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Il Dav

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Everything posted by Il Dav

  1. Usually we play fantasy game with at least 1 heavy combat-oriented Character (often a brick of some kind), 1 sneak type (for exploration or stealth action) and 1 magic user. If the campaign is very gritty, add 1 healer, but I find more exciting if characters have hard times in dealing with Body Damage instead of simply waiting for the next time a "Healing Spell" can be used. Additional characters try to be different from the base (for example, if the "main" Warrior is a heavy-armored Knight, a second combat-oriented may be a fast light-armored ranger with two-sword).
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm sorry for eventual mistakes, english is not my motherlanguage. I'm designing an NPC central for a plot: NPC's main Powers are Shape Shift and Duplication. He use those powers to impersonate simultaneously three different identities, each of them are in high social position (for example, each position requires a 5 point Membership perk). They are all at the same social status, but in three different societies (Member of Higher Nobility in three different reigns). Since the Duplicates are exact copy of the base Character, have I to give this NPC 3x Membership Perk?
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