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hooligan x

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Posts posted by hooligan x

  1. Re: Clix mod challenge


    Spiral would of course be a good base for Medusa.


    Yeah, that would have been a lot easier. But I wouldn't get enough X-acto time in. Incedentally, Zap-a-gap is great for stopping bleeding.

  2. Re: Clix mod challenge


    What about Guardian?



    I'm in Aus so I may be able to help with the Geelong AFL goods (although you should be going for the Fremantle Dockers)...Let's see what the miniature is like!


    See the attached pic... (done in Hero Machine and then modified a little)






    Being a proper son of New England, I have to support the team that is most likely to break my heart. With the Sox and Pats this last year, we're all confused. And the Bruins are undefeated this season! Hopefully my Revs will take the MLS cup.


    I'll get to work on your fig next week.

  3. Re: Clix mod challenge


    I only bought two boosters and already I have two copies of Mr. Terrific' date=' so I think I've got my first victim. Now to decide what to do with him. (Got Mr. Freeze who may be my favorite clix so far).[/quote']


    The good thing about Clix is that you are certain to have duplicates. Save one then chop away at the rest! (Is Mr. Freeze cast in clear plastic? I've got plans for him if he is.)

  4. Re: Clix mod challenge


    So hooligan how did Reptyle turn out?


    Reptyle is just about done. He's a frankenfigure using Wonderman, Batman and a touch of Sidney Savage. I wasn't happy with the first costume paint so I'm repainting. Right now the grey and black look a bit dark against the green skin. I was tempted to put him in jeans and an LSU tshirt, but I resisted. One of my sunday gamers is bringing her camera over so expect pics then.

  5. Re: Clix mod challenge


    Can't wait ta see how she turns out. :)


    The arms were easier than I thought...then I noticed I'd forgotten the cape. Crap city! Still possible for Sunday.


    Who's up next? I can probably mail these bastages to anywhere reasonable (US/Canada)*. I'd consider shipping to UK or Australia if bribed with Liverpool or Geelong goodies!


    *I don't mean to imply that the US is more reasonable than the rest of the world, although Canada really seems to have it's s**t together.

  6. Re: Clix mod challenge


    Will you be including a stat dial with him as well? :) I've been kicking around doing this for my PCs lately ...


    The stat dial is in the dumpster behind the building already. I slice them clicky bastages off first thing and glue the fig to a slotbase that fits in a standard hexmap.

  7. Last game I introduced a new villian to the campaign I've been running for two years. A few days later I realized this new guy was the behind-the-scenes Kaiser Soze for most of the plot so far. I was as surprized as anyone.


    I find that I do that a lot. My players think I have this complicated overall plan, but in reality it just sorta jells organicly. Anyone else have a simular experience?

  8. Looking around at my heinie-high pile of Heroclix I was inspired to ripoff Etherio's pic challenge with one of my own. Post an interesting character and I will ham-fistedly attempt to mod up a figure for you. Turn-around time won't be as good as Etherio, but I'll post a pic of the figure and attempt to get it into your hands somehow.

  9. Re: My Avatar


    I think I prefer Evil Keiko, but I do have a weakness for the bad girls. And no fair mentioning the nude Keiko with no way for us to see it. THAT was truly evil,

  10. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    Well' date=' I once came up with a legacy of British football/soccer superheroes, under the name of The Score. The original was a normal human with incredible skills, and the current is a all around super-athelete, with, on topic-ally, Captain America type level superstrength, speed, and endurance.[/quote']


    My football hero was called "Red Card". He clamed to represent the U.K. but the U.K. disagreed. He had George Best's personal life, Vinnie Jones' playing style, and US prez GWB's eloquence. The tabloids loved him!

  11. Re: Last minute ideas for Sunday's game


    As a Champs player and GM since 1983 I have played with at least 50 newbie Hero players, one of whom is still playing in my campaign after 14 years. My advice is to use this adventure as a shakedown period and allow the players to rebuild the characters afterward. Don't worry about continuity, contradictions in continuity are genre appropriate to comic. I allow all newbies to rebuild and have a standing "If you haven't used it in game you can change it" rule for everyone else.


    This forum can be very helpful when you're stumped for ideas or you've painted yourself into a corner. But you know that now, don't you?


    Cheers and good luck with your new Hero fanatics!

  12. Re: Power level for God


    Gozer the Gozerian? Choose the form of the Destroyer?


    Actually I went with Belak of Kirjath-Jearmin which I found in the Old Testament. Joshua has some great names to crib for bad guys if you don't mind plagerizing from the Lord. Five years of Catholic school for this?


    Belak was off-screen and in a dream this week. I won't need stats for months as he has evolved into a manipulator/mastermind and the PCs will have to deal with his deluded minions first.

  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Two from tonight's session:


    After thrashing a bunch of Egyptian-themed theives at a museum the PCs call on Oracle, sort of a S.H.I.E.L.D. that deals with the occult. The two agent leading the recovery team are Remiel (an angel) and Sharok (a demon).


    Cobalt the drunken cyborg: "How did you become an Oracle agent?"


    Sharok: "We graduated top in the academy."


    Capt. Mysterion: "So you would be good cop and bad cop?"


    Remiel: "Yeah. We've never heard THAT before."




    When the PCs are threatened by aa ancient Caananite war god, Cobalt the drunken cyborg was less than impressed:


    "Hey, we fought the Queen of Hell and came out ok, I'm sure we can handle some bozo from the Time Before Guns!"

  14. Re: Last minute ideas for Sunday's game


    Once they've figured it out and returned her to normal, she can be a useful NPC to consult on matters mystical.



    Of course, she might also be a threat to the world so great she was bound in a book centuries ago, the shopowner being one in a long line of unwitting jailers. Now the PCs have released her, they must battle Demon, the evil thingies the witch calls up, and the witch herself all while trying to stuff her back in a book.

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