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death tribble

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Posts posted by death tribble

  1. Lightray


    From one of the most loved members of the Protectors to the most hated. Lightray was supposed to be going straight when he joined the team. Instead of which he assisted in an attempt to kill us.


    I really like the design on this sheet which is why I am including it. Drawn by the main GM.


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  2. Dr Density


    Dr Density was a brick who also had ego powers but nothing too gross. Unlike Spirit who was a teammate.


    Density was created and drawn by Paul Geelan. However the main GM liked Dr Demsity and Paul liked Moonlight Shadow so the pair swapped characters.


    Unlike the Wolverine rip off Wolfclaw that the main GM would play, he never once played Dr Density badly. Density was a mutant who never rammed that fact down people's throats.

    He was a goody goody and really thank whoever for that. It was always a pleasure to run up against this guy.

    Later versions had a cloak but this is the original picture.

  3. Uranium


    One of the best ideas that the main GM came up with was the Chemical Compound. The second incarnation of which featured Uranium who was basically an excuse to use the neutralization or suppress power.

    plus the character sheet picture looked pretty good.


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  4. Universo


    This was the first mega villain of the main GM of the campaign. Simple costume and many of you may have seen something similar or used something similar. Best thing about the guy was the costume.


    The problem with this guy was many fold. High CVs, high powered and high defenses. And this was at the start of the campaign. Oh 10d6 Entangle is along the lines of what I mean by problems. And there is the matter of little or no disads that you can take advantage of, such as no vulnerabilities or hunteds other than the team. And then overused.


    after some complaints the vllain was revised but it still left a bad taste in the mouth. And unfortunately the GM did not learn his lesson. A new mega-villain came in called Necromancer who was overused. Try several unlinked scenarioes on the trot with him appearing each time.


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  5. Wavelength: Doc Spectrum


    This is the head of Wavelength Doc Spectrum. Unlike the rest of his team, his costume is slightly different being black with a rainbow of colour along one side.


    He did not make as many appearances as the rest of the team.


    However it was enough for Paul Geelan and the main GM to mercilessly rib me with the spoof Waveylength comprising such luminaries as Permanent Wave who made your hair curly and Good Bye Wave whose power sent you flying out of the combat. And then there was Dr ZX81, which was a computer predecessor to the Spectrum.


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  6. Wavelength: Light


    This is one of the male members of Wavelength Light. All the members were built around the concept of wat their wave was so Light had a flash and a Energy Blast. He could also fly.


    Most of the group could making them difficult to engage and capture. They were not a great success but they kept going.


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  7. Wavelength: Alpha


    I came up with an organization called Wavelength. All members had waves as their powers ie Alpha waves, Beta waves (atomic particles basically), Light, Sound etc.


    I settled on a standard uniform for them and my brother Paul drew the result. About half the members were women and the rest were men (they could have been aliens or animals just in case some one wants to make a comment on obviousness).


    This is Alpha, one of the female members.


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  8. Just Awful


    It could have been worse. They might have said something like The Power Rangers, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe or Bullwinkle and Rocky.

    Fetch the buckets 'cos I've just made you all sick.

  9. You Can't See The Join Man


    An American Pilot who got tangled up with a UFO, YCSTJM was rebuilt by the aliens. Including bits of the plane he was flying......


    Due to his partly horrific appearance, the pilot took the name 'You Can't See The Join Man' as a way of trying to make people realise he knew what he looked like and to reassure them. They still freaked. He became bitter and was a villain for a while. Eventually he went to Japan where they gave him a sleeker look as this sheet shows. He also changed his name to Steel Sentinal.


    This is the second version of the character sheet and is drawn by my brother Paul from an original by Paul Geelan.


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  10. Blaze


    This is another character I came up with that was a fire user.

    Blaze was also an ID I toyed of using for the Flame when he was outside the Protectors.


    Drawn by my brother Paul.


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  11. The Other Flame


    This is another 'hero' called the Flame. Designed by me and drawn by Paul Geelan, what the main DM did not pick up on was that this Flame was working for Genocide.

    I did say he was a member of the Diamond Dogs. Which if you listen to the David Bowie song does give it away in the first couple of lines.


    The whole look was predicated on making the figure different to the original Flame drawing.


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  12. Composite Man


    This was an attempt by the main DM to do an Amazo or Super Adaptoid. Composite Man had part of the powers of quite a few of the Protectors as you can see from the Uniform design.


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  13. Arakneida daughter of Arak


    This was what happened to Arachneida when Daddy Dear (Arak Demon God of the Spiders) activated her true potential.


    Spider fangs and extra limbs. Deeply unpleasent of him.

    Drawn by my brother Paul.


    The main DM who was playing while I was DMing this decided on a quick and dirty method of curing her. Arak was a Lord of Chaos, there was a Champion of Law present. Get one to touch the other and bingo, cured ! Ever seen what happens when postive and negative collide ?


    So Arachneida lost her powers and enhanced abilities. And she was quite bitter about it.


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  14. Our campaign first started in the mid-80s. Actual date was late 84. We travelled through time more or less on schedule.

    The Iran-Iraq war was partly kept going by Dr Apocalypse.


    And then Birmingham in England was first devastated by a Volcano curtesy of the four horsemen of Dr Apocalypse, and then all but wiped out by The Destroyer.


    Can't say we were into the fads that much. If you say that the 80s and early 90s are gadget obsessed then yes. We had Moonlight Shadow and other martial artists throwing signature weaponry around.


    The Demoness eventually had tinted Red Hair. But that was partly due to the fact that part of her soul was demonic.

    Mullet hair does were not worn as helmets and capes rather spoiled that look.


    We did have heroes who fought in the war but their powers and abilities were greatly reduced from what the heroes of the 80s had.

  15. Too General/Nebulous or Specific Part 5




    Trouble is I don't know which ones are which now.


    And the next.


    Mind Crime

    Mob Mentality

    Molotov Cocktail

    Needle (of Pins and Needles)

    No 2

    One Man Airforce

    One Man Conspiracy

    One Man Gang

    One Man Navy


    Paper (partner of Scissors and Stone)



    Picture Perfect

    Piltdown Man

    Pin (of Pins and Needles)

    Pine Martin

    Plain Jane


    Poetic Justice



    Praetorian Guard


    Prime Suspect

    Private Detective

    Private Investigator

    Professional Killer

    Profit Motive

    Prussic Acid


    Mob Mentality is a Mafia employed emotion controller who specialises in stirring up crowds. Mind Crime similarly.


    If Molotov Cocktail is not acceptable, is Molotov ?


    Needle. Plenty of people fear Needles. Unless of course this name is copyright but if so I don't know who has it.


    No 2. Numbers greater than this might sound ridiculous when applied to the genre, but 2 is referred to a lot in real life.


    As regards the One Man names, One Man Army made it in I know but the others may have fallen foul of the genre filter One Man Conspiracy particularly. A significantly powerful flyer could easily qualify as One Man Airforce but One Man Navy is I admit stretching it. I have a vague feeling that One Man Gang might be copyright but cannot say for certain.


    Paper, Scissors and Stone were all submitted but I never saw if they made it on the old boards.


    Piltdown Man was a famous fraudulant attempt to fool people with the origin of man. Then an evil sorceror actually imbued it with life....


    Pine Martin was included as Raccoon was in the original Enemies book. And if Raccoon could get in the Pine Martin which is related to Minks, Stoats etc, then why not ?


    Poetic Justice is an ideal vigilante name. Either as a crusader or as someone fairly Punisher like.


    If you don't like Profit Motive (which might be better as a team name), what about Prophet Motive ?


    Some of the others might be too general again.

    There are around 250 new ones after all of this.

    One question. One of the German WW2 airplane companies was Blohm and Voss. Might sound ok as a team name and a company but looks daft to me as names for individuals. What do you think ?

  16. The Flame Mk 4


    After the Flame lost his powers when several of the villains try to return themselves to normal by removing their powers, he had to find another way to continue fighting crime.

    Three battlesuits used against the Protectors were transformed to let the Flame use these for heavy work while a gun and flak vest came into play where mobility and lesser power was called on.


    The main GM then rigourously enforced the foci limitation and tried to destroy or ruin the gadgets in every scenario they appeared. Something that was not done to other people.

    Ever get the feeling that some people are playing favourites ?


    Anyway this is what the Flame was like after losing his powers.

    The drawing is by my brother Paul, the concept is by me.


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  17. The Destroyer


    This is a photocopy reduction of the original big nasty of the Campaign, The Destroyer. Star of the first Crisis on Infinite Earth set of scenarioes that Paul Geelan and the main GM ran, the Destroyer was an epic villain and out to destroy all creation. The first time out the combined team beat him eventually.


    Created and drawn by Paul Geelan.


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  18. Dr Apocalypse mk 4


    Dr Apocalypse returned to plague the Protectors several more times after his death. His son took the name and attacked the team; and then Apocalypse's essence was used to power a villain base before he was able to build himself a new body.

    Then Dr Apocalypse drained mutant powers from all the world's mutants making him one of the biggest paranormals on the planet and an instant target for Genocide who lost lots of material trying to take him down.

    The picture you see here is of Apocalypse at the time he instigated the Four Horseman of Dr Apocalypse and caused a Volcano to appear in Birmingham, England.


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  19. Dr Apocalypse


    This is the original Dr Apocalypse and the original picture.

    It is a standard template picture that has been inked over.

    Drawn and created by Paul Geelan, Apocalypse would usually betray any and everyone.

    He was trying to steer the Earth ot of orbit for a race of machines when the Protectors and Brother Death, special agent of the Bravarian Illuminati caught up with him. Brother Death sliced and diced Apocalypse's brains to illustrate that one does not mess with the Bravarian Illuminati. The Protectors at the time did not know that Brother Death worked for the Illuminati. That's their story and they are sticking to it.


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  20. Warpath: Psiko


    How evil were Warpath ? Try this for size. Babies went missing or died. When the team investigated we came across this. The amalgamation of the brains of these babies into the Psi Killing Organism or PSIKO for short. It was destroyed but left the Protectors with a real dislike for Warpath.


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  21. Warpath: Vulcan


    Cross Feur from Terror Inc with Durak and you have a fairly good picture of Vulcan. Hideously strong and with fire powers, he was a very nasty opponent.


    Both he and Golem got taken down before the others when we fought them.


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  22. Warpath: Golem


    There were few many limbed opponents of the Protectors which made Golem stand out to begin with. Standing over 9 feet tall also helps. Injured in a fire, Golem had to be rebuilt and came back as this monstrosity, idle as a member of Warpath.


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  23. Warpath: Jigsaw


    The first of the new recruits, Jigsaw disconcerted the heroes as his body parts were able to function on their own and he could split apart without seeming to suffer any harm. More than a little freaky.


    As always, Paul Geelan drew and created the members of the group.


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  24. Warpath: Golgotha


    Golgotha was Maze's lover and someone who the American airforce had experimented on. Golgotha joined Warpath to stay with Maze. So he was not exactly happy when she had a baby by the Shining Knight.


    Golgotha was the last original member of Warpath


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  25. Warpath: Maze


    Maze was the sixth member of Warpath recruited along with Golgotha when fighting a Minuteman, which Baroness Dark summarily dispatched to Hell. Maze used mental ability to trap people in a maze in their mind. They then had to solve it to get out. Trying to blast or wallop them had a similar effect.


    There is slight water damage tyo the sheet for which apologies.


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