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Posts posted by Psylint

  1. Re: Damage and Defenses


    Couple of things:


    1. Your defenses may be too high, you might want to go with lower defense, higher Con, and/or damage reduction STUN.


    2. Normal dice tend to do more consistent Stun damage (this consistency increases with dice) where as Killing attacks tend to be more variable. Given the quasi-binary nature of resistant defenses (that is to say that it doesn't matter if an attack does 1 Stun or 10 Stun to a target with 10 resistant Def) I'm not sure killing attacks lose as often in the "stun lottery" as it may appear at first glance.


    3. Ignore the rule that non resistant defenses apply to the STUN of killing attacks. [used to be that way anyway, back in the day].


    4. Encourage players with killing attacks to buy the +1 Stun multiplier and/or allow players to buy the +1 Stun multiplier in duplicate or triplicate.



  2. Re: Partial Multiforms


    With due respect, gotta disagree Maur,


    On the other hand, does it make much difference? Multiform off a 300 base is 60, off 350 is 70. And if you put any limitations on it (and to me multiform begs for limitations, extra time, cost end for example) that 10 pt difference evaporates rather quickly.


    If I were to allow the split, then I'd require that none of the multiforms enhance the "base character's" skills, talents or characteristics. But at that point it just becomes, in essence, a multipower of Elemental Controls which are a specific no-no.



  3. Thinking about reworking my namesake and came up with a few powers I thought might be neat, and wanted to know which were just too munchkin for words. It's highly likely that several of these would be included in an Elemental Control or a Multipower, and Extra Time and/or Concentration Limitations are definitely on the "things considered" list.



    • Lingering Agony: Psi causes the target to relive their most traumatic experiences for the next several seconds – 6d6 Ego Attack, Gradual Effect 1 Turn -1/4 [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 48]

    • Nightmare: Psi pulls from the deep subconscious mind of the target his or her instinctive childhood fear of the dark, without a night light – 3 Def 2d6 Entangle, BOECV +1, Takes no damage from Physical Attacks +1/4, Works Against Ego not STR +1/4 [Active Cost 63; Real Cost ]

    • Abandonment: Psi transports the self of the target into the Limbo of the collective unconscious a realm of absolute darkness and formlessness, where there is no thing and no one; you can’t even hear yourself scream. Mental Illusions 7d6 Cumulative Effect +1/2, Double Max Effect +1/4 [Max Effect 84]; Set Effect, only to transport to Limbo -1. [Active Point Cost 61; Real Cost 30]

    • Will Domination: Psi invades the consciousness of the target, mentally pushing it aside. 4d6 Suppress Ego Based on Ego Combat Value +1, +1 Invisible to All Sense Groups. [Active Point Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

    • Psychic Siphon: Psi uses his superior connection to the unconscious to leach psychic energy from the target, increasing his own power, while weakening his target for a time. 2d6 Transfer Ego to ____; Based on Ego Combat Value +1; Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60

    • Share my pain: Psi dredges up the memories of his own abuse and forces them into his target’s awareness preventing them from attending to their surroundings. 5d6 Flash Sight and Hearing; Based on Ego Combat Value +1. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

    • Mind probe: Imagine an “informal” colonoscopy but for your mind… 6d6 Ego Attack

    • “Mind” Control: Psi leans on the target’s will until it snaps and then imposes upon it a nigh irresistible “suggestion.” Mind Control Cumulative Effect +1/2; Double Max Effect +1/4 [84]; Set Effect: Must achieve Ego +30 or greater -3/4 [Active Cost 61; Real Cost 35]

    • Indomitable Will: Recognizing that most death and destruction is caused by people “giving up” rather than systemic shock, Psi turns his considerable will to staying alive.. Forcefield +18 rpd; +17 red; hardened +1/4, 0 End +1/2; [Active Cost 61; Real Cost 61]

    • Psi’s aura of Hopelessness: Psi radiates from the collective unconscious wave after wave of resignation and hopelessness…. Change Environment 8” radius -4 to Breakout rolls; Reduced End +1/4; Fully Invisible +1, Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60.

    • Speed of Thought: +4 Speed only for Mental Actions, i.e. Psi attacks, breakout rolls etc.

    • Psionic Surgery: With careful precision, Psi nips here tucks there, and reconstructs the target’s psychic into an entirely new personality with new memories, new identity. Transform Mind; Improved Target group any mind +1; Based on Ego Combat Value +1; Works against Ego not Body +1/4; Armor Piercing +1/2; Reduced Endurance +1/4; Active Cost 60; real cost 60

    • Mind Razor: With wanton abandon, Psi slashes at the target’s Self opening vicious wounds, which while they will ultimately heal, significantly weaken the targets will and sense of Self. 3d6 Drain Ego; Based on Ego Combat Value +1. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60].

    • Judgment... 1d6 Mind Control, Cumulative +1/2, Continuous +1, Uncontrolled +1/2, limited effect "Kill yourself" -0 Charges 1 Continuing Charge, 1 day +1/4., 64 x Max effect +1 ½; Requires Ego + 60 Effect -3/4 [Active Cost 24; Real Cost 14]

    • Levitation: Just another example of Mind over Matter; 24” Flight; Reduced Endurance +1/4: [Active Point Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

    • Psi Screen: By expanding his own Gestalt outwards, Psi can protect an area from mental assault: Forcewall 10 Mental Defense 9” of Effect: Transparent to Physical; Energy; Power; Flash +1/2; Reduced End +1/4; [Active 72]; No range -1/2, limited shape -1/2 [Real Cost 36]

    • Welcome to Hell, we’ve been waiting… Mental Illusions 6d6 Cumulative +1/2; 4x max Effect [144] +1/2; Set effect: Target is transported to the torments of Hell complete with demons ready to gnaw on his pathetic soul. -1/2; Set Effect Requires Ego +60 [target takes Stun & Body, no longer interacts with the real world +10 Target takes 12d6 normal damage from illusory attacks] -3/4. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 27]

    • Welcome to my Mind, not such a pretty place: Psi’s mental avatar grabs the invading mind and dives into his most bitter memories, searing the invader with psychic backlash…2d6 Ego Attack; Damage Shield +1/2; Continuous +1; Reduced to 0 End +1/2: Active Points 60; real cost 60

    • Prescience: Psi turns his considerable psychic power towards predicting future events, including the attacks headed his way. + 5 DCV levels; costs endurance -1/2. [Active Cost 25; Real Cost 17]

    • Foolish mortal, did you really think you could run? 8d6 Mind Scan, + 18 to Mind Scan roll; Mandatory Effect Requires Ego +10 -1/4; Stops working if Mentalist is Knocked out -1/4: [Active Cost 76; Real Cost 51]

    • Telepathy: 12d6 Telepathy; [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

    • Psilence: By dominating the feeble minds around him, Psi prevents them from even taking notice of where he is or what he is doing. .. Invisibility Sight, Hearing, Groups [ targeting] no Fringe; Reduced Endurance +1/4; Trigger +1/4 [Active Cost 60]; Lim. Power. Only works on “biological sapients” -1/4; [Real Cost 45]

    • Psychic Awareness: Detect Minds, Sense, Targeting Sense, 360 degree perception, Range, Discriminatory, Analyze, (Active Cost 42; Real Cost 42)

    • Mental Defense: 14 pts [Active Cost 10; Real Cost 10]

    • Psychokinesis: 20 STR Telekinesis Based on Ego Combat Value [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

    • Betrayal: Those whispers in your head, “Power Man is out to get you. You know he is. See!” 6d6 Mental Illusions, Cumulative +1/2 x4 Max Effect +1/2; Set effect “Friends attack target”; Mandatory Effect Illusion does Stun and Body Damage -1/2; Mandatory Effect Ego +10 -1/4.

    • Backoff: A psychokinetic explosion. 4” Teleport (+5 200kg, +5 position Shift) Usable as an attack +1 [defenses are flight, desolid, mass over 200kg]; AoE Radius 4” +1; Trigger +1/4 [Reflex action, reset is a half phase action], Reduced Endurance +1/4; Active Cost 63; Real cost 63


  4. Hey folks, new idea I had.


    Later! 15" Teleport, Trigger when character Dodges. [Active Cost 38]


    I figure if the character were so concerned about the incoming nastiness to Dodge it, he'd teleport away just to be on the safe side.


    Thoughts? I figure it's a lot less munchkin than the Teleport UAA position shift damage shields out there, but I'm little munchkin.



  5. Re: (not so) New Advantage: Not an Attack Action


    I'm not sure it's all that abusive.


    Think about it, Riposte triggered by a successful block has a steadily degrading curve, -2, -4, etc. for each consecutive block. Even a martial arts superstar is going to have a hard time making more than 2 or 3 consecutive blocks, and those folks action phases should come up pretty darned quickly, which breaks the chain as I understand it.


    While I wouldn't go for the "not an attack action" trigger, I think using trigger to make something like riposte is at least as valid as the "reflex action pop smoke" example that Steve gave. [note too that it was a reflex action AND a multipower attack of sorts]



  6. Re: Jedi Mind Trick?


    I added Radio, smell/taste and the like to mirror the Mental Illusions, where the illusion is perceived by the target with all the senses that the target possesses even those the Illusionist doesn't know about.


    The skill roll is a great idea, but I'm not sure ECV would fly, maybe instead a "Requires Skill Roll, Ego" I suspect the character's Ego would be around 20-30.



  7. Re: Jedi Mind Trick?


    Just caught a post by Steve re: Full Invisibility. He says that a person is always entitled to make a non-targeting perception roll against an invisible target, even if the target is invisible to the non-targeting sense used.


    Clearly he's right, after all, it's his book. But it makes me wonder, about the utility of invisibility. I'm sure there are folks out there that could justify very high bonuses to non-targeting senses, rendering a lot of the advantages of invisibility moot.


    Something to think about.



  8. Re: [Character] Richter




    Well that changes everything entirely. Wow. Sounds like an awesome campaign, come to think of it. With conventions that low, you could really model all of the stuff that's really frickin' cool, but not effective enough to warrant the cost. My oh my, the things I could do with the "extra" 350 after I'd made a reasonably effective (or slightly less than entirely munchkin) character.


    With conventions like that Richter becomes a rather dangerous combatant. And then becomes quite appropriate, I think. If you're opponents are 350's and they're going to gang tackle you; it's definitely game on.



  9. Re: [Character] Richter


    It would be very helpful, if you gave us any of the campaign guidelines, like expected CV and/or damage caps.


    He's very much improved, from a combat standpoint, but there are still some serious issues I think.


    Right now, you're best attack is at 22 dc equivalents (the 14d6 AP EB). There is a tendency for folks to ensure that their best attack is at the maximum allowed by the campaign, or very close to it (notable exceptions exist but they're generally pretty rare). If 22dc's is the convention, then most folks will design their resistant defenses to handle a significant portion of that.


    22 Normal dice is an average of 77 Stun, 22 Body. Most folks really hate taking Body damage so, I would expect almost everyone to have a minimum of 22 pd/ 22 ed. Of course, then, the average attack would leak through 55 Stun, which is an awful lot, so maybe they'll bump up from those minimums to 40 or even 50. Since players with lots of points tend to invest heavily in speed, resistances need to be even higher than in lower point games, because more attacks will "leak through" before the character has a chance to recover. Under those circumstances, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see folks sporting 60 rpd/ 60red.


    Net result of that arms race is that virtually all of your AoE's are completely bounced by 90%+ of all the folks in spandex. If 22 DC's is the convention, your forcewall goes down in one hit, over 90% of the time.


    On an average hit, you're taking 29 Stun from physical attacks, and 27 Stun from energy attacks. And that's assuming you're on the ground, if they lift you up, say with a TK grab and squeeze, you're taking 64 Stun and 9 Body. So essentially, you're no more than 3 or 4 hits from being taken out of the fight completely.


    If a mostly energy projector like Richter is sporting a 14 OCV (Dex 33 + 3 levels); you can expect martial artists to be sporting DCV's in excess of of 20 (Dex 40+ + martial Dodge).


    Oh you might take a "Non Persistent" Limitation on your armor that only works while on the ground.


    It's your character, and I'm fine however you want to build him, but as it stands I doubt he'd last a turn in a combat against another 700 pt. character. While none of my 350 pt. characters could take him at this point (my martial artist would've eaten him for breakfast in his first incarnation), he's still a jack of all trades master of none, which works sometimes quite well at lower levels, but up in these dizzying heights will just get you killed.


    Honestly, I think this character works better at 350 or even 250. I can see how you'd get most all of the core powers in (at admittedly lower magnitude, but probably better ratio all things tolled, e.g. you might only have an 8d6 AP EB, but where non-brick defenses are usually 25 or less and not hardened, you'll do a lot more effective damage).


    I'm just not sure, currently I expect your primary defense is actually coming from your DCV, and I really don't think it will hold up. Folks tend to invest pretty heavily in OCV 'cause they hate to miss.



  10. Re: Helpful Ghost


    Helpful Ghost Powers:


    1. Clairsentience: Hilge, go phase through that wall into the room beyond and tell me what's up. (delayed effect to model taking the time to relay the "scouting report")


    2. I can't believe I'm getting chewed out by a ghost... Aid STR and perhaps others. Special FX, when Brad's in trouble, entangled, gettin' his butt whumped on, Hilge threatens, cajoles, and otherwise inspires him to his heroic potential (delayed effect again)


    3. "You seriously aren't buying that are you?" Mental Defense sfx a snarky ghost pointing out the flaws in the mental illusion, the inanity of the mind control etc. Or Ego Blast, only against mental entangles affecting self.


    4. "I've got 'em" Hilge flies over to target and distracts it by bobbing and weaving in and out of visions... Single target sight flash.


    5. "It's so coooooolllllddd!" Hilge, in the manner of ghosts everywhere, dramatically lowers the temperature and otherwise makes it all spooky... Change Environment Drops Temperature 3-5 levels + -4 to Pre rolls.


    6. "silly mortal is mine now!" Hilge attacks the "ghosted" target... energy blast affects desolid; only affects desolid.


    7. "Come along Bradley" Hilge opens a portal to Midgard, etc. X-tra Dimensional Movement.


    8. "Come along Bradley 2" Hilge opens a Gate through to a fixed point. Teleport, Gates, Fixed location.


    9. "Psst... Hit 'em in the knee, he's weak there" sfx of Find Weakness, the phase being the time it takes to convey the report. +Usuable by others, simultaneously if you wanna be mean, and the GM goes for it.


    10. Spirit Wall, Hilge runs interference against spiritual attacks; Forcewall Mental Defense, Power Defense, transparent to flash defense; self only; no range. If you wanted a defense that might fail.


    11. "Stick close" Hilge hides Brad's "mortality" by covering him with her aura. invisibility against "Detect Mortal" etc.


    12. "Hilge, go find x" Mind Scan. (extra time)



    S'all I got off the top.



  11. Re: Favorite Damage Shields?


    One of the more "abusive" or "munchkin" damage shields I've heard of was:




    5" Teleport w/ Position Shift: Usable as an attack +1, Continuous +1, Damage Shield +1/2, Reduced Endurance 0 +1/2; [Active Cost 60 pts; limitations to taste, but "Must travel intervening space -1/4, "Fixed Location" defined as the point on the ground exactly 5" in front of the character -1/4;] Defenses to the UAA: having Teleport; Desolid; or a Mass in excess of 200kg.]


    As the power does not have the "usable simultaneously" advantage, it's a great way to get rid of grabs. :)


    Essentially any hand to hand strike caused the offender to be thrown 5" away and knocked prone.


    There's always the eternal favorite


    Necromantic Leach: 2d6 Drain Body, Damage Shield +1/2, Continuous +1, 0 End +1/2: [Active Cost 60 pts.]

  12. Re: Jedi Mind Trick?


    I figured you couldn't take invisibility vs. the Unusual Group. But I do think that at least some of them should be grouped in more traditional groups. I'm not sure why, for example, N-Ray Perception with the sfx of "x-ray vision" shouldn't be flashed, darkened, etc. by Sight Group; or N-Ray Perception with the sfx of "ultra sonic perception" (like the medical device commonly referred to as an ultrasound) shouldn't be flashed by a Hearing Group.


    As far as "being a munchkin" what I was trying to do was replicate the effect of a Mental Illusion "I'm not here" which does apply to all the senses the target has, even the unusual ones. Granted, in context, since there's no Attack roll, Effect roll, or breakout roll, it would be overpowered as a "vanilla" invisibility. Thanks, sometimes I can't see the munchkin for the trees. :)


    Good thought on the "human mind only" it was exactly the effect I was looking for, where people couldn't see him, but he'd show up on video just fine.


    So Invisibility Sight, Hearing, Radio, Smell/Taste no Fringe (Active Cost 60) Lim. Power only against sapient biologicals -1/4 (Real Cost 45)


    I'm disinclined to add "only when not attacking" the character is not a Jedi, and the invisibility is essentially his only defense. Besides, I paid all those points for Invisible Power effects.


    Repped and Thanks



    To JmoZ


    I'm not sure I understand you're comment. Are you saying that 'If a person disappears from all normal distance based perception, then I, the NPC, will use cleverness and deduction to attempt to find said person: e.g. throwing flour in the general area where the person disappeared, overturning a water tower, so you can see the ripples around the invisible person's legs, randomly tossing hand grenades about etc." or are you saying something like "I, as GM, don't approve of essentially fully invisible characters, and rather than banning them on the front end, I'll encourage them to give up by ensuring that many of their antagonists have special senses that are not affected by the invisibility."


    I can understand either position, though if it's the second, I'd prefer it, as a player, if the GM simply said, "I don't all fully invisible characters in my campaign, and yours is too close to that, so either limit it to fewer sense groups or come up with another schtick"



  13. Re: help with a character build


    With respect to Hugh, Sean and others:


    Your mathematical analysis is unassailable and quite convincing, except that "Power does not work in Darkness is -1/2" according to Holy Writ. "Power only works in Darkness is -1/2" and "only works in Twilight is -1"


    So Twilight, granted happens every day but can't reasonably be construed to last more than 3 hours/day unless your very far north or very far south (that is north or south of the 70th parallel respectively) [[although apparently there are those who construe Twilight to occur both in the early morning and the evening, but still that's at most 6 hours in one day, at or above the 80th Parallel and only on the Equinox). How does that figure into your calculations?


    I do think limited power has some actual game play fudge factors in it. After all Doesn't work in Water is -1/4 yet 2/3 of the planet is water and over 90% of the biosphere is in or under the water. Doesn't work in Intense magnetic fields is -1/4; but where do these naturally occur? I'm actually serious about that, I suppose on each of the poles, in the Ionosphere, but other than that I'm stumped.



  14. Re: [Character] Richter




    wouldn't worry about Long back stories, they're often the best part of it.


    I've no experience with the Gawd-like 700pt. game, but it seems to me that Richter isn't very well positioned. I would expect that 20d6 energy blasts would be a dime a dozen meaning on average, even when Richter is totally armored up, he's only 2 or 3 shots from being in a really bad way. I think you'd have an awfully hard time hitting any DCV based character. Even at the 350 pt. level I've seen natural DCV's as high as 12, even 15, and with the DCV bonuses to many martial maneuvers, you're looking at an average off 13; and that's folks at half your power level. Rolling 4- is really, really hard. If they dodge, it's 3-.


    At a 20 dc damage cap, a 10rpd 10red force wall may as well be tissue paper.


    I like the earth concept, I have one myself, but I think Richter lacks the focus to be really effective. You've got coverage against almost everything, but I'm not sure it's enough in any one particular. Offensively, I'm not liking your chances against anything with 30 hardened pd, and truth to tell, that isn't all that uncommon at 350, so at 700?


    A lot depends on the campaign. If you're spending all of your time contesting against supers, then the 9d6 normal damage energy blasts aren't even going to register. If however, you're primarily up against normals or folks built around 250-300 you might do okay.


    I couldn't take Richter with Winter, but I'm relatively confident I could hold you up for a good long while, and she's a mere 360. Supposing you didn't nail me right off in Segment 12, your best chance to hit, unless I did something silly like go prone or sweep, would be 8- which is about 26%. And even then your 13d6+1 AP energy blast will hurt, but, at 30 hardened rpd, she can probably take it.



  15. Re: help with a character build


    With respect to Hugh,


    I think your limitations are on the high side. 6pm to Midnight, at least in most campaigns I've been in isn't at all rare. I would say easily half the time, we're playing after sundown. But we play in a "darker" league I guess where folks get hurt, occasionally even die. Maybe in your campaigns, heroes clock in at 8:00, leave at 5:00 and make it home for dinner.





  16. I'm trying to model a sort of Jedi Mind trick "These aren't the droids you're looking for." Essentially, I want to build a character who's schtick is that virtually regardless of circumstances, no one takes notice of him.


    Initially, I thought of:


    Mental Illusions xd6, AoE Radius, Cumulative, x4 Max Effect; Set Effect "only to render self as "no one of consequence"; Mandatory Effect Ego +30 (Complete alteration of the scene + Target remembers the illusion as being real), no range


    The problem with that was that it took for ever, as did this version


    Mind Control xd6, AoE Radius, Telepathic, Set Effect "Ignore me"; mandatory effect "target will not remember actions +10", no range


    Then I thought of:


    Invisibility Sight, Hearing, Radio, Smell/Taste, Unusual Group no Fringe (Active Cost 70); Lim. power: only works against targets of "Human Mind" class.


    This is the best I think, except I'm not sure if you can take Invisibility against the "Unusual Group" and I'm not sure what the value of the "Human Mind" class only would be. I exclude the "Mental Group" from the Invis, on the idea that fellow Mentalists would probably have the strength of mind to resist the "Jedi Mind trick"


    Any thoughts, greatly appreciated.

  17. Re: [Character] Winter


    Thanks Treb,


    Winter is kind of special. Like I said, I had originally intended to make her something entirely different, but she wasn't having any of that. Sometimes the characters you make, whether in a game like this or in my writing, take a life of their own and absolutely refuse to "play by the rules." They're often the best ones; least in my experience.


    She's had a rough time of it, and more issues than the Economist, but there's something there I think worth exploring one of these days. If I ever get around to writing it. What did happen so long ago in Siberia? Is her apparent sociopathy genuine or a more a rigid, self-protective mask so long in place that she's forgotten how to express what's underneath it? Has she tried to divorce herself from humanity, as a survival response, due to her inability to be at all intimate with any of its members? (random folks like Zl'f excluded).


    Guess I have darker, broody characters on the brain. Even my "knight in shining armor" has more than a little edge to him.


    Now if I can only figure out how to build my namesake.



  18. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks?


    By the by Kirby:


    Usable as an Attack does require that the player provide "negatory" defenses to the UAA.


    I quote "In addition, there must be a reasonably common set of defenses which will cancel out the attack. For example, flight bought with this Advantage might not work against any character who had Flight, Desolidifcation or Power Defense"


    Other standard Brick tactics I wanted to try but never did:


    An AOE Transform, only non sentients to Water. Figure that'll slow 'em down when the street becomes an Olympic size pool.


    Teleport usable as an attack, with position shift; followed by Darkness usable as an attack.



  19. Re: help with a character build


    Seems a classic case of "partially limited power"


    For example, your flight:


    Flight 3" Lim. power only between 6 a.m. and midnight; + 3" Flight lim. power only between noon and 6pm; + 6" Flight only between 6 pm and midnight.


    Depending on the campaign a fair number of GMs would have problems with the character conception. He's essentially worthless midnight 'til 6 a.m. and with the cost savings kinda godly between 6pm and midnight.


    As a player, I'd be prepared to be spending a fair amount of really important time midnight to 6 a.m.


    Mechanically that should work, whether or not you'll get a -1/4 limitation or not is up to the local GM.



  20. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own!


    One I've always wanted to do, but never had the GM hand wave the AP cap violation


    Archetype: x4 Duplication, +1 totally altered. Essentially the character (Jungian Psychiatrist by day) summons from within himself psychic projections of the collective unconscious archetypes: Warrior, Martyr, Wanderer and Shadow. So instead I got stuck with a Multiform, personality loss, reversion etc. Still workable, but kinda miss the schtick of the original idea.



  21. Re: [Character] Winter


    Um, wow.


    I rarely play energy projectors, and think 30rpd/30red as a brick standard, but if 25/25 is good for EP's consider me sold. Sometimes I can't see where my inner munchkin ends (including as in this case trying to shoe horn a power that should belong into an elemental control into that EC's AP requirement) and where community standards are.


    I also wanted to include this gem from the Anti- High DCV tricks


    Flash Freeze... 2Def 3d6 Entangle, Continuous +1, Damage Shield +1/2, 0 Endurance +1/2; no barriers -1/4, Vuln. to fire/heat -1. Active Cost 75, Real Cost after EC bonus 16.


    Not that I'd allow her to have it with all the other tools that she's got, but she could probably switch out for this.



  22. Re: [Character] Winter


    Glad you like her. But here's the question, would she make into your campaign? I rarely play energy projectors, so I'm concerned that the forcefield is too high, then again her best attack is melee ranged.



  23. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks?


    The utility of Flight UAA is one of the reasons why it is almost stomped on by a GM. After all to be completely munchkin


    4" Flight, usable at range +1/2 , usable as an attack +1, defense is Desolid or Flight


    Is a 20pt. ish Brick be gone. Add an AoE and it works against a large majority of your High DCV melee types too.


    From the banned files:


    Judgment... 1d6 Mind Control, Cumulative, Continuous, Uncontrolled, limited effect "Kill yourself" Charges 1 Continuing Charge, 1 day. Requires Ego +50 effect, 64 x Max effect.


    Pair it with Mind Scan and


    "No one escapes their past. No one escapes Judgment" -V



    High DEX, High Speed, Teleport Usable as an Attack, 4x mass


    Grab, bamf, 1/2 bamf or full bamf (depending on whether "letting go is an attack or 0 phase action) drop for eventually terminal velocity damage.

  24. Re: Sweep, Multiple Power Attacks and Autofire


    Thanks folks,


    My impulse was toward your opinions, e.g. multiple power attacks or sweep, aoe counts against the damage cap, but with fudge factors. Where I diverged, to my detriment, was thinking of the damage cap as an absolute for things other than haymaker, pushing and the like.


    I'm in general agreement with the Rules relative to Modified Damage and DC's, e.g. armor piercing, Based on Ego Combat, Autofire etc. counts but reduced endurance, personal immunity, difficult to dispel doesn't.


    I'm beginning to think that it was Killing Attack hate more than anything else. I'm pretty sure none would balk at a martial artist that can sweep 3xmartial strike for 12d6 normal dice. Or a brick that can sweep punch 3 x strike for 12d6, or an energy projector who rapid fires 3x12d6 normal dice.


    'Course sometimes you want to build a character with killing attacks: blades, claws, fire, radiation etc. Oh well.



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