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Everything posted by ashuramarsh

  1. I need some help with designing a device. Background for information: The character generates a cloud of radiation around them. They have conscious control over it and it happens automatically. What I need is a device designed they must wear at all times to negate it. Much like Cyclop's Visor or Surge's bracers. If needed i'll post the overwhelming power. Ashura.
  2. Thanks, plenty to chew on.
  3. OH forgot to say I am using 6th edition.
  4. Hello, I am looking to build a battlesuit/robot. It normally acts as a self-dependent robot but the builder can access it and wear it and use it as a suit of power armor, in which case it is self-dependant anymore. Would this be a multiform, vehcile with AI or side kick? Any other suggestions? Ashura.
  5. Re: What's the best way to build an AI with a hard light hologram Sorry to be so late in answering. I poured over everything. I will ponder the suggestions and see what works best. It is an NPC I'm GMing the game for a friend. The ship belongs to the player, stolen to leave a planet doomed to extinction. It has an AI on board and is highly advanced tech. The AI has a 'holographic' form that can interact with people and so forth. So far I am thinking of the duplication route with the Altered Duplicates advantage. This way we can have a normal point character without the size and firepower of the ship messing things up. Of course, there is always the Ryo-ohki route... Thanks for the advice given.
  6. hi, I'm trying to design an AI computer that is part of a starship that can project a hard light hologram body. Also the AI, when in the hard light form, can still communicate with the base ship.
  7. Hi all, I am looking for a way to make an uncontrolled strength like that of A-ko from Project A-ko. The character would need to wear bands to keep strength to a controllable level, but if those bands were lost then the characters strength would be uncontrolled, probably max strength only, etc. So what I am looking at is this: The character buys a normal strength of 60, usable at all times and under control. But wants to have a strength pf 120, which acts like A-ko's. So the character must have these armbands to keep strength down to 60. I thought of some sort of suppression, but not sure how best to make it all work, so just looking for some suggestions. also, this kinda of goes hand in hand with cyclops and surge of the x-men.
  8. I was writing up a Kaiju this morning, like Gojira. Using the colossal template based on the sizes I remember of his size from past japanese magazines. I got to the point of Colossal Hands And Feet: Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +½) for up to 120 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½). The 6th edition book says the cost for this is 90 points. I thought they might be using naked advantage for this but when I used that the cost came out to 120 points. Am I wrong? If so does anyone know what power they did use? Ashura
  9. Re: Demon Barrier Thanks for the advice. Was hoping not to rewrite to much.
  10. Re: Demon Barrier Thanks Torch I'll look into that as well. I am thinking demons will become rather common. The major NPC is a mage who the PCs will be using as a contact. However, just thought of something I have to re-evaluate, one of the Pcs wants to be a demon gone good. So a barrier against evil demons only?
  11. Re: Demon Barrier What I was looking for was something like the barrier from the spiderwyck chronicles that kept the goblins at bay so they could not approach. Or similar to the use of Shinto Ofuda barriers from animes.
  12. Hi all, My first post. I do have a question for 6E. I wanted to make a barrier of protection that keeps out demons. My original thought is for ti to protect a house. But I am not sure what power to start using. I have looked at barrier, which seems to only stop damage. Dispel, Drain and Suppress seem to be more of banishment style spells by getting rid of the demon. Any help, please?
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