribe of incas and their shocking secrets.


    Amazonia also features a lost tribe, some interesting animals, and other surprises.


    These three are the most like the old lost world books. Others he has written contain some elements thereof:




    Ice Hunt


    Deep Fathom


    These two have the most tenuous links to the genre, but they're still pretty good modern pulp.


    Map of Bones


    Black Order

  4. Hey guys


    I'm attempting to convert the excellent Shadowforce Archer setting to Hero. One thing that is giving me a sever headache is the Mystic Magic system. I like the flavor of it, but I just can't figure out how to model it in Hero terms.


    Here are the main elements...

    1. All Magic in the setting is ritual oriented.

    2. Rites and Rituals must be learned from found tomes before they can be used.

    3. The caster draws spritual energy to cast the Ritual/Rite from "Bonded Followers". Each Ritual/Rite has a minimum number of Bonded Followers needed to cast. Some have variable results based on the number of bonded followers. (for example 1d6 damage for each 10 followers present).

    4. There is a rite that is used to make a person a Bonded Follower.

    5. Bonded Followers must be present at the Rite/Ritual to count toward the total needed.

    6. There are feats that make the caster count as multiple Bonded Followers.

    7. Spells don't have a set casting time. They have a base time and then a skill roll must be made to until a certain number of success points have been accumulated- then the Rite/Ritual goes off.


    Any help in trying to model this in Hero would be greatly appreciated!





  5. Re: Eberron Hero


    Really wonderful work on the conversions. Thanks so much for working so hard on those.


    As for suggestions, I'd love to see the artifcer and magewright classes done up as well as the prestige classes as your next project!



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