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Posts posted by Hermit

  1. Originally posted by Chaosliege

    I have a couple of "vilains" here.


    The Co: This is another of those evil corperations that treats it's employees as slaves and is very inconsistant. They tell thier employees to enforce some policy, then when someone gets mad, they don't back up the employee.


    I know that one. I thought they were in Tennessee! *Gasp*


    Then again, I worked in Customer Service (Which, as most companies run it, is more of an oxymoron that Military Intelligence) for years.

  2. It wasn't 'bad' but I have to say, "Pyramid in the Sky" just left me cold. Didn't do a thing for me.


    (Does this supplement make me look fat?) :)


    And yes, asking a group of players to 'save' the NKOB is really cruel. I had one guy ask if he could spend five points and buy his character's "Total Code VS Killing" down so it allowed for "a few exceptions". :)

  3. Possible Super Villains of TN


    I've written up some independent foes for the just recently created Volunteers :)


    White Knight- Claiming to be an independent, White Knight's KKK leanings and membership are pretty obvious. His power armor mimes that style, complete with flaming Cross hilted sword. He often appears at Hate rallies to inspire other white supremicists. He sometimes does mercenery work, but only for "real americans". Three Star hates this guy.


    "You're a traitor to your race. Betrayal deserves nothing but contempt, and death."


    Blue Smoke- An attractive woman who is best described as an Enviromentalist gone too far. She loves the state parks and wild lands of Tennessee (and nearby NC), and is quite willing to kill to protect it. With the ability to turn her body into an azure vapor, she would seem a one trick pony. However she has learned how to choke opponents by entering their lungs and is a master of stealth. She prefers to hurt "only the guilty", but few deny her methods are too extreme. Oddly, Bender always seems reluctant to face her. He won't talk to the team about it.


    (As her victim is gasping for air)"Having trouble breathing? Think of how the trees feel when your SUV spews that garbage in the air... oh, here's that coke can you dropped."


    Copperhead- a 'Pocket Brick' for want of a better term, but with extensive training in survival skills, hand to hand, and equipped with some nasty venomous gadgetry. Copperhead is VIPER's favorite operative in the area, and with a good five team behind him, can be quite effective indeed. If facing out of state super heroes, he'll happily adopt the 'bubba' stereotype, to throw them off ... until it's too late and he's lead them into an ambush. He's recently been offered his own Nest, he's seriously considering it.


    "O'Reily, remember the plan, I'll be with Squad A keeping the Volunteers busy. When you get the signal, have the covert pick up the Mayor's daughter, with squad B ready in case of complications. Oh, and O'Reily... jump the gun and I'll shed 'your' skin, got me?"



    Hain't- Or Haunt, for those who don't like accents. Hain't is just what he claims to be, a ghost. However he is more powerful than any wandering soul has the right to be. A consequence of being near a mystic ritual gone awry. Hain't died some time ago, so is a bit out of step with modern times (And seems incapable of really adjusting in some ways). That doesn't stop him from trying. He led a boring life, he's going to have fun in this one. Possession, influence, making walls bleed and breaking glass, if it's in a ghost story; Hain't can probably do it. Unfortunately for Passion Flower, Hain't seems attracted to her.


    "Things ta do in Nashville when you're dead.... "

  4. Hmmm.. out of my current characters that ARE PCs...


    Lone Star- Is a substitute History teacher... in the PBEM he's in, he's about to encounter a problem in scheduling it looks like. *Gulp*


    Slammer- My force field repulsing brick has a 'public ID', and merchandises himself quite well. Ironically enough, when he first got his powers and his physique was altered so his own parents didn't recognize him, he was homeless for a bit. He got a job at a junk yard acting as a living compacter :) If you're a brick and down on your luck, get a job demolishing legally.


    Surge- While he has a true gift for science (His father's influence and his own interest), Peter Stone works as a Comic Book artist...drawing, you guessed it, the Surge comic book for an independent comic book company.


    Wildcard- Escape artist and stage magician. Not only a fun job, but a good way to rationalize a LOT of useful skills :)

  5. Sometimes I have a weakness for getting some DNPCs super powers later in the campaign. It comes of often running one on one sessions for a friend. Less risk of overshadowing. Besides, I rarely get to play ;)



    "You are NOT Turning my character's mother into a supervillain" -One spoilsport of a player I GM for *Sulk*

  6. I rarely get to play as a PC anymore.


    I have grown pretty fond of Surge that I play/write on a PBEM. Powered Armor electricity wielder who not only inherited his father's armor, he's trying to sheild the fact the first Surge is dead from the rest of the world. Bad enough HE knows he's a rookie, the villains sure don't need to :)

  7. Re: What would your character do? III


    Originally posted by Mightybec

    Here's another one for ya. A flaming elemental brick hero is being forced to rampage in the city as a diversion to a villian team breaking into the local diamond market. His family is being held hostage and will die if he doesn't cause blatant destruction in the city for 15 minutes, as planned. He won't tell the heroes why he's doing this, and he doesn't know what crime the villians have planned. Due to his partial elemental nature, he has a very high mental defense.

    What would your hero do?




    Once again with the crew:

    Lone Star- Ah reckon Lone Star, if'n he recogonized the fella as a super hero, would try to talk some sense into him. If somehow he saw (With his telescopic X ray vision) that robbery going on, he might decided to grow, and use the flaming brick as a projectile against the criminals. If not, well, a nice baptism might take the fire and fight outta the fella. There a pond, or river around here? :)


    Slammer- The distraction would work on Slammer. He might try to talk to the flaming Brick as well, but when that didn't work, he'd have no problem with slapping el flamo like a ping pong ball. Let's get ready to rumble!


    Surge- The smartest of the lot, Surge also has access to local radio signals and if the police made a report on the market, he might realize this was a distraction. If the flaming brick seems to be the bigger threat to life, then that's what would have to go down first. Surge is a pretty powerful fellow, and with two crimes to fight, might cut loose so he could move on. He might even play tag... zipping from one fight to the next then back again if he was faster. His first target on the robbers would be to destroy their wheels/transport, "I'll come back for you in a sec." then back to the flaming guy...and back again. This might run the batteries down.


    Wildcard- Little Wildcard could do against a flaming brick. Keep your distance, dodge (a lot), and fling cards at him of various sorts to see if they could hurt him/slow him down. Hit and run, and sneaky attacks would be best. The distraction would likely work, unless he got lucky (and he might); however, after that, he'd probably make a note to find these criminals.

  8. Re: Re: Villain ideas. [Related to Golden Age thread.]


    Originally posted by ProfessorM@ss

    I've only got one issue with the good Professor...much of the criminal underground during WWII actively helped the government against fifth columnists and other such nastiness. If the Professor is ever found out...yikes. It could get very nasty for him, very quickly.

    Actually, That's one thing I like about the set up. It reminds me of the Rocketeer where our main villain is revealed as a Nazi spy, and the thugs that have been working with him turn on him. :)


    This potiential "Achelies Heel" is a nice one.

  9. "An object at rest cannot be stopped!"


    Originally posted by Nato

    "What color underwear do you where on the outside of YOUR tights?"

    "Which two male superheroes would you most like to see wrestling, covered with Wesson oil?"

    "If a copy of FRED fell in the woods, and nobody was there to hear it, would it still be the world's great role-playing system?"

    "Which cast member of Different Strokes have YOU used as a master villain?"

    "If you could make out with any member of the Champions, from any era, how would you rewrite their background? And would you let Seeker watch?"



    Hey...I never asked those....


    Hmm... but maybe I should have. I mean, there's five good threads right there, and at least 3 good polls. I'm inspired! Thanks Nato!

  10. a few more suggestions


    Hope I can remember the names of titles and artists right...


    "Princes of the Universe"- By Queen

    "Kiss from the Rose" (?) by SEAL for romantic ones

    "Dare to be Stupid" by Weird Al (Great for Foxbat or groups with no tactics)

  11. We've all had concept clones in our group, be it a spider-man rip off, a supes look alike, what have you. Nothing wrong with that :)

    Thor, I'm sure, is no exception.


    So, who's allowed a "God among heroes" concept in their games? Or played one? What points were used, etc? And which gods did you try?


    I have a high level JLA type NPC group in my Champs universe, one of whom is Gwydion, of the Welsh fame. The fact that Gwydions legendary home was the mikly way makes the floating satilite base that much more amusing. Gwydion is not a brick type at all, rather I went with the 'master magician' 'trickster' 'Shapeshifter' and "Lord of Fantasy" bit... which makes him mostly a Mystic/Metamorph.


    I read one source that he was often trying to teach mankind to think outside the box, and decided he was on their side. From there I marvelized a lot (read as, just went wherever I felt froggy). At the cost of a great deal of power, he became partially human, a demi god if you will. Another part of this is the tragic loss of his son Llew.


    Now, the old gods (and not just from his parthenon) have returned, and he finds himself having to keep them in check.



    Any thunder gods, Lords of Light, Tricksters in flesh out there? :)

  12. Does anyone ever try to put advantages on COM?

    I once had a shapeshifter who, just for a lark, I bought +10 Comliness with variable special effect... since he could become a blonde, etc.


    I did something similiar with a villainess named "Temptress" she couldn't shapeshift, but since every man who gazed at her saw his 'ideal' woman, the advantage fit.

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