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Posts posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Powers You've Never (or Seldom) Used?


    If you only count characters that I've made, the following are powers I've never played: growth, stretching and speedsters. After reading Ultimate Sppedster I've decided to correct the last one soon. I did create a shrinking brick that I have not run yet.


    Ones I've never played as NPC as GM: Stretching and speedsters.

  2. Ok, the threads about rather being you than your character & the reverse gave me an idea. What would you character say if he met and talked to you. (I can just hear "sexy", "awesome",etc.)


    Volt "Seems to be a bit like me and a bit like Olorin, and I mean the good parts. Funny and responsible."


    Olorin "Oh, he's a hoot! Also has a large stash of 'totally useless trivia' that I want to hear more of. You can count on him; much like Volt"


    Black Tiger "Seems ok." (short and to the point)


    Futurian "Who? Oh, him! Why are you asking? Looking for a sound bite, or is he fishing for compliments? Seems ok to me, kinda funny. Seems intelligent as well."

  3. Re: I'd rather be me than my character because...


    I'd rather be me than Volt because he has arthritis. Other than that and the powers, he is me.(well, mostly. Olorin is my sense of humor)


    I'd rather be me than Olorin because he outlives everyone he's ever loved.


    Black Tiger. No way. Too dark. Memory loss. Violent. Distrustful.


    Futurian. Too much a goofball, even for me. Cut off from his family.

  4. Re: I'd rather by my character than me because...


    Which character?


    I would rather be Volt because is a powerful hero doing good with no severe psychs.


    I would Really rather want to be Olorin (in most things), because, given time, he can do almost anything and he is a hoot. His outliving everyone he loves because he is unaging and cannot duplicate that, is a problem. Yee-outch!


    I do not want to be Black Tiger. Memory gaps, Psychs, ground bound - nope.


    Futurian - No No No! Too off the wall, even for me! (at least for long periods of time.)

  5. Re: Unity vs Your Super Team


    Fighting my team, the Misfit League, Unity would probably win if Olorin did no know they were coming. However, Olorin would get away, probably with most if not all of the team. Then the re-match would begin with Olorin using 120 point VPP to tailor attacks and defences to take then down, one at a time if need be. The end game would be ours; but it could take a while. (Olorin can be patient, he does not age.)

  6. Re: Champions Babies


    If Olorin were unaffected, he could transform everyone back within 4 hours. He'd be tempted to have the bad guy be a baby normally aging to give him a second chance. Any others unaffected would try to contact mystics to have the tranforn reversed.


    If all were affected, Volt and Olorin would just wait (they were always patient kids). Olorin got his powers as education, so he'd have no choice. Black Tiger would either have a temper tantrum or start crying. (More likely the temper tantrum.) Futurian would be a problem. He'd still have his powers in any case without an adult to correct his boo-boos. Get him into the wilderness - NOW! He's awlays been a bit impulsive, so mechnical gizmos could go wild.

  7. Re: Death of the Jester


    All my heores would investigate to make sure the jester is really dead and then:


    Volt "Not self defense? If the Jester is in your view, he may kill you. Even if he was shot in the back of the head, the minute he sees you, you're as good as dead. Leave the guy alone."


    Olorin Would put a couple of spells on the guy for protection form the Jester-wanna-be's and then shake his hand. "Finally, someone with the nerve to kill someone who deserved it long ago. Thank you for your service. You need me, you call me."


    Black Tiger Buys the guy a beer (or drink of choice) shakes his hand and says "Well done."


    Futurian "Oh crud! I wanted to do that! Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk. Good shot though. One less murderous bad guy; well done." No one is sure whether he meant the first part or he was joking.

  8. Re: WWYCD: You have 24 hours to release the innocent.


    Oh boy. All my characters would almost go ballistic and investigate - hard. They would work to free the innocent. As to people being let go then being criminal or terrorists - that's always a risk. It is no excuse. Olorin could find out if magic or mind control is used. If so, he lays that out. If not all would go public with the situation, and if judges and prosecutors lose their job or go to prison, so be it.


    Volt: "I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, not the imprisoned innocent. This must not stand!" He'd say this if done on purpose or not.


    Assumes done willingly and on purpose. - Olorin: "Reminds me of what tyrants do. I kill tyrants. If not resolved through the legal system, the killing will start. Have fun stopping me."


    Black Tiger: "See? See what can happen with authority? Time to bring the authorities down." He'd assume it was on purpose, but could be convinced othewise - reluctantly.


    Futurian: "Crud. What a mess. I hate cleaning up messes. Oh well, I'd better start." Would say this either way.

  9. Re: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens


    Doggone it! Hermit did it again. I love the getting into the spirit of the song. Someone please rep him. I can't yet. (I did rep the other who did this, but Hermit was first!) I may have to start a Hermit fan club - naw not really, but he tends to impress me a lot. Good going Hermit! May the opportunity to do good things occur often.

  10. What are your characters' favorite things? (imagine that sung to the tune of Favorite Things.) I had a good respinse to character pet peeves, so here is the other side. What do your characters really like? (I can just hear some saying beer, brawls, etc.)


    Volt enjoys music with good harmonies, which he says are getting less common with time. He enjoys classical music, old hymns, and most Celtic music. He loves bagpipes. He also enjoys Cheeses with strong flavor (Blue cheese, extra sharp cheddar, limburger(!), etc. He also enjoys a savory pizza with pepperoni and/or bacon.


    Olorin enjoys the high tech of modern world, especially the internet and computers. He even programs them. He loves cold, tart and barely sweetened lemonade. He likes savory, but not hot spicy, ribs with a sweet undertone. He loves to boggle peoples minds and pull their legs.


    Black Tiger likes to pound on villain who are merciless and vicious. He also likes a good aged bourbon and aged single malt scotch. He also likes simple food like meatloaf and bread pudding. He likes the blues.


    Futurian likes just about any meat available. Where he comes from it is quite rare and expensive. He loves buffalo wings, but not the super hot kind. He loves Shrimp Scampi. He hasn't made up his mind on modern music, but has determined he does not like rap, and sort of sides with Volt.

  11. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    Volt Immerse him totally in water and he is a normal. Almost unkown. Partial immersion (more than half) and his FF does not work, but he can still attack. Hit him with a large amount of something very conductive while his FF is up (copper mesh net, mercury, salt water, etc.) and his FF feeds back hurting him.


    Olorin You better kill him in one shot or knock him out where magic does not work (Lots of luck on the latter). A nuke will do it, but that's overkill. (25d6 guarantees it even if you roll all ones. 8d6 on average will do it.) If knocked out, a contingency kicks in and he t-ports somewhere safe. Mind control might work, but he has defenses, so it has to be strong.


    Black Tiger He's a martial artist so hit him with area effects, especially NNDs and he's toast.


    Futurian Get him away from tech (and do not use any yourself) and he will go down easy. A strong brick in the wilderness will do the trick.

  12. Re: F-Bombs Away!


    Only one of my characters is reluctant to ever use the word. Black Tiger uses it a lot. Futurian uses it every so often. Olorin uses it occasionally, as he does every other swear word ever uttered in English, French, Latin, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (mandarin), Arabic, Russian and at least 10 languages he knows from his world (Elvish, Orcish, Dwarvish, etc.) He does not swear often, but he knows the words and uses them occasionally. He has his favorite in his own language every so often, but "It loses a lot in the translation."


    Volt however is a different story. If he used the f-bomb in any other way than to prove he knows it would show he is really upset. Not a mind control issue, but would suprise everyone. If he used it a lot, they would suspect mind control or an imposter.

  13. Re: The Deconstructing of Wynnie Wonder


    Volt - Would try to find proof of what's going on. Would go public with it and sepak in favor of her emancipation, or at least going to the original programming. Could be a mess.


    Olorin "Robot huh? Kinda like a golem. I could, once upon a time, with difficulty, turn one of those into a human. Wonder if I could do that here?" Answer - yes after about 2 months research. He'd do it the first time he could. Another mess in the works, as if he did it publically, he may be sued for loss of property. Could really get messy, possibly changing the laws for sentients.


    Black Tiger - Pretty much the same as Volt, but more likely to do strictly illegal things to find out.


    Futurian Would know immediately she is a robot. Once he found out what's going on - poof! Reprogrammed to ignore call back home effectively setting her free. Would do it quietly, but back her once she was free. Would protect her once set free if necessary... which would have him wondering just what he is doing - and how has he effected history. "Have I just created the first trully free truly sentient android? Oh crud! What have I done?"

  14. Re: WWYCD: "Tell me about your teammates."


    Those of you who have read my character postings may wonder why Futurian has not commented on his teammates. That is because he officialy does not had a team yet. He will join "The Misfit League" shortly. Their comments on him and his on them follow.


    Volt on Futurian "I think the first thing that should be said is 'Any sufficently developed technology is indistinguisable from magic.' Probably one reason why him and Olorin get on so well. Awesome when tech around, almost helpless when not. Does this because he has nowhere esle to go, but helpful and reliable in spite of this. A bit of a loose cannon in that he follows his own plans, but they normally work. Does work well with others though."


    Olorin on Futurian "I like him! Hes' a hoot! I guess we get along well at least partially since we are people out of time. I think he's hiding his pain with humor a little, but it's a coping mechanism. He is almost like a mage specializing in tech; which releaves pressure on me. Good for a laugh and a good teammate."


    Black Tiger on Futurian "I really can't figure him out. I thought Olorin was bad. Total goofball, even in combat often. Put him up against tech, and he's almost a god. Away from tech and Bulldozer could whup him. He helps, but I wonder what he is up to."


    Futurian "Volt's a good man and good leader, although Olorin is working up to the position. I don't want it. Volt is so heroic, it's almost painful, but I respect him."


    "Olorin. Whooo! What a trip! Give him enough time, and I swear he can do anything. Real fun to be around. Gonna be a good leader, and boy do I aprreciate his t-ports getting us out of scrapes! I wish he did his fireball more often, it's really quite impressive."


    "Black Tiger is a simple soul. Take the bad guy down and beat him to a pulp. Well, not always. Competent, a bit too serious for me, but good to have around."


    "Disarray. Will that girl ever get a grip? In a limited way, she's the most powerful of us all, even if not the most versatile. Between us, machine and organic minds do not stand a chance. And the ideas she comes up with. Good 'uns. Not always doable, but good 'uns nonetheless. Good crowd control. Really easy on the eyes too. Hubba hubba. Did I use that right?"


    "Gem wears an alien suit that is obsolete where I come from, but powerful here. Makes good use of it though. Good scientific mind. I think both Olroin and I boggle her a bit. Good to have around."

  15. Re: WWYCD: "Tell me about your teammates."


    Black Tiger "Volt is a good leader who has proved himself over and over. I trust him. He wears his authority lightly, and has proved worthy of it. He is a true hero, one I strive to be like."


    "I can't figure Olorin out. I like him , he's intelligent, but babbles a bit. He likes to pull peoples' legs and boggle their minds. Very versatile, and knows how to use it. Fun to be around, and can be deadly, literaly, in a fight. Can get you out of a bad scrape fast. Good to have around."


    "Disarray need more confidence. She's better than she thinks, smarter than she thinks. Her abilty to confuse people gives me the creeps a bit, but she's a good teammate."


    "Gem is a good addition to the team. I think Olorin's magic bugs her a bit, since she is a physics professor. Although new to the game, seems to know what she is doing."

  16. Re: WWYCD: "Tell me about your teammates."


    Olorin"I like and respect Volt. He does this as a responsibility of power morality issue and is a true hero, putting himself into danger for others who cannot help him. He is our moral center and I listen to what he says. He would probably be a cleric of some good god where I came from. Good leader, and does not want to be since that requires interface with the outside world and he is an introvert and intensely private man. I trust him with my life. I may be leader once I understand this world better, but will always seek his counsel."


    "Black Tiger. Oh, boy, I know the type! Someone suspicious, espcially of authorities, foul mouthed, voilent, moody, etc. You can count on him to do his job, and he does it well. Good man to have in a fight."


    "Disarry needs more confidence and that should come with time. I find her irriatating sometimes because she often says 'Olorin can you ...' and fills in the blank with a good idea I just can't do right now. I'm not that versatile. Oh, eventually I could given months, but we never have months. I'm going to have to come up with a list. Things I can do right now, a few hours, days, weeks, months and years. Only the first two categories will I be dead on with, but the others... I'm beginning to babble a bit. Sorry. Good to have around, but needs more confidence. I said that already, didn't I? Oh well. Good teammate, and easy on the eyes."


    "I think I boggle Gem's mind, and don't always intend to. Questioning mind, but not annoying about it. She aways wants to understand things. Pretty versatile, and has good instincts as what to use when. Not bad looking outside of the suit. Valued teammate."

  17. Re: WWYCD: "Tell me about your teammates."


    Volt "Sometimes I worry about Olorin. I mean, he's a medieval and he has the mentality. Modern tech doesn't bother him, he just puts it into "weird magic" category and leaves it at that. No, I mean he'd likely to break the law to pursue justice, especially to kill a villian that is a known killer not in self defense or defense of others to remove him form the equation in the future. I or other heroes may have to bring him in if he does this, and that worries me. He's very versitile, and could easly kill me. Overall though, he's really on the side of the angels and is quite fun to be around. A goofball, but can be serious if need be. Full of life and joy. I like him."


    "Black Tiger is a bit suspicious of authority, but I understand why. Competant, seeking justice, quiet and more thoughtful than people think, although he is a simple man. He tends to beat up on villians that tick him off swears a lot and is a bit dark, but I trust him with my life. Oh, Olorin too."


    "Disarray is a bit unsure of herself, but comes up with more good ideas than she thinks. They don't always work out, but they are still good ideas. Wonders how she got into this but thinks she must use the powers for good and not sit on the sidelines. That is also my thinking. I think she considers herself the week link in the party, but I do not. Saved our butts more than once. I think time will give her more confidence."


    "Gem is a scientist and always thinking that way. She wonders how Olorin does what he does, being magic and all, and asks him a lot. Olorin does his best to answer, but boggles her mind, both on purpose and accidently. He has said, and I think with honesty "Do you have five years?" I think she understands the point. Good team member, follows plans well and thinks for herself well as well. Fairly versitile, and uses it to good effect. Good team member."

  18. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


    Volt would work with scientists on a "movie Armageddon" scenario. He'd volunteer for it. That is all he can do, unless the baddies are activly guiding it, then he'd need a ship or other travel and whup up on the aliens and change the pathway.


    Olorin, if all else failed would go back in time with the group and stop the aliens before they started. And I do mean if all else failed. Would contemplate "gating" the asteroid to somewhere else, but it would be too big for that - at his current power. Would try the above scenario, but would not need a spaceship. Might go himself and throw everything he has at it in order to change it's course by even 0.1 degrees. Far enough out; it misses. See above if aliens are actively guiding it. Note: "How many nukes can you spare? I can throw hundreds at it in a day, dozens at once."


    Black Tiger would swear a lot and then act like Volt.


    Futurian - well, it depends if has has worked up his spaceship yet and if it has weapons. If neither, see Volt. If he has the ship & no weapons, he takes nukes for destruction or diversion. If it has the weapons, he can do it himself. I alien tech is involved actively guding it, he may be able to fix it that way "There. It is now on the way to the alien homeworld on a ballistic course. I've ruined the machines, so they can't reverse it again."

  19. Re: Power down day


    All my characters would investigate and encourage others to do so. What happens to them and how depends on "all super powers" is defined.


    Volt: Powers would certainly be gone, and he'd bit a bit relieved. He's a 'responsibility of power' hero and with them gone he'd go back to his former life (although it is a bit boring) Since bad guys powers would be gone too, it would not bother him at all.


    Olorin: Would investigate magically. Might be able to stop it or isolate himself from the effect. Otherwise, given what he is he (mage - only super because of the level of his powers) would probably no longer be a super, but would be heroic level. Would continue on that basis.


    Black Tiger: Martial artist, so he is mainly training and levels. He'd end up also being heroic, and continuing in that vein.


    Futurian: This one really depends on the meaning of "superpowers" is . He's super here because of high tech he brought with him from the future, including nanites in his bloodstream. Where he comes from he is normal, although a bit more skilled and intelligent. He would be a skilled normal there. "Any sufficiently developed technology is indistinguishable from magic". He'd deal with being a super if so. If he went heroic or normal, he'd really be irritated since now he cannot get back home, ever.

  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From a recent session. See my last post for some background info. For reasons I will not get into, the heroes are talking to Bill Gates, who has just been informed Olorin programs computers.


    Olorin to Gates "Go ahead. Every one else does, especially when they see me at a computer in my robes. 'Gives a whole new meaning to the term "computer wizard"'."


    Gates "Actually I was thinking 'There goes a real computer wizard.'"

  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Just a bit of background first. Sometimes I have the real world (slightly modified ... or not) pop up in my campaign. A comment on "thread necromancy" caused this. Olorin is a medieval mage from another dimension who loves and uses computers. Sometimes the lingo escapes him however...


    Olorin "Necromancy? On the computer? How? Who? This must be stopped! Lemme at 'em!"


    Volt "Calm down Olorin. It's just a phrase used when a non active thread on a message board is made active again."


    Olorin "Oh. Hey, I guess I can finally be a necromancer with a good conscience then."


    Volt "Why does that scare me?"

  22. Re: WWYCD? "Once more, with Justice"


    Volt is the best singer of my characters, but is better (and happier) singing harmony. Could be Patriotic style march(A la John Philip Sousa) More likely fifties style sounding like Sha Na Na. (doing the bass part) Would be about "bring too old for this"(he's 65 and shows it) and wonders just how he got into this and whether he should just stop doing it. Would not be too bothered about it.


    Olorin is not a bad singer but not great. Style: anything except rap and real twangy country (think the original Hank Williams'n "Cheating Heart") Content would be about being alone and fear of being alone. Would probably be blues sytle; it would fit his lament. (He's afraid of outliving everyone. He's already outlived everyone he has ever loved and is unaging, so will do it again unless he gets killed first, and he is not sure he can die.) Pouring his heart out would not bother him, but being a mystic, he'd investigate and try to fix the situation (probably could too.)


    Black Tiger can't carry a tune in a bucket with assistance. Would do a very bad hard rock song about distrusting authorities and wondering if he ever would get his memory back and what bad things he may have done during his memory blackout problem. He'd really hate this and if his singing didn't kill all heard it (just a joke) he'd want to kill the people who did - but would not. The being that caused it however....:bmk:


    Futurian, a passable singer (barely) would sing to the tune of the "Imperial Death March" from Star Wars. (He has this play from any tech source whenever he wants to annouce his presense... which anytime he is not in stealth mode.) It would start about his frustration with the primitive tech he has to deal with and then change into frustration with the fact that he can't "fraternize" with the women here lest he leave "Genetic progeny and possibly mess up the time line."

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