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Posts posted by Worldtraveller

  1. I'm getting information together to run a game in the Babylon 5 setting, using the HERO system.


    Can anyone here recommend good reference books for the B5 setting? I really think I only need some system maps, and maybe some ship listings/designs. I want to avoid buying every B5 RPG supplement and really just need the basics, so I'm open to suggestions.


  2. I've done a fair bit of weapons fighting and training (20+ years in various asian martial arts, including Kendo/Kenjitsu). I've worn what would be equivalent to light (stiff leather) armor in kendo, but that was limited to the torso and the helmet. I also wear leather for my costume at the local renfair, and even in temperatures of ~100F, it's not that bad compared to just wearing appropriate attire anyway.


    I think Christopher Taylor's ideas are probably the best for characters/adventures that are mostly situated in or around a city. A warrior might only put on his full plate when going into an actual battle (Think of the different armor that Faramir wears in the Lord of the Rings for when he's 'scouting', and when he lead the charge to Osgiliath). Even heavy armor isn't really much more exhausting than medium or light armor.


    The things I would maybe impose is a max run speed. Even this is somewhat artificial, though. The other things encumbering a typical adventurer are running with a sword in a sheath, the backpack, cloak, etc. (Running with a sheathed sword can be pretty comical actually, and it's very encumbering in terms of slowing one down.)






  3. I know this is a kinda old thread, but I'm wondering how your game is going?


    I finally got all my Traveller/HERO stuff, and a helping of other resources. I am going to try to run a game where the players are on the other side of the fence....


    Instead of constantly trying to scrounge up enough money, they will be working for the bank/private repossession firm, and will the 'away team' sent to repossess starships that are overdue on their payments. Think 'Airplane Repossession", with starships. :) (If you haven't seen any episodes of Airplane Repo on the discovery channel, you should google it and watch a couple). 


    Eventually, they should earn enough money and learn the ropes to start researching and finding the ships on their own, or freelancing a bit while on a mission and start expanding their skills.

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