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  1. The Defender as an archtype in Champions? My question on this thread is how would you incorporate the Defender into a Champions archtype (like the Metamorph, Blaster, Martial Artist, etc)? I'd playtest that because I've got four different Defenders that I play in City of Heroes that would fit perfectally into a Champions game.
  2. Re: City of Heroes Based Campaign I think that certain elements of both City of Heroes and Villians would work great in a Champions setting. Elements like the Hellions which are a gang of street punks that use the occult in their meager evil outings and a Cyberline like drug that mutates people into what the Trolls are is a couple of really great ideas. After I first started playing City of Heroes and ran into one of the Epic (as in you have to get one character to level 50 to unlock these archtypes) included an alien that merged with a person to give them powers to fight with and then a few days later I played in a Champions 4th ed game based around "To Protect and Serve" and I saw a good comparasion between Helios of the Protectors and this Archtype. Damn near bust a gut laughing from the comparasion too! But all and all, I think there is several good ways to incorporate the existing COH/COV elements into any Champions game already. All you have to do is some major creative insanity you know?
  3. Thanks for the help To everyone that's commented, thank you for your help with this. It was something that I was really curious about you know? Also, Lord Liaden-the adjustments for the characters in the "To serve and protect" module was a real find, thanks for finding that gem. However I'm curious if anyone did stats adjustments for the characters in the "Zodiac Conspiracy"?
  4. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel) A-Next (Marvel) Qusar (Marvel) Alpha Flight (Marvel) the version of the Legion of Super Heroes post Zero Hour before the most recent reboot (DC) Protectors (Malibu) Ex-Mutants (Malibu) Guy Gardener: Warrior (DC) the original run of Flare, Lady Arcane, and the League of Champions
  5. Recently, I've thought about running a few of the older champion adventures/modules (Demon's Rule, To Protect and Serve, Champions in 3-D, etc) but I came across the puzzle if you can run 4th ed adventures using 5th ed rules? Any help with this puzzle would be much apprecated. Thanks
  6. First off, this could be seen as a request for help with a conversion of something from the MMORPG "City of Heroes" which you can only get by getting one of your heroes to level 50-so if this is in the wrong place here on the boards, please tell me where to put it and I'll make the adjustments. I think that the idea of the Kheldians AKA "Peacebringers" and "Warshades" actually have more of a place in the Champions setting as opposed to the one for "City of Heroes". In order to survive on Earth, they have to merge with a living host and sometimes this host is a powered being (someone with powers of any sort) and sometimes it's just J. Random guy on the street. A good reference material that I found for them is at the following link: http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/city_of_heroes_kheldian.txt Anyway, before I start to ramble off topic-I'm thinking about seeing if this can be done in Champions but the problem is I don't have the first and faintest idea on how to stat it creation wise but I do have the IC background written up and oddly enough I've found a way of doing it rather interestingly within already established materials such as the "unknown entity" that merged with a young sailor/painter who would become Helios of the Protectors (from "To serve and protect", one of my favorite modules from the older system). If anyone can help me with this, I will gladly return the favor by helping with writing and such in return.
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