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Posts posted by Play4Keeps

  1. Re: Pirates


    1 Language: Aarr (basic conversation)

    Notes: A simple language, Aarr resembles English. Each sentance must begin with the word "aarr". Near random use of "Me Maties" is also encourged.


    "Don't you know any letter except 'R'?"


  2. Re: Old Shotgun Question


    For all you gun experts.


    Antique Shotgun


    Is this a percussion cap shotgun? It looks a little like it to me but I've not found a date for it yet so I'm not sure.




    Look at the gizmo right in front of the hammer. Its a single piece, if it were the firing pin thered be a line between two pieces. Theres also shiny area where caps were forced onto it. Its definately a p. cap. :D

  3. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter.


    Presenting Kristina of Aquilonia.



    After all you put me through

    (Hunted <= 14 Former Patron)

    You'd think I'd despise you

    But in the end I want to thank you

    Because you made me that much stronger

    (STR 13 3 pts)


    When I, thought I knew you

    (KS: Former Patron 4 pts)

    Thinking, that you were true

    I guess I, I couldn't trust

    (Psych Limit: Suspicious)

    Called your bluff, time is up

    (Gambling 3 pts)

    'Cause I've had enough

    You were, there by my side

    (Teamwork 3 pts)

    Always, down for the ride

    (Riding 3 pts)

    But your, joy ride just came down in flames

    'Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm

    (Hunted: Agents of the King of Aquilonia <= 8 )


    After all of the stealing and cheating

    You probably think that I hold resentment for you

    But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong

    'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do

    I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through

    (EGO 14 8 pts)

    So I wanna say thank you


    'Cause it makes me that much stronger

    (BOD 11 2 pts)

    Makes me work a little bit harder

    (CON 13 6 pts)

    It makes me that much wiser

    (+1 perception 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (Fam Common Melee Wpns 2 pts)

    Made me learn a little bit faster

    (Cramming 5 pts)

    Made my skin a little bit thicker

    (PD 6 3 pts)

    Makes me that much smarter

    (INT 13 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (Fam Common Missile Wpns 2 pts)

    Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh-yeah ah uhhhuh


    Never, saw it coming

    All of, your backstabbing

    (Combat Sense)

    Just so, you could cash in

    On a good thing before I realized your game

    I heard, you're going around

    (KS: Intrigue 2 pts)

    Playing the victim now

    (Reputation, <= 14 : Betrayed Mentor)

    But don't, even begin

    Feeling I'm the one to blame

    'Cause you dug your own grave



    After all of the fights and the lies

    Yes you wanted to harm me but that won't work anymore

    (Danger Sense)

    Uh, no more, oh no, over

    'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture


    I wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down

    (Psych Limit: Stubborn)

    So I wanna say thank you


    'Cause it makes me that much stronger

    (STUN 30 5 pts)

    Makes me work a little bit harder

    (REC 7 2 pts)

    Makes me that much wiser

    (Tactics 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (PS: Warrior 3 pts)

    Made me learn a little bit faster

    (Linguist 3 pts)

    Made my skin a little bit thicker

    (ED 6 3 pts)

    It makes me that much smarter

    (Scholar 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (+1 all combat 8 pts)


    How could this man I thought I knew

    Turn out to be unjust so cruel

    Could only see the good in you

    Pretended not to see the truth

    (Vulnerable to Illusions: Twice effect from Mental Illusions, double perception penalty from Images.)

    You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself

    Through living in denial

    But in the end you'll see


    (PRE 20 10 pts)


    I am a fighter and I

    I ain't goin' stop

    (Maybe regeneration…?)

    There is no turning back

    I've had enough


    'Cause it makes me that much stronger

    (+10 STR, No Figured Characteristics, only to meet STR minima or do added damage with weapons or hand to hand 5 pts)

    Makes me work a little bit harder

    (END 29 1 pt)

    Makes me that much wiser

    (Deduction 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (+1 Melee Combat 5 pts)


    Made me learn a little bit faster

    (Jack of All Trades)

    Made my skin a little bit thicker

    (Damage Resistance 6 pts (does not stop 1st BOD of a killing attack – ¼ ) Real pts 5 – I like this kind of build more than Combat Luck)

    It makes me that much smarter

    (+1 all INT based skills 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (+1 Swords 3 pts)


    Thought I would forget

    but I...

    I remember, I remember, I remember

    Thought I would forget

    but I...

    I remember. I remember, I remember

    (Eidetic Memory)


    'Cause it makes me that much stronger

    (+5 STR ….. )

    Makes me work a little bit harder

    (….X5 END cost on +5 STR)

    Makes me that much wiser

    (Analyze Motive – Analyze skill for deducing the true motivations behind words and deeds 3 pts)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    (Martial Arts, 15 pts)


    Made me learn a little bit faster

    (Cramming 5 pts)

    Made my skin a little bit thicker

    (Power Defense 3 3 pts)

    It makes me that much smarter

    (Speed Reading)

    So thanks for making me a fighter

    I'm in love :love:



    Seriously she'd be better swordbabe than "Ultra-Mullet" aka Brigitte Nielsen :sick:

  4. Re: How does Mass Combat work in FH?


    LTE is super easy. If' date=' in one Turn, you're burning more than twice your REC in END, you lose 1 point of LTE, which means your [b']maximum END[/b] is (your normal maximum END) -1. If you're using more than that, you lose more LTE per Turn. If you're using more than 1/2 your REC but less than twice your REC, you still lose LTE, but you have to burn that much END over a longer period of time to lose even 1 LTE. Eventually, if you keep burning that much END, you'll get exhausted, and your temporary maximum END will be 0.

    See this is what confused me and you cleared up. LTE temporarily reduces your END allowedment. So if my char. has 55 END on the sheet and 15 REC on the sheet and has taken 5 LTE and then fought and burned 25 END if he takes 2 post-12 Recoveries he doesn't get 30 END back because his END allowedment is 50 until he Recovers from the LTE so he's only up to 50 END.


    Or am I still not getting it? :(

  5. Re: How do you focus on things?


    I only say write it down later because I have had to many notes that I could not understand 2 weeks later' date=' if this afliction does not strike you then you are probably safe not to[/quote']

    I always found if I couldn't figure it out later it wasn't a good idea anyhow.


    But I write detailed mostly so it doesn't much happen. :D

  6. Re: Irksome players


    Lots of bad roleplaying comments posted that I can wholeheartedly empathized with (although I confess I have trouble holding still myself).


    My most irksome player was frustrating because he was really trying hard but he was just clueless. He was really enthusiastic and had all sorts of nicely creative thinking that was just totally wrong.


    For instance, the heroes faced off against a big netherworld creature. The mage throws a fireball at it and it is unfazed. So this guy tries to throw flaming oil on it because "Maybe this fire will hurt it because it lasts longer! Besides it has to be really distracting to be on fire!"


    Or the heroes are battling a powerful wizard who is tromping them. Now the point of this combat was to show the players that they would have to retreat and out-think their foe instead of battle with him. When the other players realize this and start to pull out, this guy goes over to the wizard and gives him his magic ring "as a show of good faith so we can be friends. Then when his back is turned and his defenses are down I stab him!"


    Or the heroes are trying to hunt down a strangely powerful troll that has been terrorizing a village. This guy's solution is to buy all the livestock in the village, string them all together with a lot of rope, and then parade the animals around the wilderness. Then the troll, lured by all the food, will grab some of the livestock but the heroes will know it because they are all tied together and they can swoop down on them.


    It was kind of sad really. Eventually the guy got discouraged and left, which was too bad because in most other ways he was really a pretty good player.

    The first one is "wider 'n higher" which doesn't often work the 2nd was dumb but the third had possibles but needed work but could've been made to work. Why'd you put it in with the others?


    Some way to tell where in the line of animals got smash 'n grabbed by the troll. Or doesn't the troll eat or something is that why its a dumb idea?

  7. Re: How do you focus on things?


    Carry a notebook with you (one of those little spiral ones), when you get an idea jot it down, when you get home have a folder on your computer, with sub folders based on different areas of intrest (Different regions, package deals, magic, races,etc)


    This is VERY important TYPE UP everything that night so you can remember it more clearly and file it where you want it. Let it be a "Living world" don't try to have everything done before you start, but instead have what you need and start building...

    I'm with you on writing ideas down the moment they hit, but I disagree the rest.


    Write it down so it don't bug you and block you. BUT PUT IT ASIDE AND DOWN REREAD IT. Or you're so distracted you don't get the outline done.


    Oh yeah that's the important thing. Make an outline. Get all the basics down before fricking around the details. Have a complete framework. Real general---you don't need the king of Whereveria, just that its a kingdom. And Hereisia is a free city and economicly pwns Whereveria. The basics, dude!


    THEN you pick up the notebook and put in all the neat ideas and the neat ideas you have putting the notbook stuff into the outline. It grows that way. You don't got your nose so close to the tree you forget to writ ethe forest know what I mean?


    Cause when frameworks there you keep everything proportion to the rest. ;)

  8. Re: NOBLES, KNIGHTS, AND NECROMANCERS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    The Regency Council. The king is too young to rule so there's folx in charge until he's old enough. They can be united, all under one guy's thumb, or intriguing each other. The last leads to breakdown in the kingdom. The king can be a baby nearly, or almost old enough to take over (and the council is trying to stop him so they're almost doing treason).


    Variation: there's just one Regent.


    Variation: the king is old and senile.


    Other idea: The Rebelious Duke. Major noble is in rebellion. He could be evil and want to take over, he could be good and is trying to throw out an evil king (but the war is causing bad shtuff in the land), he could be misguided, he could be trying to restore what used to be a independent country.

  9. Re: Attacking Diviners


    Diviner's Disabler

    Effect: Drain STUN 1d6

    Target/Area Affected: One character

    Duration: Instant

    Range: 75"

    END Cost: 3


    Description: The diviner spends so much time looking into the future and/or the distance that he figures how to slightly disrupt the time-space of living things causing them harm. A flick of fingers, a yell, and blam they're hurt. One downer is it's wearying to the caster.


    Game Information: Drain STUN 1d6, Ranged (+1/2), (15 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Increased END cost, x3 (-1). Total cost: 6



    1) Diviner's Disrupter: Replace with Drain BODY. This will work on non-living things too.

    2) Disruptive Touch: Remove Ranged and add "Variable Effect: Any 2 from STUN, BODY, CON, END At Once (+1/2)"

  10. Re: Tuala Morn


    Frankly' date=' if I had the choice to call myself a Sisal (how whimpy does that sound?!), a Flax (you make cloth out of that), or a Jute, I'd rather be a macho-sounding Jute. :D[/quote']

    You make cloth out of all of them. Rope too.


    Tho I didn't cotton :D to what sisal is till I used dictionary.com.


    He forgot hemp. :joint::snicker:

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