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Everything posted by WitchKing20k

  1. I am actually in the process of building some SW based racial, cultural, and professional packages for 4th Edition. Have you done that yet? Are you trying to simulate RM professions using Hero? Curious to see how others are approaching it.
  2. I'm looking more for a mechanic that the players would use to leave the dramatic effect in their hands. Like a DEX roll where they Add/Subtract the result to their Running value. Can you push movement?
  3. So, I am converting some of my old Shadow World adventures for use with Hero 6E. One of the mechanics from Rolemaster that I used a lot was their movement % - specifically to create movement based encounters. Picture dashing across a gorge while the wooden foot bridge its collapsing behind you. In RM yyou would roll and the result would be the % of your maximum movement moved. How would you simulate this using 6E and it's static movement rates?
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