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Dr. MID-Nite

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Dr. MID-Nite last won the day on October 20

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About Dr. MID-Nite

  • Birthday 12/23/1968

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    Self-employed and also sell video games

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  1. Most of these characters weren't together as part of a group, but were part of The Avengers at various times. Triathlon and Silverclaw were introduced during the Busiek/Perez run. Whether you like those characters or not, it was definitely not a time where "everyone was skipping The Avengers". Dr. Druid was involved in three of the best Avengers stories IMO...Masters of Evil takeover of Avengers mansion....The Olympian Gods vs The Avengers, and the Super Adaptoid revenge story. All of these were excellent stories with some great iconic moments. I will give you that Druid was involved in some of the team's low points, but The Avengers isn't just "The Big Three". It never has been.
  2. There are some surprisingly dark moments in this...like the clown using the dead body of the sheriff like a ventriloquist's dummy.
  3. I'm in a swing state. We get everyone's flyer. 😊
  4. " THAT is strength, boy. THAT is power! "
  5. How many of these Crisis movies are they making? I'd prefer to watch the whole thing at once.
  6. Classic Enemies, Champions in 3D, Classic Organizations, and Deathstroke are among my favorites.
  7. It's the Godzilla vs Megalon of the Monsterverse.
  8. I'm not denying that by any means. My first major trip outside of North America was in 1996. it took me less than 48 hours to realize how monumentally broken American society is. And it's many degrees worse now. I'm just saying how painfully obvious it is. Nothing more.
  9. Microwave (and possibly other villains) from The Great Supervillain Contest I believe used this origin.
  10. In Japan, members of the cast of Minus One are recognizable stars. Just wanted to clarify that.
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