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  1. Sent. It's not a server, really, because I didn't think we'd have that many folks who use Discord. You would be number 4, it's silly to open an entire server for four people.
  2. I got it, thanks. I was right, I did have a copy of it. Two, in fact.
  3. RIP. I don't know what the filename is, but I probably have a copy. We are not playing that game right now. The current game is the '83 game.... which has become the '88 game.
  4. Discord is definitely preferable. Right now we have two energy projectors and a martial artist/alchemist, one of the energy projectors is traditionally a brick though and that character is annoyed by their current predicament.
  5. The GM probably won't be able to incorporate your character, if we manage to build one in time, into the new game. So just a concept will do and we can hammer out what that is over email or discord or here.
  6. Usually we try to be there at 6pm. Absolutely. Maybe a notebook or a laptop, some dice if you like. One of the other players and I head up to Games HQ at noon, I might not be there on time (I've had a cold and it's played merry hell with my sleep). From there we tend to go to eat, around 4ish. Then we head over to the other player's house until a bit before 6, but we might dawdle a bit more at the shop or at dinner, since you're new to the group. Then we head over to the GM's place. What sort of character were you thinking about playing?
  7. Yes, we do. We meet every other Saturday evening. The next meeting is the 29th. After that is the 14th.
  8. I don't know, I'll ask. Sorry about the late response, I've been busy.
  9. I'm bumping this, because we're looking for players again.
  10. I'd argue Ben Grimm's probably got a high SPD, probably middling dex, because it's all skill for him. An 18 dex, SPD 6 or so, 4-5 levels of HTH, boxing, and a few HTH damage classes would probably cover it. I say this, because he has demonstrated repeatedly that he is an extremely skilled fighter, capable of trashing entire armies of goons, punching above his strength class, and massively outclassing the guys that are in his weight class, through sheer skill.
  11. It's absolutely relevant, it's an indication of how clumsy they are, also, if they catch it (like Star-Lord did in the movies) then it demonstrates that they just messed up, but were fast enough and accurate enough to correct their mistake. Martian Manhunter has legitimate superhuman reflexes, he has kept up with Ultraman, who is AU!Superman, while Ultraman is kind of an arrogant jerk, and he probably shows absolutely no respect for anyone not his equal, he is superhumanly fast. Have you even read the comics? Depending on the iteration and how hard he's fighting that day, he can square off against entire teams of notably fast, trained, experienced combatants, and go through them like a psionic, shapeshifting Superman really would. Martian Manhunter doesn't often evade attacks, because he doesn't often need to, he's practically immune to everything but fire, and even fire's a psychological thing with him, which is much the same reason Cyborg or even Superman don't bother to dodge bullets more often than not, even if there's absolutely bullets that can kill all three of these characters. Considering how I described it as basically being 'essentially the best' 18 is probably lowballing it. Pilots probably have 13-18, with US Navy pilots being on the higher end (owing to having overall rougher training and requirements, especially for carrier night landing. Which is a serialistic nightmare if ever there was.) The speed of mercury grants him all of that stuff. Otherwise, it wouldn't be the speed of Mercury, it'd be the mobility of Mercury. Not quite the same thing. That's because you've never read any books where he's had to fight someone in hand to hand, mostly because he generally doesn't have to, but it does come up, like the time he almost beat Madame Hydra. He is, but I'll remind you that comic book characters, and subsequently, comic book Olympics, do not abide by real world rules. Batman is demonstrably superhumanly strong, tough, fast, and agile, despite being an unpowered human, by real world standards. He can pick up half a ton, make thirty foot leaps in heavy armor, with a gigantic fire/explosion-resistant cape, and a massive utility belt full of more stuff than can actually fit in it. This is a world where you find a half-Asian woman who can shove her fingers through swords, her hands through chimneys, dance between bullets, and turn a man's heart off like it was a particularly aggressive light switch. Her only power is 'training', because this womanis the 3rd Batgirl. By default? Yes, to one degree or another, the only reason Stephanie Brown lasted as long as she did, was because she was standing next to far more capable heroes.The wimpiest hero on the Justice League can hold a motorcycle over their head, that is Olympic level. This is because the characters are impossible ideals. For a normal person? 0 points? I was fine with the 5e costs. Yeah, dex is a bit ridiculous, but all of the stats are ridiculous if you shove 60 points into them. Except maybe Ego, if you aren't dealing with psionics in any way.
  12. No, I'm calling the idea of not using physical attributes to define attributes, to instead use what used to be derived values to define everything, a mistake. Essentially: if someone is fast and agile, don't just buy them lightning reflexes, higher skills, and OCV/DCV, buy them dex, it's what it's there for. I'm also holding 6e as flawed because dexterity has no connection to OCV/DCV, but I firmly approve of derived stats. For the odd character who is fast, but not accurate, Lightning reflexes exists. Among many other flaws.
  13. Compared to normal folk, even most trained folk. People can be surprisingly clumsy, even if they are well-trained, but superheroes don't often accidentally drop things. Green Lantern is a pilot. Hal's good enough to be considered for experimental flying, those are guys who typically flew fighter jets, which is an elite class of reflexes and perception in it's own right, excelled beyond their peers, and showed exceptional discipline. I would eat my left shoe if a guy like that didn't have exceptional agility. Martian Manhunter is a shapeshifting alien with super speed, his agility by default, is superhuman. Aquaman is a superhuman martial artist, when he is shown respect, without his super strength he can still wade through dozens of dudes in rapid succession. Elongated Man is a shapeshifter, just being a shapeshifter means you can move in ways a normal person cannot, that's agility. Red Tornado is a wind elemental housed in a robot, I somehow doubt their agility is demonstrably human. Cyborg is still faster than most folk, by a fair margin, he's not quite capable of keeping up with speedsters, but he is tuned fast enough to not just get completely torn apart by the superhumanly fast Deathstroke. Depends on the high school athlete in question, an average one cannot hold their own against a dozen other people in a fight and, even without their powers, most superheroes can. Those that can't are guys like Billy Batson, who under it is a a normal kid, but with his powers, he has the speed of Mercury, which is nonsense levels of fast. Do you think that these guys are incapable of performing many of the flips that an olympic level gymnastics, with their powers? I say it feeds both, physical ability isn't just derived values, you can't convert OCV levels to reflexes or carrying capacity, and if you're gonna buy higher agility skills and lightning reflexes, why didn't you just buy a higher dex? Like, I get it, the physical stats are basically meaningless in 6th edition, in a lot of regards, but that's a flaw in the system, not a remark on reality.
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