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Everything posted by Anton

  1. Are there any sites that still do Forum style roleplaying online?
  2. I would go this way: Energy Blast 6d6, Double Knockback (+3/4), Area Of Effect (11" Cone; +1) (82 Active Points); Involuntary (-1), Double Endurance Cost (-1/2) =33
  3. Might need a GM ruling on that. I would like that the concealment roll would be on the creator of the vehicle since concealment is a int skill and vehicles don't have int. However, maybe you have a on board computer then holographic camouflage net then I could see a necessary roll. Just an opinion.
  4. Might need a GM ruling on that. I would like that the concealment roll would be on the creator of the vehicle since concealment is a int skill and vehicles don't have int. However, maybe you have a on board computer then holographic camouflage net then I could see a necessary roll. Just an opinion.
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