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Everything posted by solron915

  1. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well tell me when everything is ready to go and I'll download it as well. But I wait for you toos approval on 1.7 . I think Sam would get more input if she was wearing hot pants and sittin on a Harley .
  2. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well I spent my xps on Ta'Rang. I raise his computer programing to 13- , martial move (basic punch 5d6), and +3 csl for his laser rifle . I thought about putting the csls to ships weapons but Ta is really a ground pounder first (solider) so I went with a more toward improving his combat skills in a special forces type first. I think we may need them in the coming sessions. Besides Sam and Wade can handle the ship and shoot the weapons . I do have ship weapons as a WF but I don't have any bonus yet. Also what about the cost of new missles or is the TES clerk (Phillip) just going to give them to us ( please O'noble Taffy.....GM God .....Ha Ha ) . As I will need to resupply the ship before our next mission.
  3. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign me too
  4. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well I do have 3 extra points just laying around . I suppose I could use them on WF: Starship weapons . Which would still leave me one extra point . That is if it is GM allowed.
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Sys Ops 13- It appears tat Ta Rang has no csl for the ships weapons system at this time. but he will get some soon.
  6. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yeah that'a for sure as that is the first thing that happen to me last week. So we go with Gemini then, Yes.
  7. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign So tonight are meeting at the playground or gemini ?
  8. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Nice job,
  9. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ya Ya I know, but it was an acident, honest.
  10. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Man, I did not mean to start your mind to dreaming up new and involving twist and turns to the already wild and wonderful plots within plots that are happening now. But then again we seem to never have a dull moment so go ahead ansd scheme your little heart away.
  11. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yeah well it was up earlier , I seen it I did .
  12. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign It is up and we would never send you messages of protest. Maybe letters of concern but not protest .
  13. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well i just looked at ORPG and noticed that our server is not there. Nor is Presto's . So I'm guessing you will have it up and running as soon as you find out it is not.
  14. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I have an idea.....Let's blow up the bug, what's ya think
  15. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign How come the monkey has to always blow up. I thinks a real good time for the hotshot pilot the should be the one to blow up .............
  16. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well, there goes the new paint job.
  17. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign So this week we return to the space dock in Prenglar and pick up Shr'Kaak . Then we find out if Presto is moving down under or she is coming here . But will the bug be ready for the new adventures of the Gemini II . Stay tune to find out what is happening on the next great adventure of the Gemini II.
  18. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ok what server are we playing in tonite.
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Arn't I a bad monkey............
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign So what I'm I chopped liver. I'm hurt Starwolf and Ghost Angel get all the thanks.....and your truly ,,,nothing , I know my comment was short but it was written with care and felings for the game and and ....trying to help you with your mental problems............Jheese all I wanted was just one kind word. AAAAhhhhh great sadness......sigh,weep
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign You know best what you want and the final decision is yours. So I say go with what makes you the happiest. i do like this board though and would hate to see it disappear but other then that I'm really don't mine how you set up the rest.
  22. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I can do that yours was the biggest group I sent out . I'll zip them up into one file and send them again.
  23. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Nol did youget the files I sent to ya.
  24. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Whhhaaaaaaa
  25. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yeah but you're making your own worlds too.
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