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Everything posted by solron915

  1. Re: [Game Long] Adventurers Inc! That was as much fun as playing the game . I almost wish we had finished the game. But maybe someday. Great job G-A I truly enjoyed reading it as I did playing in it.
  2. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Did I call you crazy....No I would never do that, a little whacked in the head, yes I'd say that. I'm just trying to get us a little backup incase you two.........well you know are indisposed
  3. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Something like that, Yeah.
  4. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign So I need Sam's help in picking up PS: Engineer and I have Transport Familarity with ground vehicle & hovercrafts . That means I need to add Starships to it and then get combat piloting after that. This is for when you two humans freak out again we will atleast have some chance of someone else flying the ship and fixing it too.
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I 've got a question is engineering a professional skill or a knowledge skill or can it be used in either area. What about pilot training as Wade is giving Ta'Rang instructions on flying the Gemini, which skill do I need to pick up for this (combat piloting).
  6. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign How'd you do the tatoo on her arm?
  7. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign That's awesome rendering, I definitely want to see what Ta'Rang will look like as wellas Caspar and Shr'Kaak.
  8. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hope you don't have to work to hard. See ya next week.
  9. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Never mind I figured it myself by sheer luck. But I did it. I like the look of him so far but Yazirians perfer to be barefooted. I like the rifle,too. Crazy Monkey need big gun.
  10. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ok guys I need your help . I can't get xp pro to let me see Ta Rang.jpg . It won't do pop-ups . Where do I go to correct this errror.
  11. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hey were do I get the equipment list for TE. Starwolf said to look for te-stk.zip. I can't locate that file. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well tomorrow is the game nite once again. Yepee Yahoo....... Does anyone know which site we're playing on. I really don't care which one it is as long as we are playing.
  13. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I've set mine up with the older version as of guys said the newer version was not up to grade for our uses. Thank you Starwolf for helping me get Ta reloaded into HD . I will need to get the ORPG node so that I can export him. I think I have him up to where he was before the computer exploded. i will compare it to Nols node on thursday.
  14. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Don't do this to me, I'm having enough trouble now. When I look in My Documents (from HD) I can not see Ta'Rang file but if I go to My Documents it's there. Why won't HD show the file?
  15. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign As long as I can play ,I'm happy. But what you could do is send me the most up to date Ta'Rang you have. Cause i sure do not want to recreate him in HDv3 from scratch. Oh yeah how do I import him into HD.
  16. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hey everybody I'm up and running with the new computer. Starwolf helped me setup ORPG and HDv3. So I am ready for next thursday. It's an older computer Pent 3 450 mhz but it's running XP Pro, so I'm jazzed.
  17. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign You're really getting into the godlike roll of GM, Nol. That's just the way it should be. And on a newer note I just got a computer given to me. It has XP on it but I need to get it connected to the internet. I hope to have that done tonite. Then I'll need to reload everything for the game. I have only 7 gigs to play with on the HD. I do like the Devourer as a Yazirian. Thanks Nol for the final answer to that question.
  18. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I definitely don't like the chimp look. I have not seen the Yeti figure but Yazirians are slender but muscled . Not big and buylky like a Gorilla or a heavy worlder. Yeah i guess we do need Nols input in this area.
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ta'Rang needs to be more humaniod then monkey. I would prefer a human with a hairy face over the over the monkey with goggles. I saw a human demon-type called the devourer in a DAZ(Michael pictures). This would make a make Yazirian. He would need some work but between the two of you guys i know you can do it. Once starwolf rebuilds my computer I will be able to try my hand at it.
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Have either of you been able to make a Yazirian model yet?
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Thanks GA
  22. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ah could someone send me the address for ORPG . That way I can atleast have it setup and ready for the game.
  23. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well let me update you guys . I fried my computer,Starwolf thinks I had a cascade failure starting at the power supply on down to the motherboard. So I have to use my wife 's computer. It runs on win98 w/ 128 megs. I don't think I can run the new 1.7 ORPG system on her computer.But with Starwolf and Nols help I should be able to put Ta'Rang back together for the game one the 29th.
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