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Posts posted by mwiggins

  1. Re: Jokes


    musical composers will eventually decompose.


    And on that note....


    When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate.


    When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards."


    He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..."


    Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing."

  2. Re: Jokes


    Here is the complete joke that K was telling J in the beginning of the movie Men in Black


    Be aware it is dirty.




    So a man and a woman decided to take in a movie one night, and it just so happens that on that same night a farmer has decided to sneak in one of his roosters (or cocks) from his farm.


    After getting their snacks the couple head into the darkened auditorium, which is nearly full there are only two seats left, and they happen to be next to the farmer and the rooster which he has concealed in his pants.


    Midway through the movie he rooster pokes his head out of the farmer's zipper and begins to peck and eat the woman's popcorn.


    She notices and nudges her husband, "Honey, look what this guy's cock is doing!"


    Her husband replies, "Ah, don't pay it no mind, if you've seen one you've seen 'em all!"


    So she looks over at her husband and says, " Yeah, but Honey, this one's eating my popcorn!"



  3. Re: Jokes


    One day a man walks into a bar and to his amazement, he finds a tiny person playing a tiny piano. Stunned the man asked the bartender where he got the person. The bartender replied that if you go into the closet there is a genie that will grant one wish. The man dashed into the the closet and as the bartender said their was a genie. The man wished for 1,000,000 million bucks, but instead, got 1,000,000 ducks. Infuriated the man stormed to the bartender and screamed "I asked your f###ing genie for 1,000,000 bucks but i got 1,000,000 ducks. "No duh", replied the bartender, "Do you really think I asked for a 12 inch PIANIST

  4. Re: Jokes


    A guy was concerned about his wife’s emotional swings, sohe bought her a mood ring.

    When she was in a good mood, it glowed green.

    When she was in a bad mood...


    It left a big red lump in the middle of his forehead

  5. Re: Cool characters from goofy concepts


    My problem with wolverine is how they are flogging his popularity for every buck they can get. :dh: Every x-man title, his own title, a stort in marvel comics presents, and frequant guest apperiance in every title imagionable. That's one of the reasons I gave up comics about 15 years ago.

  6. Re: Jokes


    A gynecologist decided the he hated his job. So he went to the local community college and signed up for a auto repair class.

    When he got the resaults for the final exam he saw that he had gotten 150%. so he called the teacher to see if there was some kind of mistake.

    The teacher said "Taking the engine apart was 50% of the grade and you did it perfactly. Putting the engine back togethor was 50% of the grade and you did it perfectly.


    I gave you extra credit because...



    you did it all through the tailpipe


  7. Re: Jokes


    I think that one's outdated. Under hazards it should read "possession of more than one specimen is illegal in most jurisdictions, but possible if a safe distance is maintained between specimens."


    Lucius Alexander


    Cornering the palindromedary market

    I know a guy that has 2 and they came to an arrangement. The LUCKY dog.

  8. Re: Jokes


    An old man goes to the doctor and says

    "Doc, I think my wife is going deaf. I'll say something and she will just ignore me."

    the doctor replies ""When she has he back turned got o the far side of the room and say something. If she doesn't reply go to the middle of the room and try again. If she still dosn't respond get right behind her and try again."


    So when he got home is wife was reading and from the far side of the room he asked "Honey, what's for dinner?"

    she didn't respond

    He went to the middle of the room and again asked "Honey, what's for dinner?"

    Again she didn't say anything

    So he got right behind her and asked "Honey, what's for dinner?"

    She turned around and yelled


    "For the third time, CHICKEN!"


  9. Re: Jokes


    Kind'a dirty read at your own risk.



    Two men are sitting in a bar. One sez to the other

    "I came home today and found my wife in bed with my best friend"

    The other guy replies "My God that's terrible. What did you do?"

    "I threw that cheating W###E out of the house that I built with my own hands."

    "What about your best friend?"

    "I said to him..."


    "BAD DOG! that's a VERY BAD DOG!"





  10. Re: The cranky thread


    I was looking at my hive. I was about 4 feet away just standing there and a bee flew over and stung me on the bottom lip. My lip tripled in size and had swelling almost all the way to my left ear. to the point that talking, eating or drinking was a problem. I'm just glad that it mostly went down over night.

  11. Re: Jokes


    Man walks into a bar.

    He's very well dressed, has a beautiful woman an his arm. And a 12" man sitting on his shoulder.

    He says to the bartender "Give me 12 shots of the most expensive whiskey that you have"

    Bartender pours them. The man gives him a thousand dollars and says "Keep the change"

    As the man reaches for the first, the little man runs down his arm and kicks them all over.

    The man says "give me 12 more"

    The bartender pours 12 more. The man gives him another thousand. again saying "keep the change"

    He reaches for the first and the little man runs down his arm and pisses in all of them.

    The bartender askes "What's with the little man?"

    "Well, I found a genie and he gave me 3 wishes. First I asked for all the money I could ever use. Then I asked for a smart, beautiful woman that would love me. Then I asked for a 12" dick.

    This must be him

  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    And he got more women than all the other characters combined. His rivalry with that annoying dummy (the wooden one, not all the flesh-and-blood ones) was entertaining too.


    And then there was Devil Baby, followed by Space Baby. And the evil cult run by Richard Moll, which brainwashed the one family's son until he got rescued by his lecherous jailbird dad, the screwy detective, the even screwier and racist old general (his grandfather), and Benson, the only sane man in the bunch. "We're the Step Brothers. We're here for the audition." "Audition! Here?" "Here? If you insist!"


    Not to mention the tennis pro (brother to the nut with the dummy) that was having an affair with a mother and her daughter. He was shot, stabbed, strangled, suffocated then hit with a brick :D

  13. Re: Jokes


    From this months Playboy




    A little girl askes her mother, "Can I have a Barbie doll and a GI Joe?"

    Mom says "But sweetie, Barbie comes with Ken."

    The girl replies "No, she comes with GI Joe, she only fakes it with Ken!"



  14. Re: Jokes


    A kinda dirty joke. under the spoiler



    A family has a brown cow, an white cow and a bull.

    The son comes running into the kitchen. "Mom, guess what! The bull is F###ing the white cow!"

    Mom says "You shouldn't say that, you sould say that the bull 'suprised' the white cow. Now go back out side, the minister is coming over for tea."

    A little while later the minister arrives.

    The boy comes running back in and says " Mom, guess what!"

    Mom: "I know, the bull suprised the brown cow."

    He sure did, he's F###ing the white cow again!"



  15. Re: Jokes


    I give up. What's grosser than gross?




    Ok, you asked for it. But don't blame me, it was a LONG time ago and I was a very wierd kid.


    Last chance. Before you click, Just think of the fact that I know the words to a song called 'Napalm sticks to little children'




    What's grosser than gross? A Pile of dead babys.

    what's grosser than that? The one on the bottom is still alive.

    what's grosser than that? The one on the bottom is eating its way out.





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