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Posts posted by Drewbicus

  1. Some Recent Winners From My Group


    Good cop, PSYCHO cop


    The players have stopped a hit raid against a particular mafioso named Jimmy the Shark. They have Jimmy and are questioning him to find out who might have sent the hit team. The two heroes are a scrapper type and a pistolero type (who is on his first mission with this super team). The conversation goes like this, in what should have been a "Good Cop/Bad Cop" play:


    Scrapper: Tell us what we want to know!


    Jimmy the Shark: No


    Pistolero: Can I shoot him?


    Scrapper (obviously thinking this is a ploy): Sure.


    Pistolero: OK. *shoots Jimmy in the head*

  2. I have ONE that might beat CAP


    Bombardier. Flying power armored type.


    If Bombardier shoots first and hits before CAP realizes he's being attacked, he'll win. If cap knows he's being attacked, harder, but would still either win or be a draw. Character is about 350 points.


    The relevant powers: Flight speed high enough to almost always make sure he's attacking from a direction cap is not able to protect with the 180 degree arc for the shield.


    Effective OCV of 15 with his ranged attacks.


    -20 vs range mods.


    FF that is part of a multipwer (1 slot is ED, the other PD, so he has to allocate points between them, and against CAP, everything goes into PD to avoid shield damage)


    Rapid Attack skill.


    The attack that would do CAP in (unless he has immunity to toxins someplace I missed) is a 4d6 NND (immunity to toxins) 1-turn continuous charge hyper-velocity narco-dart attack.


    Since Bombardier has speed 5, and could shoot twice in one phase with a good chance of hitting CAP when he's not aware (or from a direction the shield ISN'T due to his high flight speed) if he hits with both darts Cap would suck 5 consecutive 4d6 attacks from each dart for a total of 40d6 worth of stun over one turn just from those first two darts hitting him.


    That's, what? 140 stun on average rolls? Unless Cap does nothing but take recoveries for the next 5 phases (which would make Bombardier's life a lot easier) even CAP would have a hard time with that.


    Since Bombardier can do that from ranges so extreme Cap probably couldn't even see him effectively he'd have a very tough time fighting back. If Bombardier runs out of Narco Darts or feels he can't do enough damage to win, he switches flight to mega scale and bugs out.


    If Cap knows it's coming, though, whole other ball game.

  3. Re: More Side Effect questions


    I probably could look it up, but it's not relevant to the point. It's a multipower of varied ranged attacks, for what it's worth.


    The one limitation (activation roll) is supposed to turn the power off entirely.


    The second limitation (side effect) would have given the player back half the power he lost with the activation, but would have made it all cost less in exchange for negating half the problem from the activation roll.


    The concept was that some of the time the powers would only work at half effect, but the way he bought it would have given back too many points for the effect.


    The "partially limited power" idea rocks, though, and gives the player a way to buy what he wanted.

  4. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?


    Two come to mind for me in games I've run:


    1. Methane Man

    Primary power: RKA, NND (Self contained breathing), does body, AE: Cone, No range, Only fires behind him, continuous.


    And his sidekicks "Belchor" (same basic power, fires forward), "Gobbet" (phlegm entangler) and "The Amazing Snot Rocketeer" (not even going there.)


    2. Crybaby

    Tiny infant hero. Can't talk, can't understand anything, big, nasty sonic attack.

  5. Re: More Side Effect questions


    Hi, I am the GM in question from the first post in this thread. What hte player originally submitted was this:


    75 point Multipower.


    Activation Roll: 14- (-1/2)

    Side effect: If the roll fails power works at half strength. (-more)



    That's not workable because he would have been getting points back for buying a "limitation" that negated half the effecvt of the prior limitation.


    I like the suggestion of buying "partially limited power". That could give him exactly what he needed.

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