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Scott Ruggels

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Status Replies posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Old school gaming is helping to save my sanity (seriously).

  2. The old school got me back into fantasy tabletop gaming.

    1. Scott Ruggels

      Scott Ruggels

       Usually slightly different mechanics, and a removal of most tables and charts. Generally, they  are compatible with Old D&D mostly, but "rationalize" the mechanics, to D-20 or D100 resolutions.  They also tend to put everything into one book. Here's a selection of the "Old School Rules":

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. The old school got me back into fantasy tabletop gaming.

  4.  Let me know what yo0u need art wise. as my schedule is opening up around the middle of March, so I am available for art. Give me the specification in terms of sizes and resolutions needed.

    I assume B/W? I would have to charge for Color, though, as it takes longer.

    Let me know what I can do, as I think the project is MUCH needed, these days.


    Contact info 


    Moghero#9403 on Discord.


    1. Scott Ruggels

      Scott Ruggels

      I do not know of how to contact him other than he is on Twitter, and he apparently is fairly prickly to deal with these days. Not sure of "Donation" as a word would work. Lots of 50 year plus Comics pros are available, but I think most of not all wopuld insist on some payment for a cover commission. (Color costing money, ect.) But look around, as you might find someone who is taking commissions,  and who worked for the big two in the 90's.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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