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Posts posted by Hierax

  1. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies


    Better to have PSL for all sorts of penalties, just like there are skill level and combat skill levels for all sorts of bonuses.


    If they are only for Combat Penalties they should be called Combat Penalty Skill Levels (CPSL).


    It's a useful concept, why not have a simple mechanic for it regardless of the type of penalty.

  2. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies


    Makes no sense not to have non-combat PSLs. Any sort of Penalty should be allowed for by the system restricting it to CPSL seems to be an odd restriction that gains nothing and loses lots of options.


    I guess you could create different PSLs like Talents giving a final single cost after the limitations on what ever CSL or SL is used.


    The why not non-combat PSL seems to not have any reason behind it.

  3. Re: combat luck when grabbed


    The current official Combat Luck is only one way to build the concept. It could be built a lot of other ways too -- +DCV, Damage Reduction, Damage Negation, etc. Heck, you could build the Talent as a Multi-Power of several things if you wanted to cover all the bases of what could happen. My point is that if the official Combat Luck build doesn't do what works for your character (like avoiding being grabbed) just use the good ol' "Reasoning from Effect" and build a power/talent/skill/whatever that works for your character concept -- isn't that what Hero does best - let you customize to concept?

  4. Re: So, Sixth Edition, has anyone reviewed it yet?


    H6e is really really good, not perfect (in a lot of ways it didn't go far enough along the path it started down) but better that H5er and any of the bits from previous editions that you like better are still usable as house-rules, it just means you have more options to choose from -- more tools for your gaming toolkit -- and many of the new rules are very good and with the impending Advanced book even more gaming goodness will soon be available...


    I'm still trying to absorb the implications of all the changes but I wouldn't go back to 5th ed. after seeing this wonderful new edition!

  5. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel


    Amazing thread guys!


    Some I didn't see mentioned but I'd love to see what your massive collective creativity could come up with:


    • Doorman
    • Revolving Door
    • Cabdriver
    • Shoeshine guy/kid
    • Window Washer guy
    • Chimney Sweep guy
    • Fireplace
    • Bugs (flappy like flies/mosquitoes/bees or crawly types like ants/cockroaches)
    • Food delivery guy/kid
    • Ambulance and/or Firetruck arrival
    • Fire Alarm
    • Ceiling Fan

  6. Re: Is there a "penalty to skill roll" modifier for powers?


    The Side Effect method is one way, here's another:


    If you're using Hero Designer, add a "Custom Adder" of Negative Points (a "custom subtracter") to the Power that is equal to the positive points that Skill Levels with that power would cost so that the costs and utility cancel out, nice fair and even.


    This is essentially the same thing as building a compound power with Skill Levels. I know that (for some reason) the system currently frowns on negative levels but this might serve your purpose...

  7. Re: Question reguarding To Hit probability


    2d10 offers a very nice middle-ground between 3d6 and d20 probabilities. It has a slightly greater range of values that 3d6 and a curve that's less steep which makes for better granularity. With a bit of effort it should work great for the HERO System, particularly non-super-heroic games that gain more from the greater differentiation.


    Many people are happy using 3d6 but if you're not I say go for it! Sure, some may consider it an apocalyptic blasphemy playing HERO with anything but d6s, but if the effort is worth the effect to you, why not do it for your own game?

  8. Re: Power Discussion: Barrier


    Sure' date=' but if you dumped the same amount into DEF, you'd have a 18 DEF barrier. Tough, yeah, but there's a lot more ways around it - a 12 DC character could Haymaker, add CSLs to damage, maybe push, and quite likely break out in one action.[/quote']


    Or ~ 1 BODY and 36 PD! Potentially pretty much a permanent prison.

  9. Re: Omcv 1?


    Isn't that the way it worked in 4E' date=' or 3E maybe? I seem to remember all negative costs being counted as Disadvantages then.[/quote']


    I thought that they basically were too. The both have negative costs, so in my mind that makes them the same thing.

  10. Re: Dispell Magic


    In 5e RSR that was subject to a skill vs. skill contest was worth -1/4 more of a Limitation on the RSR. It isn't in 6e but easy to add back in as a Custom Modifier.


    Besides Dispel it also makes a good way to simulate Magic Resistance and/or Saving Throws vs. Spells.


    Too useful of a tool not to have in the RSR toolbox.

  11. Re: 6th Edition Question: New Powers?


    FWIW, the Recovery-Based Regeneration in HEROGlyphs was 0 points for BODY per month ... 10 points for BODY per week ... 70 points for REC as BODY per Turn (default REC 4 BODY per Turn).


    Compare that to the flat 0 points for BODY per month and 10 points for 1 BODY per Turn in 4th ed.


    Gives a nice spread of point costs for different effects using the REC based Regen.

  12. Re: Omcv 1?


    Hmmm, OK, then using the new Power Advantages to attack alternate defences just look at OMCV as a potential sort of "active defence" like a mental block and DMCV a "passive defence" like a mental dodge or avoidance. But for most folks that's probably a bit much, so yeah I see your point.

  13. Re: Independent limitation in 6E


    No, it gave the character an option to get his power cheaper (like any other Limitation) until they paid the price - again Sauron can't whine he lost all those character points because of the Limitation when he almost got to rule the world because of getting more powerful because of the Limiation -- better first, then worse -- that's what makes Hero great, there's always a price to pay!

  14. Re: Independent limitation in 6E


    If they didn't want the Limitation consequences they shouldn't take it. It's like whining about limiting your defences and getting hit by an attack of a different SFX or taking a Susceptibility/Vulnerability and complaining when it's used against you. You get the discount but it comes at a price. Seems to fit the Hero meta-philosophy perfectly.


    People that didn't like it didn't use it but I don't think it caused any real problems and was far from worthless.


    That all said, it's easily worked back in with a Custom Modifier Limitation. I've never felt constrained to play any edition of any game strictly by the rules of that edition any more than I've felt the need to only cook food according to a recipe, games like food are best seasoned to taste. The more ingredients available to choose from to customize it the better, that's my only complaint removing a choice lessens the game options.

  15. Re: Reactions to 6e


    but with Pivoting you get both Horizontal and Vertical / Landscape and Portrait. You can switch for the task at hand. Reading e-book = portrait; doing layout large scale with a 2 page or 4 page spread = landscape; doing text editing = portrait; watching a movie = landscape; etc.


    Pivot is a 2 slot Multi-Powered Monitor!

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