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  1. An interesting post, I have in my time tried to play various religons and non religions. I have done New age, Jewish, eastern schoolsof thought such as Shinto, and devout Catholic. I think the key here is to not let it be the sole defining point to your character. I mean in the examples you mentioned such as Kitty or ben, they are not religious cyphers.. those can be a bit on the annoying side, remeber just because a person is religious does not mean that is their sole defining point. Keeping it subtle or more realistic, tends to make it more believeable. Also on that note i tend to study some of the religion Im going to play to add to it, thats not needed of course and is just something I enjoy doing.
  2. I like TT, I didnt expect to but I do.. sometimes my gaming group functions as well as these kids do as a cohesive team so its nice to know I dont have the only dysfunctionaL group....
  3. Hmm, for me Lawyers like She-Hulk or Daredevil... though legal assitants as well. (And no Im not one and know the profession is vilified-but we are talking about ina world where justice is not contreolled by cash flow and people becomelawyers to see justice served.. right?) Close enough to ther law to know it, to see it and to work with it.. thats Why I pick Lawyers. (Both defense and DA)
  4. My top Ten 10: Hawkeye: Wise Cracker trained human. 09: Victor Von Doom: Ahero to Latveria, intelligence and a lesson on pride before the fall. 08: Kitty Pryde: Youthful enthusiasm, Subtle but effective power. 07: Magik: Proof that heroes dont get to choose their powers but will still try ti fight the good fight. 06: Harley Quinn: Athletics and wit used to fight against more powerful foes. 05: Shazam: Basic two fisted hero with ties to Egyptian mythos(power of Shazam) 04: Rogue: the most versitile power ever with great psychological drama when used right. 03: Batman: Vengence, obsession and justice all in a very tightly wound Psyche. He's a hero because he must be! 02: The Flash: Barry Allen: A true hero hat when the time came would make the ultimate sacrifice... 01: The She Hulk (fantastic four days) Strong, intelligent and a knockout. Her wit was a wonderful addition to the intellectual Reed. She was a normal woman living what ti was like to adventure with the worlds first family. Rather than be cowed by this she had a great time with it. Sadly this seems to be lost in her mordern (silly) incarnations).
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