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Kara Zor-El

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Posts posted by Kara Zor-El

  1. Re: Conan vs. Elric


    Stormbringer beats Conan hands down. Elric himself would pretty much be puddy in Conan's hands however.


    Essentially Conan would be the guy that brings a big knife to an artifact fight.


    Skill has nothing to do with it, he's just outmatched by the overpowered Magic Item.


    Bah. He's been there, done that, by Mitra.





  2. Re: Conan vs. Elric


    Hmm' date=' well DC is apparently doing an Elric mini-series this fall (4-issues). So perhaps DC and whoever is producing the Conan comic will have a little crossover.[/quote']


    Dark Horse is doing Conan. And doing a fine job of it. :) Of course, having Busiek writing is a bonus. :D

  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I actually agreed with his initial opinion about goodbye/suicide threads and his initial opinion about Nexus' first few posts on the thread' date=' however he was disgustingly nasty and smug on the thread which seems to be his typical way of posting. I hope he's permanently banned. Who needs him? Please.[/quote']


    Keep your chin up, Starlord. ;)


    Don't want to damage the street when you walk down it. :D


    Hey! How's the father in law doing?

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Yeah, I read your attempt. It was a nice try. Sorry he didn't have the sense to listen to you. :(


    When ChuckG is civil, he can actually be a source of good ideas.


    Ya see, there's the problem with his behavior. I've gotten to where if I see him posting, I generally don't read it just because of his behavior, so I don't see the good stuff. The only reason I caught in that thread was I happened to notice nexus posting a good bye message.


    One problem with communicating via internet is that, for some people, it means they don't have to behave as they would in face to face conversations. Politeness on the 'net is generally a self policing kinda thing, and some people seem to take the anonymity and distance as license to be as rude as they want to be simply because they can. :(

  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I think ChuckG needs to learn common courtesy and some social skills. However, I hope the temporary ban is lifted sooner rather than later despite that. Frankly, maybe I missed some posts, but the line he crossed is kind of hard for me to pin down and I dislike ambiguity. I'm not saying it wasn't just... and that "I'm not here to be nice" comment sort of sums up what I think is wrong with the world. It's a cop out for being cruel or callous, much like "Life isn't fair" is too often used as a reason for one's own unfair actions.


    That said, I don't know if a ban is or was the way to handle it. Since I'm not exactly glowing with options though, I can't say I have a better idea.


    Maybe ChuckG will come back a bit more humble, but somehow I think all it will do is make him bitter and maybe lose DoJ a customer. Mind you, that's hardly going to break the bank, but ...*Shrug*


    Well, several people tried talkin' to him about his behavior, some of whome weren't involved in the argument. Like me. :) He argued with me why he was justified in bein' rude.


    Personally, while I'm not big on banning people, I don't really see where there was much choice. :(

  6. Re: Good bye


    Please, do you *really* think it wasn't obvious to whom nexus was referring in the original post here?? It was a blatant sympathy grab.


    Apparently, it is "riding one's ass" or "unwillingness to tolerate any disagreement" to point out the flaws in the arguments that someone else is making.


    It wasn't obvious to me, as I hadn't read the thread in question. So, yeah, it wasn't obvious to everyone until Chuckg made it obvious and continued the argument here.

  7. Re: Good bye


    > Actually, Chuck, if you hadn't stepped in and continued the argument with

    > him, this thread would have probably died a fairly swift death.




    Again, so much for "not taking sides". For somebody who claims to be such an impartial observer, you spend all of your time talking to chuck and none of it talking to nexus.


    Kara, you're saying one thing and doing another. This makes me want to listen to you *how*?


    > You, too, seem to "desperately" need the "Let It Go!" lecture. You're

    > coming across as someone who always has to be right. If you're so sure

    > you're right, why are you so worried about continuing the argument?


    Ah, so in your world, the people who are right should shut up and yield the floor to the people who are wrong? Or, alternatively, trying to win an argument is somehow a sign of massive insecurity? If the only people who keep trying to win arguments are those who think they're wrong, what does that say about *you*, and *your* repeated attempts?


    Of course, for some reason, your own logic *won't* apply to you. Only to Chuckg.


    ... nothing but a continual series of excuses as to why Chuckg should shut up and let Nexus have the floor -- regardless of who's right or wrong. This isn't impartial anything, Kara, and your attempt to pretend it was was cheap.



    > Your posting to this thread, content-wise, has provoked the responses

    > that have kept it alive.


    Because, of course, absolutely *nobody* was posting to this thread and encouraging nexus before I got here. And, of course, nexus wasn't writing post after post before I said anything.


    Kara, the man had already made four posts bashing some other people hard (out of maybe 10 posts in the thread total) before I opened my mouth in this thread *once*, and was showing no signs of stopping. So I don't believe you.


    I'm not saying NOBODY. You don't listen. I'm saying that you've perpetuated this thing way beyond the life span these threads normally have.


    And you don't believe anyone that doesn't agree with you, Chuckg. I'm sorry if holding you responsible for your behavior is "wrong" or taking sides. And you're not trying to win an argument. You're trying to browbeat someone into agreeing with you by being smug, condescending and superior about a difference of opinion. Arguments based on opinion are never right or wrong.


    Sorry for hoping you could be an adult about it for a change. You're not always right. No one is. I also apologize for appealing to your better side. I was hoping that you had one.


    Have a nice life, Chuck. Go ahead and flame away, sonny. I know you'll have to have the last word. I hope it makes you feel better. :)

  8. Re: Good bye


    What about the man who created a thread solely to bitch and whine about other people? Go give *him* your "Let It Go!" lecture' date=' he seems to [i']desperately[/i] need one.


    Actually, Chuck, if you hadn't stepped in and continued the argument with him, this thread would have probably died a fairly swift death.


    You, too, seem to "desperately" need the "Let It Go!" lecture. You're coming across as someone who always has to be right. If you're so sure you're right, why are you so worried about continuing the argument? It really doesn't look like you're going to get everyone to agree with you, so why keep trying?


    Your posting to this thread, content-wise, has provoked the responses that have kept it alive.

  9. Re: Good bye


    > Ummmm, rudeness isn't admirable either.


    Odd, everybody seemed to admire and sympathize with Nexus'...


    > And it seemed to me you jumped in just so you could be rude.


    So? This entire thread was created for the purpose of being rude to people.


    Are you serious?


    Point one: Everyone? I specifically said I wasn't taking sides.


    Ergo, you're wrong when you say everyone.


    Point two: It was created to be rude to people? You created it so you KNOW why it was created?


    Point three: If you ARE right about point two, that means you have to take part why? Was someone holding a gun to your head? :think:


    Very childish argument there, Chuckg. Please try again, since you're trying to be accepted as an adult here. :)

  10. Re: Good bye


    What I can't stand is insincerity, and dude, you *reek* of it.


    Ummmm, rudeness isn't admirable either. And it seemed to me you jumped in just so you could be rude.


    Not anything to brag about. Nor is someone exhibiting an unattractive trait a good reason to exhibit a different one.


    Not takin' sides on the general argument here, just this one point.


    Just somethin' to think about. :)

  11. Re: Okay, Who's yer favorite Icon?


    Some that come to mind:


    Conan: Iconic Sword & Sorcery character, particularly barbarian.


    The Spirit: Iconic Every Man kind of hero/Independent (Non-Marvel or DC character).


    Spider-Man: For reasons mentioned previously.


    Thing: Same as Spider-Man.


    Hulk: Superstrong bundle of rage. I know most people wanted to be the Hulk at least once, just to "teach them/him/her a lesson". :)


    JSA: See my post above. :D


    Galactus: 'Nuff said. :eek: The ultimate natural disaster. He's not evil. And isn't written as if he is.


    Doc Savage: Pulp Icon, definitely.


    Captain Kirk: Definite Sci-Fi/Hero Icon. C'mon, what's not to love about Kirk? :D


    I consider the Shadow a radio icon more than anything else. :) That chilling voice! :eek:


    Lone Ranger: Western Icon. I'm thinkin' I don't really need to be explainin' this one. Most people know I'm a goody two shoes. lol


    Ironically, Howard the Duck is an icon for me. Steve Gerber's soapbox about what was wrong with the world in the '70's, then the '03's. :D The character just doesn't work when Gerber's not writing him, though.


    I'm sure I'll think of more, later.

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