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Kid Jurassic

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Posts posted by Kid Jurassic

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    To my horror, I just discovered that you can substitute "Jar-Jar" for Ernest in any of the following titles:


    You can do it for almost any movie...


    The Unsinkable Jar Jar Binks


    Jar Jar Binks Day Off


    when Jar Jar Binks met sally


    There's something about Jar Jar.


    The Binks Identity


    Jar Jar Binks and the Cocolate Factory


    A fish called Jar Jar

    Jar Jar Binks and the temple of doom


    Meet Jar Jar Binks


    the legend of Jar Jar Binks


    The assasination of billy the kid by the coward Jar Jar Binks.


    Jar Jar Binks vs. Predator


    Alien vs. Jar Jar Binks


    Jar Jar Gump


    Jar Jar Binks and the Holy Grail


    Jar Jar and Hutch

  2. Re: The Spirit of Superheroing


    This may depend on actual role-playing but rewards can be more than money and XP. I was playing in Proditor's game and he had our team Interviewed by Conan O'Brien after a high profile battle. We role-played out the whole interview and ended up laughing ourselves silly, but then we have a group that all love the genre.

  3. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous)



    barney fife HERO and get smart HERO


    Barney fife heor yes...


    But as for get smart...I went to HeroCon 2007 and one of the great games I played in was a 60s spy game, Mission Impossible, The Avengers, The man From U.N.C.L.E. I Spy and the like.


    It got me thinking that a comedy spy game, Get Smart, Austin Powers etc might be a ton of fun.

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Either that, or change it to: "Tennessee: We're shaped like a sign post"


    You just made me spit coffee on my desk! Too soon to rep you again though :(


    To Blatanlty Steal from a comic who's name I cannot remember:


    Oklahoma Oklahoma: There I said it twice.


    Someone else do a NT. I feel dirty.

  5. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


    The Old Line Jouster


    Fred Quincy was kind of a geek. He spent hi time role playing and going to

    Renaissance Festivals and the like. He was relatively athletic, and had been

    riding horses since he was a child. It was only natural to him to combine

    his love of the Res Fest with his love of horses. He decided to master the

    official sport of Maryland: Jousting.


    He rapidly moved up through the rankings and became a semi-professional,

    making a living traveling to Ren Faires all around the country. In 2006 he

    was competing in a Joust at The Maryland Renaissance Festival, when lightning struck him. He almost died. He was air lifted to Shock Trauma medical center in Baltimore where he spent the next week in a coma.


    Finally he came to, and as the doctors examined him, they were shocked. All

    of his injuries had almost healed. Fred left the hospital and noticed that his sight and hearing seemed a bit crisper, and the beginnings of the gut he was building had vanished. Being the geek he was, Fred felt the need to see what was up.


    He returned home he mounted his horse, Raven, and began to ride. As he came into town he heard sirens. He spurred Raven into a gallop and, grabbing a long solid tree branch, went toward the sound.


    An armed robber had just gone on the run from a local convenience store and,

    well you all know how this goes: Fred uses his riding and jousting talents

    combined with his increased speed and senses to catch the bad buy.


    Boom. Bob's your uncle and The Old Line Jouster was born.


    -He wears a Kevlar/Chain mail bodysuit that protects him from most bullets

    and non energy projectiles.

    -He fights mounted on Raven with a steel composite Lance which he calls Poe.

    -Low grade super speed, reflexes, senses and healing.

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