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Captain Emu

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Everything posted by Captain Emu

  1. Hello all, New here but not to the HERO system. I'm no veteran by any means but was hoping to get a little advice from those who've been doing it for a bit. I am planning to start a new Dark Champions game that I call "The Unremarkables". The game is designed a low power, street level game that takes place in yoru typical Hell's Kitchen/Sin City/Gotham sort of place. The characters are all people who, no explainable reason, exhibit minor paranormal abilities. These are not freaky sewer mutants or victims of toxic waste, escaped robots or even minor demons on holiday in da' hood, but people who, for all medical intents and purposes, are quite unremarkable. Imagine the grandma who lifts the car to save her trapped grandchild. Then there is the soldier who runs headlong into a hail of gunfire and returns with his gear and uniform riddled with holes but not a scratch on him. What about that kid on the street who just sort of seems to always slip through the cracks and goes completely unoticed by society at large. We've all heard of the mother who has a strange dream out of nowhere that leads her to her lost child or guy who at the last minute has that thought to NOT get on the bus only to learn later that the bus and all its passengers were killed. Now, imagine that these people weren't just urban legends and popular myth. Imagine that these abilities were there to stay. What difference could these people make. These are the Unremarkables. I welcome any thoughts, questions, advice. I know the concept is a bit obscure, but I like it and think there is great potential for some cool Dark Champions fun here. Thanks, Eli
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