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Posts posted by Doresh

  1. 22 hours ago, Grailknight said:

    Without Ablative, the Focus does not take damage unless an enemy attacks it specifically.


    Depends on the GM, if 6E1 379 is anything to go by, where it is mentioned that a defense focus is automatically hit along with the wearer. Though this is omitted in Champions Complete, so I guess I may have been overthinking this.

  2. I stumbled upon a quirk with the Focus rules that's really confusing me right now. Let me illustrate:


    Let's say you get yourself an Armored Costume (Resistant Protection) with Ablative (reduced by BODY), all as an OIF, like the "Realistic Armored Costume" in the Equipment Guide p. 273.

    So your character is wearing armor that gets less effective as attacks get past its defenses.


    But: Getting hit also hits the Focus since it provides a defense to the character, and getting past the Costume's defenses means the Focus gets damaged, which knocks out the entire thing since it just as one power.

    So, I'm not sure if being Ablative actually does anything in this scenario, unless I'm missing something.

  3. The fire analogue works pretty well. Both are something already found in nature on more or less frequent basis, and require a certain amount of understanding and ingenuity to reproduce (fusion obviously much more than fire).


    Being a bit of a Galactic Civilizations 2 fan, I would say this plot point exists as a way to get all the newer races on the same level FTL-wise. Well, except that one mantis race that actually comes from the far future, but can take about as much advantage from their superior knowledge as an expert progammer in a world where the fanciest computer available is an abacus.


    And humans aren't the first ones to get their hands on such phenomenal power. GalCiv2's plot involved the Dread Lords, a precursor race so advanced that a single scout ship could utterly demolish entire fleets*, and their planetary invasion forces could be counted on one hand. That might probably require post-Fusion energy.


    *) Suffice to say the campaign was a bit frustrating, but most people just stuck with the sandbox mode anyways.

  4. That the items in the book are made for heroic-level games is news to me. Why are we pointing out things if we are just spending money to buy them? As for the decision to give it -0 because it is assumed, I guess I thought it was a rule. Double check says that must be something my GM does. 


    As for restrainable. I said right in my description that the concept of restrainable was inherent to the concept of a knife, and thus worth nothing. Of course you wouldn't list a non-existent limitation. I was just covering all bases for the person asking for a go-through.


    Equipment in superheroic games are just powers with a focus. You can use the equipment table as a guideline, but you don't have to.


    Points are probably just there as means to compare the weapons. If you just want to wing it, you can just make up some statistics and be good to go.

  5. The names of a number of things were changed, categorized skills have become optional, and the Absolute Effect Rule has been eliminated. Am I missing anything?

    Minimum STR rules have also been simplified. Bracing was worded a bit differently in the process, and CC doesn't have anything about wielding two-handed weapons one-handed with enough strength (which I guess is a step up from those fantasy campaigns where the fighters/barbarians had no reason not to one-hand everything).

  6. Mentor had a great voice - like Brain in Pinky & the Brain (different voice actor, tho).


    He's the game's second best narrator after the actual narrator XD


    And I think Mentor could use a bit of Universal Translator. Seem to recall him talking about knowing 1,000+ languages.

  7. For extra some extra detail:


    • Each of the four slots on the astro switch is linked to a specific limb
    • Every slot has a unique shape, which is replicated on the respective limb
    • Every Astroswitch therefore only fits into one specific slot/limb
    • Transformation requires having all slots filled (at least AFAIK) and pulling that lever/joystick at the belt's right side
    • Pressing a switch causes its equipment piece to manifest on the respective limb
    • The user seems to always have access to its current collection of switches for replacing stuff.
    • Like all recent Riders, the belt has a built-in announcer, this one doing the Henshin countdown and notifies of switch changes/activations. Its voice is very robotic.

    Fourze's default setup consists of the following switches:

    • Rocket (right arm): Summons an rocket that covers the whole forearm and reaches far behind the elbow. Can be used to fly (though it needs a bit of training) and to punch with greatly increased force (+40 tons of force according to official sources, though I don't think these are very consistent.)
    • Launcher (right leg): A missile launcher whose targeting system is a bit chaotic.
    • Drill (left leg): Apart from burrying through ground, it can be used for kicks, though it's a bit unwieldy (like a peg-leg that's too long)
    • Radar (left arm): Pretty much required to properly use the Launcher, as the Radar allows for an accurate target lock. Also used for communications.

    Other switches include the Chainsaw (for a chainsaw-powered kick that goes to the right leg) and the Parachute (pretty important as Fourze does see a bit of space action and needs this for safe landing).


    Switches can also combo into each other. Apart from the above Radar+Launcher synergy, there's also Fourze's standard finisher, the Rider Rocket Drill Kick (or Space Rider Rocket Drill Kick when performed after launching the enemy into orbit), which combines the Rocket's boost with the Drill's sheer damage potential, with the flight capability cancelling out the Drill's unwieldiness at ground level.


    Long story short: It's insanely awesome.

  8. Welcome aboard! I'm new as well, but I'm also a Toku nerd XD


    I would say that Fourze's Astro Switches are a good candidate for the Fixed Multipower Framework. As each Astro Switch only fits in a specific slot on the belt, you'll need four Multipowers.


    Fully-fledged form changes as the result of specific Astro Switches or Astro Switch combination might be a bit harder to do, though.

  9. Love me some Freedom Force. Always wanted to make conversions myself, but I've never found the time for it. Certainly looking forward to The Ant, king of knockbacks :3


    Minuteman looks pretty good so far. Interesting conversion for the Minute Missile. Then again I'm new here so I'm bound to find some good inspiration here XD

  10. I think they're a neat tool to counter those annoying situations where you fail a roll just barely. Plus the possibility of doing various agreed-upon other stuff with those points.


    The random distribution at the start of each session is a bit weird though, but I guess it's okay if you don't allow those points to do too much.

  11. Thanks. I hope to be somewhat productive here :D !


    To answer the OP's question, I think it was either simply an oversight, or considered not worth the space since it is rarely an issue in Superheroic games.  How using more or less hands than required affects STR Min is covered in Fantasy Hero Complete.


    Good to know. This rule does make more sense in fantasy games. Though it might be optional, as there don't really seem to be many fantasy RPGs that cover this.

  12. Maybe not the ideal title for a first post, but you gotta start somewhere.


    Anyhow, I've recently started digging into the fabled Hero System. No problems so far, as I like crunch, and the legends seem to have been a bit exaggerated XD


    So when I got the 2 core volumes for toolkit and example purposes, I noticed that there's stuff missing in Champions Complete aside from Classes of Mind and Absolute Effect, namely when it comes to STR Min modifications. Champions Complete seems to have removed a lot of them, most prominent being the modifications for using autofire and wielding a 1-1/2- or 2-handed weapon one-handed.


    So how are you handling things? Going by the older rules, or by the new iteration that essentially removes these modifications? I can certainly see a merit in both. Having autofire less dependend on STR or bracing makes things more action-y, and it seems like the earlier rules made it a bit too easy for fighter-type characters to swing around their greatswords one-handed.


    (Though the omission does leave little difference between 1 1/2 and 2-handed. I would just go with "1 1/2 handed allows one-handed swings in case you need to hold onto stuff, but shields and a secon weapon are out of the question")

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