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Dr. MID-Nite

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Dr. MID-Nite last won the day on March 13

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About Dr. MID-Nite

  • Birthday 12/23/1968

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  • Occupation
    Self-employed and also sell video games

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  1. " THAT is strength, boy. THAT is power! "
  2. How many of these Crisis movies are they making? I'd prefer to watch the whole thing at once.
  3. Classic Enemies, Champions in 3D, Classic Organizations, and Deathstroke are among my favorites.
  4. It's the Godzilla vs Megalon of the Monsterverse.
  5. I'm not denying that by any means. My first major trip outside of North America was in 1996. it took me less than 48 hours to realize how monumentally broken American society is. And it's many degrees worse now. I'm just saying how painfully obvious it is. Nothing more.
  6. Microwave (and possibly other villains) from The Great Supervillain Contest I believe used this origin.
  7. In Japan, members of the cast of Minus One are recognizable stars. Just wanted to clarify that.
  8. From my FB review... Movie Review: Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire (2024). This sequel to 2021's Godzilla vs Kong more or less picks up right where the earlier film left off. Overall, this was much better than I expected (though my expectations were admittedly low). While the movie isn't deep by any means, it moves along at a brisk pace and is generally engaging throughout. I give extra credit for the decent amount of personality given to Kong and kin (and they also carry much of the movie). The only real negatives are the somewhat rushed ending and Godzilla mostly regulated to a supporting role. Better half guessed the extra guest star. I'm so proud. Worth a rental at the very least.
  9. I just can't find anything humorous about American politics right now....
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