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  1. I'm really enjoying these ideas and speculations, as well as this thread discussing Thanoro Azoic. The idea of Luathon being the Archetype of Magic and assumes avatars to teach and install the office of the Archmage onto worlds/dimensions that are important to maintaining the overall cosmic balance. Maybe Luathon was one of the major forces behind binding the Kings of Edom in their other dimensional prison, and one primary reason for magic is to create mortals to maintain those bindings, as well as promote heroes to likewise help keep the forces that would release them at bay. As a result, when granting superpowers, Magic tends to focus on beings who will actively use that power, rather than just try to hide it. The downside being that pesky "free will" thing means that these people who will use the power they're given have as much a chance of being evil as good. Maybe the Eleven Lights also correspond to the different spheres/realms/nodes of that multiversal tree of life? Ten lights for each of the existing realms, and then one from Luathon himself?
  2. Thanks for the reply! The Mystic World was a fascinating read, had a very unique take on the mutliverse and the outline of cosmologies that I'd never seen before. I very much appreciate your input. Also, completely stealing that Excelsior! idea.
  3. Doing a little more digging, the closest thing I've found so far is an artifact called the Heartstone from Champions #405, Mystic Masters. Apparently the Heartstone is a half-mile wide gem sitting in the center of a dimension that serves as a kind of crossroads dimension to all possible realms, with magical energy flowing from it like a river. The Heartstone apparently has shown sign of intelligence and sentience in the past. So from that era of Champions, the Heartstone seems like an interesting candidate for that role, though I'd be interesting if other editions had similar candidates.
  4. Hey folks. Question for those more knowledgeable of the Champions lore. Most of my Champions knowledge comes from 4th and 5th edition, as well as the changes made for 6th Edition/Champions Online. One concept I really liked from 5th edition (that seems to have carried over to 6th) is the idea that magic is what makes superpowers possible. With enough ambient mystic energy flowing through the universe, accidents that would be lethal instead become empowering, the laws of physics can be bent or broken, etc. The Mystic World also outlines the Champions Multiverse in an interesting way, and at one point mentions the realm of Briah, where the embodiment of universal truths and concepts are manifested as thinking beings. They mention concepts like "The Trickster", "The Triple Goddess", "Death", as well as beings like Urizen (Order), Urthona (Art), Tharmas (Nature) and Luvah (Chaos). So I was wondering if there was any kind of entity in the Champions lore, past or present that effectively functioned as an Avatar of Magic itself, or was basically the embodiment of magic in the Champions setting. There's characters like Tyrannon who are basically the biggest mystical bad out there outside of the more Lovecraftian stuff, but Tyrannon is more or less someone who has accumulated a lot of magical power into himself, rather than being the basic embodiment of magic itself. Just something I wondered about given that twist on how magic works in Champions. In a sense, if there was some Avatar of Magic, it's basically the force that decides what people do and don't get superpowers in the Champions setting. Which now has me picturing some cosmic being named "Origin: The Avatar of Magic", that just happens to resemble Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and/or Steve Ditko, depending on its mood.
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