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Doc Tough

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Everything posted by Doc Tough

  1. Re: Original Supervillain Groups -- Get Creative! Doc sez... One of the oddest groups I created and subjected my players to was a loose syndicate of metahuman women called MAMA. This stood for the Malveolent Association of Mothers and Aunts. All the members had names that started with Mother, Aunt, or Sister (or variations of the same). The were created and led by Mother Morphia (and later her successor, Mother Morphine). She was an outstanding chemist who specialized in a wide variety of pharmacopia. She was joined by Auntie Social, a psychotic cyberborg. Others in the groups changed from time to time and I can't remember too many, but there was Sister Sledgehammer (a brick), Aunt Nachronism (a gadgeteer), Auntie Freeze (a cold projector), etc. There was a male member, or rather pawn, called Pounder. Morphia used him as a body guard. They were typical (if you ask my players then) of the weird villians I cobbled up for adventures. It got to be that they actually brought sliced cheese to throw at me on occassions. They had no sense of humor Doc Tough
  2. Re: Help me make a choice... Doc Sez... As a GM I found UNTIL more useful than Vibora Bay or Reality Storm. However, you might consider getting Vibora Bay first in order to have a interesting place to have your group visit particularly because of the odd things going on there.
  3. Re: In Real World Terms... I would suggest gravity and rides through the upper atmosphere from space.
  4. Hello again... Thanks again to Lord Liaden for the gaming shop leads. However neither store had the OOP Hero plus products I was looking for. I'm looking to get copies of Haunted Hero and Unknown Eagle (the first book, not the sequel book. If you have or know anyone who copies please let me know at: doctough@aol.com Thanks in advance
  5. Re: Looking for OOP Hero Plus products Thank you for the leads. I'll look through and see if they have anything I'm missing.
  6. Hello everyone... Having only recently been able to return to one degree or another to this much loved hobby of gaming I was checking my collection for missing products and found I missed quite a number of the e-books/disk books. I'd like to find sources for the missing products or others who might be willing to sell/exchange downloads or hardc copies of the older, OOP products. If you can help me out here please reply here and/or email me at any or all of the following addresses: doctough@aol.com (home) eg@fairhillcenter.org (work) Thanks in advance... Doc
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