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Posts posted by Shadow7

  1. Greetings all, 


    I am new to this site.  After many years of not playing role playing games, (I played rpg games with my brother when I was a kid), I have recently gotten the "bug" to get interested in this hobby again.  I have played the Online game of Champions, but have always found the tabletop role-playing game so much more fun with its campaigns and interactions with other players.  I am really interested in learning and hearing more about the Dark Champions game.  One of my favorite movie series was the Chris Nolan's Batman series, and Arrow (at least the first several seasons) has always been one of the most enjoyable shows I have ever seen in terms of superhero tv shows.  One thing I have really found interesting was the level of creativity that players demonstrate in the creation of their characters.  I have really been impressed with how with modern technology, a group of players can play an rpg online with the assistance of Roll20 or Skype, etc.  Recently I have been getting a friend interested in developing a character, but since it's been so long for myself I am finding that I have to familiarize myself with all the rules as well once again.  My idea for her is to have a street vigilante named the Kiss of Death, who does not kill but is equipped with gadgets.  She has a calling card she leaves with her defeated foes a kiss with some form of death in the middle of it.  As is suggested by her name, part of her approach is to use her beauty as one of her weapons, and her costume will reflect that.  Working on a partner for her, I have a homeless guy who is a bit of a religious fanatic.  He believes that God is calling him to clean the streets.  Not sure what weapons or skills he has as of yet, but he will be called Street Angel.  Would love to hear any suggestions on either of these two characters, or more on your own experiences of Dark Champions.  Thanks for the time....



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