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Tester Smith

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Everything posted by Tester Smith

  1. Re: a Hero Idea You could use Aid(END Reserve) linked to an attack to charge up the END Reserve. As for the END Reserve starting at zero, apply a limitation that the reserve losses 1d6 END per Turn(-1/2).
  2. Re: Damage Hero System Almanac 2 broke down the affects of a 1 MT nuclear bomb. Being at ground zero a character would suffer the following. Radiation Burst: 6d6 RKA AVLD(Power Defense), 3d6 CON and BODY drain, recover 5 pts. per month. Thermal Blast: 20d6 RKA EMP: 6d6 RKA only vs. electrical circuitry Blast Wave, Static Overpressure: 20d6 RKA Blast Wave, Winds: 20d6 RKA, Double Knockback Negative Pressure: 3d6 RKA Hope this helps.
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