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Everything posted by NinjaGeek

  1. Re: LotR What if... question I have some questions that I'm sure one of you Tolkienites could answer: 1) The appendix in the back of the Return of the King suggests that there were five wizards. What happened to the other three? 2) The appendix also suggests that the wizards were not human but merely came "in the shape of men" out of the West. Does Tokien ever explain what they are or where they come from?
  2. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? I've always thought that the requirement of only using 6 sided dice to be an unneccesary limitation. Other than making the old boxed sets a little cheaper I don't see the reason for it. They came up with a pretty good system using just 6 siders, but I wonder if the game system might have been even better if they had allowed themselves the option of using other types of dice when it made sense. I always cringe when I see random generation charts using multiple d6, for example. It forces a curve when you may not want it. If you want an equal chance of picking one of 8 alternatives, it makes sense to use an 8 sided die instead. Or to use percentile dice if you want exactly a xx% chance of something happening. It seems kind of silly to act as if 6 siders are the only dice in existance. I realize that this isn't a fatal flaw in the game mechanics and a SWAT team won't bust in you door if you use a die with more than 6 sides. But the exclusive use of 6 sided dice does seem like a fundamental assumption in all the Hero rule books, so I'm using this post to pick a nit.
  3. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Unfortunately, you don't need a new supplement to play this game.
  4. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Palladium Message Board HERO
  5. Re: Player problem - opinions .... Correct me if I'm wrong. But it sounds as if Thrudd did not have any say in how his character reacted to the woman who was trying to seduce him and that he basically was forced to break his vow of chastity based on a die roll. If that is true, I think the GM handled the situation badly. If my character were forced to do something completely out of character based on a die roll, I would be upset. For another character this might not have been a big deal. But if the character is serious enough about his vow of chastity to take a disadvantage for it, he shouldn't be forced to drop his pants everytime some hottie gets a lucky die roll. He should have some say in how his character reacts to the situation. Isn't that how roleplaying is supposed to work? Also, there are other possible outcomes to a successful seduction roll than to make the paladin get naked with a woman of ill repute. For example, he could have succumbed to a passionate kiss before pushing her away and fleeing a compromising situation. I don't really think you did anything wrong. It sounds like something that would fit with your character's personality. Regarding his reaction, I think there were much better ways to handle it, especially considering his character wouldn't have known that your character was involved. I think murdering an old friend because of his moral failure was even more out of character than breaking his vow of chastity. It would have been more appropriate if he had role played out his grief and attempted to do penance like you suggested. Oh well. At least he took his character's vows seriously. Maybe you should give him some credit for that. Anyway that's my 2 cents.
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