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The Arc

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Everything posted by The Arc

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Lobster Boy "Gee Captain, why so crabbie?" Thought this would make a great cabin boy for Legatus.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine It was a dark and stormy morning as Caylor Holtstedder was driving her VW bug home after a gruelling night working the emergency room at the hospital in Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, where Caylor was a nurse. Caylor was dead tired at a twelve hour shift and this was her first chance to get away. She had inheired a small cabin on the outskirts of the Black Forest from her parents. It was simple, but Caylor called it home. The rain and the wind competed trying to knock Caylor off the road, but the German woman kept it the car stead. Caylor was momentarily blinded by a flash of lightning, and didn't see the figure rush out in front of her. There was a loud thump, and Caylor momentarily lost control of the car. She smacked her head on the steeringwheel before ending up in the ditch. Groggily Caylor relized what had happened. She just knew what she had hit must have been a person. The door of her car was practically ripped off when she opened it to get out. Rain pelted her without mercy and quickly Caylor was soaked to the bone. However, Caylor didn't notice. Rushing back up the road Caylor saw a body laying on the side of the road. Her nursing training quickly kicked in and Caylor rushed to the aid of the person she hit. However, when Caylor bent to examine the person, she was taken aback. It was definately a woman, but her skin was dark as coal and her hair was the color of snow. She was also dressed in the most outlandish clothes Caylor had ever seen. It looked almost like the woman was wearing some kind of armor. Bending closer, Caylor was in for another shock. The womans' ears were pointed. Now Caylor was really scared. She didn't know what she had found. Caylor was tempted to run back to her car and get the Hell out of there. However, when the woman let out a low moan, Caylor quickly changed her mind. A quck exam didn't show any major trama, but Caylor knew she couldn't take the woman to her hospital. Her only other option was to take this strange woman hope. The woman was suprisingly light and Caylor lifted her without much effort. Walking back to the bug, Caylor didn't notice with six pairs of glowing volpine eyes watching from the woods. Nor did she her the hunting horn as she put the VW in gear and sped away. The eyes quickly faded into the forest. Back home, Caylor laid the strange woman on her couch and proceeded to remove her clothes that turned out to be some kind of lightweight armor. Caylor was mystified. Caylor deed a further exam of the woman and discovered a large bump of her head, and possibly some broken ribs. Nothing too challenging for Caylor. After she got the womans' ribs tightly bound, Caylor set about to get the fire going. She didn't realize that she was freezing as well. She changed into her robe and put her Grandmothers' quilt over the unconscious woman. Exhausted Caylor sat down in her fathers' overstuffed chair near the fire in exhaustion. Caylor was awoken with a knife at her throat. The woman stood over her glaring at Caylor knife in hand. "Do you serve him?" the woman growled in oddly accented German, "Do you serve the Jäger?" "The Jäger?" asked Caylor. The woman looked confused herself and stood back. The knife went with her. The woman stood in the middle of the living room a pained look on her face. "The Jäger?" she said as if trying to remember herself. One hand went to her head as if thinking was painful. With a sob the strange woman crumpled to the floor, the knife forgotten. She sobbed "I don't know, I don't know." Caylor was quickly out of her chair and comforted the woman. Finally Caylor was able to get her to lay back down on the the coach. It was later that Caylor came to the conclusion that the woman was suffering from amnesia. She didn't know who she was, nor where she came from. Nor who the Jäger was. However, Caylor knew that the woman who Caylor called Alva wouldn't be welcomed in town, but also knew she was in no shape for traveling. Alva would need to stay here. Alva has lived Caylor for the past three years. In all that time, she hasn't recovered her memories. However, Alva has taken to the woods, where she has helped people who've become lost or hurt. Those who've been lucky to encounter Alva have come to call her the Schwarzer Förster. Occasionally volpine eyes watch her and Caylor in their small cabin on the outskirts of the Black Forest in the darkest of night only to fade into the dark at the sound of a hunting horn. Schwarzer Förster
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Red Ivan
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Great White Quote: "I eat Cosmic Centurions for breakfast."
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thought these guys would make great foes for the Cosmic Centurions. The Fabulous Five From Lft to Rgt: Pink Prince The Seducer Validia Femos Thera
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine La Pantomime du Crime
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine El Kabong!
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Comrade X
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine http://caradeedu.vilabol.uol.com.br/antigos/fabrica_x.html
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Actually I wanted to give him tentacle hands, but couldn't find them. I know I saw them somewhere on HM3?????
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Slippery Dan
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine "Neither rain, nor snow, or the dark of night shall keep this mail man from his duties." Willie Lumpkin
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Crime Stands No Chance Against... Cerulean Blue
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Scarlet Bomb
  16. Re: Cosmic Centurions I included the part about the Soviet Union mainly because Silver Age comics delt with the cold war, or so I've been told.
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine saddler-khaaaaaannnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Reminds me of that bit in I think it was the Kentucky Fried Movie, where there was a Conan the Librarian.
  19. Re: Cosmic Centurions It was widely reported that Gus Grissom died alongside his fellow astronaughts Ed White and Robert Chaffee in the Apollo 1 fire. What really happened to Gus Grissom is still a mater of national security. In the 1960's the United States and the Soviet Union were in a race to be the first nation to land a man on the moon. Soviet defectors had provided top secret Soviet Intel that the Soviet Union had developed a spacecraft way beyond today's technology (actually it was adapted from alien technology discovered in the Tunguska event). Gus was secretly smuggled in the Soviet Union to steal the spacecraft for the United States. The mission was a success and a failure.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A) According to my bit of research there are over 7 thousand lanterns. C) The face wasn't easy to do. I wanted the head to cover the chest, which required a lot of enlarging. However, adding the eyes, nose and mouth was harder to do.When you add them they appear where they would normally appear without the enlargement, plus when you increase things in size they migrate to the top of the page (I don't know why). So once, I actually got them to the size I wanted, I had to manuallly bring them into place. I think I did a good job of it.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Could have been worse, you could have thought is why is Mr. Potato Head wearing a Centurion uniform. I also try to see how far the app can be pushed. BTW-You cannot change the size of the eyebrows.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Actually this one is really an homage, based upon Galius Zed, one of the Green Lantern Corps. And Cyan is a color.
  24. Re: Cosmic Centurions Okay there you go. there's an idea for the source... Now how did Silver Centurion come into play? If the Silver Centurion was human how about the old Planet of the Apes scenerio. An astronaught in an experimental spacecraft, is sucked into a wormhole and crash lands on the Shinyougari Source, where he encounters energy ghosts (remnaments of the Council of Life), and they council the Silver Centurion in the making of the cosmic armbands.
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