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Posts posted by mwiggins

  1. Re: Harry Dresden


    I would build it as:

    Murphy-onic Field: 1d6 suppress technology, 0END +½, Persistent +½ Uncontrolled (deactivated by performing maintanence) +½, All technology Simultaneously +2, Area of Effect (2" Radius) +1; 27 Active; Always On -½, No Conscious control -2; Real cost: 8points


    The name is a quote from a character in the book. Also some equipment might suffer a greater effect than normal which you might do as an additional limitation (probably either -0 or -¼ at most) and some things are resilient which would be represented as power defense with the -2 only for foci:

    Murphy-onic resistance: 5 power defense; 5 active; Only For Foci -2; Real Cost: 2points


    Hope this answers your problems. :)

    But since it screws him up, usually at the worst time (blowing out lights, car breaks down, computers crashing, no cell phone, cold showers) could it also be a disadvantage? Or does the limited controll he has over it cancel out the disadvantage? Defanitly got the disadvantage UNLUCK.

  2. Can anyont tell me how to build Harry Dresden? If you don't know, he's the wizard/ detective star of a series of novels by Jim Butcher.

    I'm just starting out and since I can't find anyone in the area who plays hero, I'm figuring it out by myself, so PLEASE explain how you did it.:help:

  3. I'm trying to build the wizard/detective Harry Dresden

    I'm very new to this system, so please explain how you did it.

    What I've figured out so far...(might be too much to start)

    Might contain several spoilers if you haven't finished the last book "white night"

    he's got a variable power pool. to give him whatever effect he needs.

    ranged killing attack. pistol, gets bigger as the story progresses. .38, .357, .44 mag. And occasionaly a pump shotgun.

    a ring that gives a blast of cuncussive force. (TK, or energy blast?) probably EB with endurance pool, expends all points at once, slow to recharge.

    force field bracelet. variable effect, usually a shield in front or a circle or sphere. in first book it was able to go soft jello to cushion a elivator crash, (but not since)

    Owns a car, a badley beaten vlotswagon bug

    Can take a beating: Damage reduction

    Perk: private investigators licence

    Perk: Police powers, Only with the magical community.

    Contact: Karin Murphy, Chicago PD.

    Contact: Michial Carpenter, Holy Knight

    Contact: Father Forthill, Catholic priest

    Contact: Thomas Raith, half brother, White court vampire.

    And several others, the list is long. a mercenary, Half vampire girlfriend, the Archive-a little girl that knows EVERYTHING. the wardens (wizard cops), Elaine his Ex girlfriend, Ebineezer his old master. Butters- assistant coriner (harrys doctor)

    Apprentice: Molly Carpenter, Powerfull but just learning. (might also be called a disadvantage)

    BOB, Air elemental living in a human skull. Total recall. Knows LOTS about magic.

    Hunted: Black court vampires, Red court vampires, Cowl -evil wizard, The Merlin - leader of the white councel

    Feared by Vampires, AND by some of the low leval magic folks

    He's publicly known, He's in the phone book

    Long lether coat is armor

    Some stuff I'm really not shur about..

    He's able to throw fire without a focus, It very uncontrolled. He has a "blasting rod" that lets him controll it. Since he really don't need it, I don't know how to build it.

    Staff: Point pool? the book hasn't really given much info, It just seems to get in the way.

    A lot more but the library is closing, so I got to go.

    Any help would be appriciated, THANKS

  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    I'm a Red Dwarf fan myself. Rewatched the videos many times over the years.


    It gets better as it goes along, probably peaking around seasons 3-4.

    I read the first 2 or 3 books a few years ago. So I had a good idea what was going on.

    Is the TV show based on the books or are the books based on the TV? Or is it sorta like "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy". a book based on a tv show that's based on a radio show?

  5. Re: Jokes


    A cop is driving down the street, and sees a penguin waddling along. He catches it and calls the station to find out what to do.

    The captain tells him to take it to the zoo

    When the cop goes back to the station at the end of his shift the captain asks "Did you take that penguin to the zoo?"

    The cop replies "Shur did. We had a great time. This weekend were going to a ballgame!?

  6. the 10 commandments...I've broken them all


    I got a flyer from a church in the mail. I don't usually read religious junk mail, But I had some time to kill.

    It was a list of the 10 commandments. It had a part where it would say.. If you've done this__________ you've broken the first commandment. and so on for all 10. I read the list and I had broken 9 out of 10. Everything except murder.

    THEN It sed if you have even thought about doing them, It IS the same as breaking them.

    I'm 10 for 10.

  7. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Old Man's War by John Scalzi. A "Future War" story where people get a chance to become young again at 75 - provided they're willing to fight in the unending wars and skirmishes required to protect the colony worlds for ten years.

    Well written, and has an interestingly different point of view from most space opera, where the protagonist is usually young and brash.

    Its sequal "The ghost brigades is really good too. :thumbup:

    I'm looking forward to "the last colony" comming out in paperback.

    Another year, darn it

  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Last year I took myself hostage and barricaded myself into my house.

    I threatened to shoot the hostage and anyone who came near.


    Nobody came....


    After about a week I managed to negotiate for my releace.

    And surrenderd peacefully to myself.


    If you have multiple personalitys and threaten to kill youself, is it a hostage situation?

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