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Killer Shrike

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Files posted by Killer Shrike

  1. Killer Shrike HTML/JavaScript

    A 6e multipage HTML export format for Hero Designer 
    In addition to using it as is, a user can also enable the "Notes 5" tab using HD's Campaign Preferences feature, allowing a given character using such a Campaign Preferences ruleset to opt into altered and / or enhanced output when exported using this template.
    The more prominent options available are:
    Combat Page: Hit Locations Hit Location notes Range Modifier notes Suppress any of the standard maneuvers that have common Martial equivalents For instance, on a character with Martial Throw, it can be convenient to omit standard Throw from the Combat Maneuver chart The format is "var flagShow<Standard Maneuver Name>=false;" Bio / Background page: Suppress the entire page from the output (useful for minions, and generic write ups) Other: Change colors (main, alt, link) Change fonts inject custom logic to interject whatever valid javascript logic you want function applyExportSettingsOverride(){ /* whatever js code you want here  */ } Various header and subheader text replacements (which I should make the time to document, but currently are discoverable by reading the function applyExportSettings() in the template document)  




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