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Posts posted by Darkfire

  1. Re: When Do Your Characters Know When The S**T Has Well And Truly Hit The Fan?


    When superman shows up.


    In the Archons' Campaign Usually when Jade and Darkfire agree on a course of action, or the party decides its time to call in reinforcements(its happened once in years of playing).


    In the Campaign I GM its when Paradox (metamorph) exclaims its time for a move through anybody see a news van.

  2. Re: WWYCD: Dr. Destroyer vs Takofanes


    John O'Malley: he's definitely out of his depth in this battle. he would try an save as many civilians as possible, and support Dr. D. with mystical healing and consecrating his fists or sword. he probably wouldn't survive the battle and if he did Dr. D. would be very interested in his magical healing. gulp.


    Ironhide: He's not quite at their level. The "Big Rig" has definitely got the defenses to hang in their for a couple of turns, with high CON, BODY and PD/ED along with total life support and some power def to prevent transforms Takofanes wouldn't be able to snuff him easily but Ironhid's DCs just aren't up to the task of punching through the Archliche's DEF and Damage Reduction. His best strategy would be to provide a persistent distraction allowing Dr. D. to land some all out attacks.


    Darkfire: While a powerful sorceress with knowledge of all the mystical arts she can not stand toe to toe in this battle. at least not until I get five more eps and convert her MP into a cosmic VPP. However with several holy attacks and the ability to strip much of Takofanes defenses Darkfire would make the archlich suffer, Dr. D> should have no problem finishing the Job.


    However Darkfire would seriously consider nuking them both. She has a Russian nuke (35 megaton yield) acquired When the Archons defeated the extrademinsional threat of the followers of the word (damn mages.) It was supposed to be used to collapse the dimensional gateway but we found an alternate method. everyone but fellow Archon Jade thinks the Nuke was used.

    Thus Darkfire kept it:eg: and has over the years been secretly modifying it into a spiritual nuke. i.e affects desoild, does magic, physical and radiation dam. Depending on where the battle between Dr. D. and Takofanes occurred and IF...IF she could convince other mages to join in a mega scale teleport and extra dimensional movement suppression ritual (Whether she told them what it was for is another story.) Darkfire would have no problems pushing the button so to speak.


  3. Re: Politics or not


    All of the Games I GM feature politics and Economics, my players either ignore it or active immerse them themselves in political events. I use my NPCs to present different viewpoints along with the campaign newspaper which mixes real world news with campaign events.

    As a player I enjoy politics and thinks it enriches any game world so I always try to explore the campaign's political issues. However if the GM just doesn't want to deal with it I'll drop it. I've found that most GMs and players enjoy further developing their world, particularly when a player can directly and lastingly affect the game world. Players like being able to say "see that charity I founded it" or "that registration act, I argued before a congressional committee and helped defeat it." Politics also make a nice change form battling the supervillian of the week.

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    This was from awhile ago our speedster Supersonic had been captured by mystical alien lizard men. We had located their hideout in the sewers, and were carefully moving toward it. our light is provided by a mystical green orb hovering over Jade(another mage).


    Darkfire: Alright we need a plan of attack and then a back up plan just in case. these walking suitcases have surprised us once before and we need to be ready.


    commence much arguing and discussion on what our plan should be.


    Mr. Universe: (frustrated) See this is why I never have a plan it takes to long, we know where they are I know where my fists are end of plan!

    *goes charging off, rapidly outdistances the light and falls in overflow cistern*

    Mr.Universe: Jade bring the light over I can't see.

    Jade & Darkfire: idiot! use the Maglight you took form the cops.

    Mr. Universe: ops. lights on. uh oh I found the lizardmen. see my plan worked.

    rest of team: Dammit!




    later during that combat after finding out the lizard men had a nasty 31/2D6 AP HKA bite. :shock:

    Mr. Universe: Hay! I'm the one whose supposed to take a bite out of crime, your not supposed to take a bite out of me!

  5. Re: WWYCD "super" registration


    oddly most campaigns I GM or play in have registration laws. In the one I run the US registration law is very much a soft to if you don't register the Government delays, refuses, or makes expensive its aid. also the if not registered heroes can be sued and held personally responsible for any and all damage their fights cause.


    but to answer your question.


    Darkfire: as a powerful sorceress with a superlative track record and a mutually beneficial relationship with PRIMUS she would push for a Dr. Strange style 'accommodation' with the Government. In general she would be neutral or slightly positive on the matter.


    Ironhide: Would oppose the measure because of the risk to Family and friends would be under when not if the registry list was compromised. not to mention the violation of personal freedoms


    John O'Malley II: As a member of the Dominican order and an Inquisitor sworn to destroy all heretics and monsters. He would see the registration as a potentially a good thing both to keep tabs on 'sanctioned' heroes and illuminate those who are so dedicated that will continue their work no matter the consequences. some might make good recruits or allies the rest might need to be purged.

    hypocritically as a secret branch of the Church he would not register(to much risk) and continue his Delta Green style activities.

  6. Re: [Character] Paragon


    The world needs its heroes, its shinning examples. Are you one? that was the question that changed my life. I was struggling through a 14th century copy of Homers the Iliad, I didn't even know our library had such a text, when I found that question written in gold ink at the bottom of the page. I was stunned how could anyone deface such a priceless text, but the question drew my mind. I could not deny they world needed positive examples...NO I thought it need more than mere examples it needed a Paragon.

    I was enveloped in a golden light when my vision cleared I was transformed. I found had strength beyond mortals, I crushed a solid oak desk just trying to stand. the splintered wood didn't even dimple my skin. I was faster, stronger, tougher, I was like a hero of old, reborn into the modern world. At that point I knew my name Paragon, It was clear my duty was to inspire a world so hungry for hope.

  7. Re: [Character] Paragon


    perhaps a History major. s/he could use historical anecdotes to support her black and white world view. After all if it was "good" centuries ago why should s/he change because some 'experienced' hero wants to be expedient.

  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    The Archons arrive, a little late:(, to halt a daemon summoning.

    Heriophant: Now you will all fall befo..

    Darkfire: Silence! You sir are an idiot. This summoning is a disgrace! First you used 13 sacrifices instead of the required for 5, a gross misuse of resources. second your binding circle is clearly marked to contain a daemon of pestilence while your invocation is for summoning a daemon of war. Third you are using clockwise gestures where you should be using counterclockwise so much for commanding it. Finally take a Latin course your pronunciation is an insult to all educated mages. God, I was doing summonings like this when I was 12! By the Nine Hells I hate amateurs lets annihilate these fools.

    GM and the rest of the party: seconds of horrified silence


    MR. Universe: what is wrong with you

    Darkfire: I'm a perfectionist I can't help it.


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