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Posts posted by TheQuestionMan

  1. ah good you were curious enough to look . I'm sure that every Herophile has had this idea before , but I haven't seen it seen it in print . With Reality Storm : When Worlds Collide from Hero Games and Guardians of Order the potential for CrossOvers exists for other GOO products such as ; The AUTHORITY , STORMWATCH , and The NOCTURNALS .


    I remeber the old Villians and Vigilantes products later had Champions stats as well . Could we look forward to this ?


    Reality Storm 2 : The Bleed ( the Authority and Storm Watch )

    Reality Storm 3 : ( Nocturnals ) ect...


    Looking forward to your commets .

  2. Well done


    After reading everyones comments and reading my own copy all I can say is WELL DONE . I agree with the premise of the book and look forward to the on-line UNTIL Superpowers Database . I can see why Hero Games is so widely reguarded by everyone and why Champions IS the Ultimate Super Hero RPG and it just keeps getting better . Looking forward to future products .


    It seems all my questions have been answered .

  3. Secret ID vs Public ID


    I've been more of a lurker lately than a poster , but here's my two cents .


    A Secret ID for public employees is quite possible . We do not show the faces of Undercover Agents , SWAT , or , Detectives , because it endangers them on and off the job . Being recognized by chance as a Silver Avenger may endanger you , your mission , and innocent bystanders . Making you a danger to the public and preventing any public relations work . I mean what school would want a SA speaking in their school , leading their scout troop , or protecting someone else when they themselves are a target .


    A Public ID does make the public and the media more open to them , but also more critical of individuals and used as political chips in the game . Instead of being SuperCops they become SuperTargets .

  4. Awe mannn 111


    That's just to cool Storn . I gotto tell yah I'm more of a lurker than a poster , but I always follow your stuff . Keep it up . Besides , it's just so fun to watch your groups and you banter back and forth on the Green Ronin forum .


    Keep up the great work . Hope Steve and crew are pay'in attention on the great work your producing .


    Thanks a Fan

  5. Tell us something we don't know


    I agree with the rest . Even if I don't get to play as much as I used too . I still get to tinker with the best system around and when I want to show it off to other gamers who haven't played in years ( 10 or more , but this will change ) they understand , they get it , and appreciate it .


    It really is The Ultimate Superhero Role Playing Game . ( now stop patting yourself on the back and basking in our praises and get back to editing < cracks the licorish whip > . )


    Thanks E .

  6. Super Fumbles


    Imagine your hero leaping recklessly into a bank being robbed by several thugs with high tech weapons . No match for you .


    Move Through on Armored Glass Bank window fails ... prat splat against the window . Did I mention you Stunned yourself .


    Next you recover and charge through the bank door and straight into the guns of 3 high tech blaster rifles . Did I mention that the Knocked Back through the Armored Glass Bank window and into the street and that your stunned again .


    You recover from stun and some of your poise when the getaway Van tries to do a Move Through on you and you fail to Dodge and your Knocked Back into the intersection and on coming traffic .


    You live and recover conciousness , but your debue as a superhero not going exactlly as planned .


    The paramedics , Police and Media response is not exactlly good either.


    A couple of days later in you Mundane ID your doing some banking and the same Thugs try to rob it while your there . Time for some payback right .


    As the Thugs take up position you see your opportunity and leap to your feet and plant a Offensive Strike on Thug#1's chin . Before they can react you vault the bank counter ( fail your Acrobatics Roll ) fall on the floor and Sweep Thugs#2 and 3 off their feet .


    You grab one of their high tech blaster rifles and shoot Thug#4 across the room , but the it jams ( Act.14-) . He shoots you and the Knockback blasts you into the safe . Thug#2 pushes it closed . Did I mention your stunned .


    The thug's escape , but without as much loot and the Bank manager opens the safe when the Police arrive . No costume to hide your ID and the Bank knows who you are .


    My personal worst

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