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Everything posted by SteelSpyder

  1. I’m not sure this is the right forum for this question, so feel free to move it to the right one. Back in 2014 I bought the 6th edition of the Hero System Skills book in PDF form. At the time I don’t think there was a dead tree version. Recently I noticed there was a hard copy for sale and I’m wondering if there were any updates to the PDF version? It didn’t seem like there was a new version I could download, so I thought I would ask.
  2. Oh, sorry, I meant new as in material not contained in the three main Traveller Hero books we have been discussing. In other words I don’t mean it has to be new to the Traveller system, just new to the Hero system and not included in the above books.
  3. Thanks a lot you guys! I assume then that the other books (besides the three we have been discussing) are all new material, please let me know if I’m wrong.
  4. That’s helpful, but it still doesn’t answer the question about whether that info is repeated in the two volumes or not. Can you give me more information about that?
  5. I was thinking of picking up the Traveller Hero PDFs from the online store, but I’m confused. What is included in the Traveller Hero Sourcebook? In other words is it separate content from Vol 1 and Vol 2 or is it a collected volume? If so are any of the other volumes included? I want to get all the books but I don’t want to buy redundant material.
  6. That worked, thanks for your help!
  7. Ok, that got it to start. Is there anything I can do so I don't have to do that every time?
  8. Her is what I got after using the java -version command: C:\Users\Eric>java -version java version "1.8.0_251" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_251-b08) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.251-b08, mixed mode) Hopefully this gives you the info you need, if there is anything else I need to do let me know. Thanks!
  9. Ok, I'm trying to start HD6 and its not working (I get the "choose an app to open the file" window), I downloaded jarfix and when I run it it say I have no current Java Runtime Environment. I downloaded the most recent JRE and installed it then restarted my computer, still jarfix says I don't have a current JRE. Anyone have this problem before? If so, how do I fix it? Thanks.
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