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Posts posted by Shike019

  1. Re: How would you create this power?


    I would use a combination of TK' date=' Fine Manipulation, Machines Only and Mind Control, Machine Class.[/quote']


    This is what I was going to suggest. Maybe for the mind coltrol add in a limit (-1/4 maybe) Only simple machines.


    Though You might get away with just a TK...

  2. Re: New Player Hates All The Dice


    I know I'm coming into this discussion a little late, but, how many ways can you roll an 11 on 3d6 vs. how many ways can you roll 7 on 2d6?


    My guess (w/o doing the math) is there are more ways of rolling 11 on 3d6 than there are of rolling a 7 on 2d6. as such, I think you would be more likely to roll the 11 on 3d6, with more possible combinations, than the 7 on 2d6.


    I think that this might be relevant to the discussion, but I may get shut down and kicked out of the room for this one.

  3. Re: Your Hero Web Page


    Update from Shike's Roleplaying Page.


    Added Content on the Abra Dar campaign setting. (unfortunately you will have to fish for some of it. Sorry.) Also, re-formated the popup menus and did some house-keeping. Please visit and send me a comment, suggestion, or something to include.



  4. Re: Build me a power - Paralyzing Touch


    I actually asked this question. The way I ended up building it was an Entangle' date=' Based on CON not Str (+1/4) with some other mods in there. (I used the optional consecutive hits from UMA as well as placement penalties, etc.) When I get home I'll post my writeup.[/quote']


    Here's the build my GM and I finally Agreed on.


    Paralytic Touch: Entangle 2d6, 4 DEF, Requires A KS: Chinese Healing Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0), Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Works vs CON, not STR (+1/4), Affects Desolidified Cannot be escape via Desolidification (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (97 Active Points); Timing Must Be Perfect (Attacker cannot miss a phase or a hit) (-1), Must Make A Special Sequence of Blows (3 blows) (-1/2), Must Make Very Accurate Blows Against Target (-3 OCV for placement) (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), 8 Charges (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Can be cured by Chinese Healing (-1/4) Real Cost: 21

  5. Re: Casual Survey: Age of players and Hero's utility vs. other games


    I wasn't refering to the mechanics (I've got few quibbles here and there, but you are right they made it more consistent) I was refering to the tone and tenor and feel of the world stylisticall.


    I've made mention of it on the boards before, but I just don't like the way the game has become a non stop stream of books that are nothing more than feat/prestige class/domain injection systems and nothing more. There just isn't the same focus on story telling that there used to be.



    This I would have to completely agree with. The books have become all Crunch and no story/background. Even the Realms books have become more feat/class/Prestige Class than story and you have to go back to the AD&D material to get the correct feel of the setting.

  6. Re: Casual Survey: Age of players and Hero's utility vs. other games


    I must be the young pup here as I am only 28.


    I got ya beat, I'll be 27 on Memorial Day. I've been playing HERO for a little over a year, and gaming for about 6 (started on AD&D, then D&D, White Wolf, and Shadowrun). I think hero is by far a better system than any of the previously mentioned. My only problem was getting out of the ridged mindset that comes with D&D.

  7. Re: Build me a power - Paralyzing Touch


    Ok, I've been poking with things and trying to build this and have been unable to get the actual effect I am looking for.


    The SFX that I want is a combat nerve strike that induces paralysis. Think of the nerve-strike used by "The Operative" in Serenity. I've been trying to build this with an Entangle but I am missing something... I figure it's probably NND, Takes No Damage (Any Attack) but I can't figure out how people get out of it. (It's certainly not being attacked physically. It might be a willpower (EGO) feat but that seems to include other problems like being blocked by Mental Defense .)


    I'm not attached to the idea of the Entangle, it's just where I have focussed my attention. Because of the nature of the desired effect, I have also considered calling it a Presence attack but I am not sure how to build a Presence attack that is based on CV... Any other ideas are also welcome.



    I actually asked this question. The way I ended up building it was an Entangle, Based on CON not Str (+1/4) with some other mods in there. (I used the optional consecutive hits from UMA as well as placement penalties, etc.) When I get home I'll post my writeup.

  8. Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla


    This seems a likely consideration...

    I'm also getting the feeling that I am over complicating the system


    I would have to both agree and disagree, you are thinking of making hero in terms of RoleMaster, instead of Hero interms of Hero. Like you I came from a different RPG background (for me d20) and when I first looked at the book I was overwhelmed by the system, I eventually understood that it was NOT because of the mechanics, thats the easy part, it was the broadness and custamizablity of the powers, skills, etc.


    If you take hero in hero terms I think you will begin to better understand how to use it better.


    Also the hero system takes a lot of creativity, sometimes, to create the game effect you are looking for in a power/spell.

  9. Re: A couple Questions from a (semi) old herophile


    I'm going to echo what everyone else is saying about HD v.3 It is a cheap upgrade from v.2 (about half the cost) and a much better program.


    I use it for everything. Also, the 2 year contract model system allows for Dan to add fuctionality as he designs it instead of waiting for the next version release. There will never be a v.4 in this model.

  10. Re: Your Hero Web Page


    Well, I've got some new content up, I also got my menus to work right. I also removed the Discussion Boards, just easier without them.


    I also started developing a campaign setting, kind of a Celtic/Asian mix, so if you have any ideas please submit them on my website.




  11. Re: Your Hero Web Page


    Actually you have to keep a positive point total. You have to start out getting 10 points before you can request, and then, you can continue to post. No problems until your points go negative. Also, All board posts count towards your points. So the Webiste support forums also add to your points. Points are based on the number of characters in your posts. I post a couple of times a week, though they are pretty indepth posts, so i get the maximum number of points / post normally. I'm actually enjoying the community.

  12. Re: Your Hero Web Page


    Sorry Susano,

    That is the price I am paying for a free site. It is really the master resource for my game. And things are being actively added sometimes dayly, but I can promise weekly.

    Actually, popups can not be blocked if you want to see some of my really cool things deeper into the page. I am hard coding some of the really nice effects. Expect to see much more flash and maybe aniamtions by summer.



    I also feel that I am building a quality web page. The pop-ups are really not that bad, considering the depth of my material. TV has commerials, my page has a few pop-up :-)


    Although if anyone wants make a 2 year donation I will be glad to buy off the ads!!!!


    If you want to get some free webspace with out any adds. I suggest you go to the sight where I host from. http://www.frihost.com They're really good about support and stuff, the only problem some might have is that you have to be an active member of their discussion boards, though I would like to get another Hero gamer over there.

  13. Re: Oddity: Regeneration Configurations


    Regeneration: 12 Body' date=' Extra Time (1 Hour)[/u']

    Heals 12 Body Per Hour (72 Body Cumulative Per 6 Hours)

    240 Active Points

    64 Real Points


    Regeneration: 1 Body, Extra Time (5 Minutes)

    Heals 1 Body Per 5 Minutes (12 Body Cumulative Per 1 Hour, 72 Body Cumulative Per 6 Hours)

    20 Active Points

    6 Real Points


    Shouldn't these cost the same, or even shouldn't the second power actually cost more than the first, since you get the benefit of healing sooner?


    Just An Oddity


    - Christopher Mullins


    What would happen if you added "Gradual Effect" to the first one. THat would make it act as the second. (wouldn't it??)

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