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Atomic Gaslight

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Atomic Gaslight

  1. Re: Free Lemurian Costume Piece this weekend I feel reeeeeaaaallllly dumb, but which section of the costume creator is it in? I picked mine up, but now I can't find it to use it...
  2. Re: Champions Complete: Modifier List/Cheat Sheet? That's great! Thank you very much. (And hopefully this will be the post that gets me out of moderation...)
  3. Re: Champions Complete: Modifier List/Cheat Sheet? I suppose even just a list of the names of the modifiers (possibly with values just to indicate at a glance whether they're advantages or limitations) and page numbers would be useful. Something I could do myself, of course. Derek, I can imagine what you had to go through to condense HERO 6e into one 240-page book, no criticism here. I was just wondering if another fan would know of or could concoct something I could print out and keep handy, rather than having to continually page through the modifiers to see what, if anything, would be applicable to each power, etc. Bang-up job on the book; I'm very pleased to have it on my shelf!
  4. Re: Champions Complete: Modifier List/Cheat Sheet? Basically, what I'm looking for is a table, like the ones in the back, of everything from page 96 to page 119 of Champions Complete. It doesn't have to provide detailed summaries of everything therein, but it would be nice to have a reminder of all the general modifiers available with their applicability, values, page numbers with perhaps a very brief summary of what they do.
  5. I was wondering if anyone knew of or had worked up a table, list or cheat sheet for modifiers? The back of the book has tables for everything else, but not modifiers.
  6. Re: Where are the most recent Champions write-ups? Champions Complete includes writeups of the current team as starting point total characters.
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