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Posts posted by fwcain

  1. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    The corrupt law which asks that one person per village volunteer themselves to keep their village and world alive per year just might be the only way. That's the question. If such a situaction came to exist in his own world would the hero in question require that entire human race allow itself to become exstinct rather allow a willing 500' date='000 to sacrifice themselves?[/quote']

    If I recall correctly, the original scenario stated that the PCs do NOT have verification of any such "requirement." In any case, should the appropriate mystical proof be forthcoming, my characters would probably challenge it (as well as challenge the x-dim entity asking for these sacrifices; "Hey, you! Who the [bleep] died and made YOU god!?!").



  2. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    Not all societies need do so in precisely the manner (degree and form) you have declared' date=' though.[/quote']I challenge you to show me such a society, in today's world, which espouses the philosophy you've been citing. In every society on the face of this world, none of them permit ordinary citizens to kill people, except for the cases I've cited (execution; defense; war).


    Tossing Down the Gauntlet ;)


  3. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    Your personal certainty' date=' unfortunately, does not translate into objective validity.[/quote']Yes, actually, it does. ;) Can you prove otherwise?...


    More seriously, yes, it does, because any society which does NOT espouse the sanctity of life to some degree and form is DOOMED TO FAILURE.


    Do you accept any other circumstances under which killing would not be murder?
    Self defense, or defense of a third party, which I would lump under "unofficial execution." For example, if someone was trying to kidnap a woman, and I had no other means of stopping the would-be kidnapper but my 9mm, well then, *BLAM*, one less kidnapper in this world.



  4. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    There is a difference between moral subjectivism/relativism and simply being able to acknowledge that you cannot be certain of the objective validity of your code of morality.
    I am absolutely CERTAIN that it is immoral to kill another human being, when that human being is not an active threat to myself or any other third party. That's why I specified two (and only two) exceptions to my original statement: Executing a condemned criminal (who has presumably demonstrated that they are and will continue to be a threat to innocent persons); and Acts of War. Again, neither of these cases apply to the scenario stated. Therefore, each and every heroic character I've ever played would unanimously oppose this sacrifice.


    (There WOULD be a "spirited" discussion, shall we say, amongst these characters on how to DISCOURAGE the villagers from ever trying to hold another such sacrifice...) :D



  5. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    But it is sanctioned on this world' date=' according its laws and traditions. [/quote']Thus, their "laws" are morally corrupt, and should -- nay MUST -- be opposed by anyone calling themself a true hero. PERIOD! :thumbdown This is the sentiment (with varying degrees of loquaciousness and/or eloquence) that will be espoused by any and all of my hero characters. Bottom line, that sacrifice is gonna be STOPPED! :D



    Who is NOT a Moral Relativist ;)

  6. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith


    First of all, to whomever said this sacrifice would not be murder, I request you look up the definition of murder in a dictionary. Murder is, by definition, the unsanctioned taking of the life of a human being in a premeditated manner. ("Sanctioned" in this case would refer to two cases: First, the lawful execution of a condemned criminal; Second, an act of war. NEITHER OF THESE APPLY to this specific situation!)


    Second, I cannot, for the life of me, think of any "hero" character of mine, PC or NPC, who would NOT interfere and rescue the victim (regardless of the victim's wishes). Being a hero means DOING THE RIGHT THING, REGARDLESS OF THE PERSONAL COST. (Now, the MANNER in which the rescue takes place, THAT would depend on the specific character in question...) ;)


    Oy! Here endeth the sermon! :P


  7. Re: any changes to Martial Arts maneuver construction in UMA (from 4E to 5E)?


    They're largely the same' date=' though with a few tweaks to wording here and there.[/quote']

    Cool; that's all I needed to know. I just wanted to know if my custom maneuvers were still "legit."

    I'm sorry' date=' but we can't make any of the Martial Maneuver building rules available for free. [/quote']Don't be; that's how you make your living, after all! ;)


    Besides, since there weren't any major changes to the maneuvers, the second part of my original post was moot.




  8. Whereas UMA is (currently) out of print and thus unavailable, for those of us who have the "original" (4th Edition) version of UMA (and Ninja Hero), are there any changes to the methods and resultant costs of building "custom" martial arts maneuvers in the 5E version of UMA?


    And, if so, could these changes be made available from HERO Games/DOJ, in some (online?) format, at least until such time as UMA is once again available for purchase? (Please note that I am not asking for some third party to violate copyright law! I am specifically asking if Hero Games would be willing to provide this otherwise-unavailable material to prior customers. I'm not asking for illegal scans, "warez," or other violations of Hero Games'/DOJ's IP!)


    Thanks in advance!


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