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Posts posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Alternate Earth #23(?): Living In The Wild, Wild West


    Volt would probably be a farmer/rancher who lost his family to bad guys adn took up the badge - Sherrif or Marshall. Crack shot and willing to lay his life down for people he does not even know. Would be good at follwing clues and would almost have forensics - as much as it could happen in the era.


    Olorin. He's from another, medieval dimension. Not much change, except maybe tone down his power level. Would be considered mysterious, but still would act the goofball. The indians would consider him a powerful spirit or shaman - and yes, if they weren't murderous, would defend them against greedy whites.


    Black Tiger - Think Paladin in "Have gun, will travel" and youv'e got him.


    Futurian "Aw crud." I would not change him at all, since now his tech powers would be less effective. - Less tech (No computers to control, no electronics to alter, etc. )Would end up like Artemis Gordon in the "Wild, Wild West." - gadgeteer, but no disguises.

  2. Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe


    My responses rely on not being with Olorin, who dimension walks.

    Volt - Try to find a good telepath and work with him to get back and right wrongs.

    Olorin. Find base. Mess up base. Betray the wrong people in the bad guy's name. Put booby trap in base. Go home with a smile.

    Black Tiger - Go deep underground and try to be a hero. If captured, insist on a metalist and go Volt's route.

    Futurian "Oh, #$%@! Well, here goes building a dimension machine - if I can." Find mantalist and tech hero and use Volt's route, but with a lot more complaining.

  3. Re: Your character's theme song would be?


    Was asked to post this for someone without a computer (no, she's not a luddite, she just can't afford one right now)

    Disarray - a female, very beautiful & powerful mentalist - "Unforgetable" by Nat King Cole. Hard to forget her attractiveness, but also ironic, as her mind control is so strong that often the victim forgets they were controlled. (She's sort of a one trick pony. one command - "be confused." - which does not always end up in desired results.)

  4. Re: Prisoner Exchange


    Volt - If the trade is absolutly necessary and sees no other way, he'd go by himself, be careful and honorably make the trade. Otherwise a rescue mission would be possible.


    Olorin - There are so many options. 1) One is Vitus's and Dante's trick. Magically bug the guy and make the trade. Followup and cause chaos.(also easiest & fastest to do) 2)Go looking like Tiberius himself (down to fingerprints, retina patterns, voice patterns and the DNA). If there were codes, Olorin would know them (magical mind reading.) If this were possible and he had the time to work it up, this is the route he would take. 3) Send a magical double to do the trade. Sneak up invisible & silent and t-port the guy we want away. Last choice, as he would not be trusted again.


    Black Tiger - Swear, and make the trade, while not trusting the others. He'd vet the prisoner to make sure he was not some kind of plant.


    Futurian. - Lord have mercy. Any tech present, and it would cause such chaos that recovering the guy would not be hard. However, it could cause the guy's death if Futurian missed something (like a knife). No tech present and Futurian would mutter under his breath "Aw crud. No tech. No fun at all." and make the trade.

  5. Re: You are president:the truth


    Volt - Try to find Foxbat and convince him to give up the satellites locations, after thanking him for his effort, then destroy them. Probably would not work. Would let the public know what happened.


    Olorin - Find Foxbat (probably could) and lay the compliments on thick. Boggle his mind, and confuse him (no too hard, Foxbat is already there). Dazzle him with brilliance, baffle him with Bull**** and take the controller when Foxbat is trying to regain what little equilibrium he has. He then would "shift" the stuff into another dimension only he knows about rather than destroy them. He might use it himself later, in extreme situations only. "Hey, ya never know!" Tell the public what happened and say "I've taken care of the matter."


    Black Tiger - Roll his eyes and say "Figures. I kinda knew it had to be something like that; the American public is stupid, but not that stupid." He'd then contact others (like Olorin) and have the satellites taken care of. Let the others tell the public if they want.


    Futurian - Start by laughing. Then he'd try to find Foxbat and honestly compliment him. If anywhere near the controller, it will suddenly not work again, and if the satellites had a self-destruct (probably do), engage it. This was harmless (mostly), but has to be stopped quickly, lest it be used seriously. Probably forgets to tell the public, but if he remembers to, he will.

  6. Re: How many staffers does a superhero team need?


    The Misfit League, the group I GM, have a mechanic for the group plane and a Primus contact(and a financial backer). Just about evertyhing else is handled by the individuals, through the Primus contact or the by the financial backer - and Olorin, the mad mage, of course. A "housekeeping" spell does wonders, and does "clean", "organize" and things like unseen servents and golems. Only Olorin lives on the base (he's great added security); for the rest it is a meeting area, staging area, healing area and bolt hole. Yes, it's a strange place and some rooms (not the whole base - yet) are bigger on the inside than on the outside.

  7. Re: Thebes is Doomed


    Lets see...

    Volt - Try to prevent it and not take it as given. Prophecies tend to be cryptic, so it may be preventable. Also, if not time is mentioned, maybe the city is doomed when the sun burns out... you know, in millions of years! Just too optimistic to give up.


    Olorin. - Would insist on prophecy bring repeated if possible. Try to find loophole (if there is one, he'll find it; he has experience doing so.) . Note loophole above. Also prophecies often say "if" or "when" Prevent the "if" or "when", and the prophecy will not come true. (another type of loophole.) Too stubborn to give up.


    Black Tiger - will prepare for the worst, but still fight on. Way too stubborn to give up.


    Futurian - From the future. Could be the prophet. If not, one of three things could come out of his mouth, depending on what he knows of the future. 1)"Not where I come from, if I remember right." (may leave "if I remember right" off if he is certain. 2) "Not yet." 3) "That's the future I remember, but I am not certain that this is my past and that it is destined. Try anyway!" Yes, he'd try anyway. - unless he somehow thought saving the city would make his future worse, but I cannot see him thinking that. - unless if was saved and it did make things worse.

  8. Re: Witch Way


    I can just see Olorin, my "mad mage" (not mad, just called that effectionatly) opening up a storefront "Wizard for hire". Of course it would be bigger on the inside than the outside and seemingly unoccupied. (he checks you out first before he shows himself.) It would be full of active, seething, moving chaos. Some is real, some is illusion. Olorin likes to mess with peoples minds, but only by boggling them. He lives elswhere and would still mainly hero, but would use this as money income and hooks into hero stuff. Cats would not like this store, but he would not hurt them. (He'd not a cat hater, he just wants no pets in the room. ...Especially since any kitten born here may be born, well, ....weird.)

  9. Re: Your character's theme song would be?


    Volt "Proud to be an American." by Lee Greenwood. Just about perfect.


    Olorin "You can do Magic" By America. Again, just about perfect.


    Black Tiger- Olorin would suggest "Kung Fu Fighting" and get a nasty glare. The background music from "Batman Begins: would work.


    Futurian "Imperial March" (Darth Vader's theme) form Star Wars. He has it play from anything nearby that can via his tech powers wheneve he is not in stealth mode.

  10. Re: You Are President!


    The Constitution has a provision' date=' the exact wording whereof I forget, that anyone born before the Constitution was adopted, within the area the Constitution covered when it was adopted, may be President if all other requirements are met.[/quote']

    This means Olorin is out - born in a different universe. Shame though. The chaos would be fun to watch.

  11. Re: Does your character keep a journal?


    None of my characters do. Volt plain doesn't. Olorin can remember just about anything he wants (Eiditic memory) with little effort - which is scary considering he is 747 years old. (He used to, and might again later, but not now.) Black Tiger is not the contemplative type and would worry about it being found if he did. Futurian is way too scattered to do so.

  12. Re: You Are President!


    Volt would find a good VP and immediately resign. He would not be president unless his resigning would cause a riot. Shame, since he'd probably be a good one.


    Olorin - I'd have to read the constitution to see if he is eligable. He's an American Citizen, old enough (747 years old) but a naturalized citizen. I believe you have to be born one - but George Washington was not born a Us citizen; the US did not exist at that time. If he qualified, he might accept it... and drive everyone nuts. The media would love his showmanship, but most of them would think he is too conservative. Liberals would hate most of his politics. I can think of very little they would like. Republicans would get it for not being conservative enough (at least most would.) Libertarian would get a "Don't make drugs legal until you can detect drugged driving, idiots." He might be loved by Constitionalists - but would insist on some amendments (Yup, he'd make changes within the rules.) If this failed, he just might do was has been done twice before - call a constitutional convention and start over. He is much more conservative/libertarian than anything else. Just about the whole Congress would not like him, but the people might. If he could not get anywhere, he'd quit. And he would never be president for life. (He was a king before and stepped down - long story.)


    Black Tiger - Would take this as proof the the country has lost its mind. He'd walk away without a VP and let the chaos flow. He'd figure the country deserved it if they voted him in.


    Futurian - Dear God, NO! NO! NO! NO! DON'T do it! He'd turn it into a joke -(at least more than it already is.) I'm not sure he'd qualify(Thank GOD!); he's from the future and the US as it is now does not exist. He's not a citizen, and if he were, he would be naturalized. "Dear American Citizens. I see you have finally reached wisdom in electing me. I proclaim national free Bheer day. No, not beer .. b.e.e.r. Bheer.. B.h.e.e.r. Oh wait! Crud! You do not have it yet. I'll have to brew my own." And then off to other things even more chaotic. After a month or so, he'd get tired of it and walk away, not caring about what that causes.

  13. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance


    Count yourself lucky. Usually when I hear "The Gm brought in an old PC..." it's the prelude to a long night of the PCs being cheer leaders for the GMPC's exploits. :D

    I almost always bring in an old PC in when I game. Does it become a cheering session for him? No. He tends to fade into the background, except for his "true hero" outlook. His flaws tend to get more attention. (Hates crowds; is kinda shy.) It depends on how the old Pc is played. Once I even killed him... but of course I brought him back eventually. His loss (not sacrificially heroic even, just a big boom directed at a disad) caused more pathos than I thought. The rest of the group were shocked, and one went rogue due to it for a while. (Well, he killed the bad guy who lead the guy that killed my PC- in cold blood.) I just thought it made a good story, but the group really reacted to it. He's in his 60's, the heroes tend to be younger, and he seems to end up being a father figure, whether I intend that or not.

  14. Since things are so political right now I thought I’d throw this one out there. I’m going to give a couple of scenarios.

    It’s 48 hours from Election Day (Close enough for no real response, but far enough for the word to get out there.) One person is way ahead in the polls. Meanwhile, you just found out something while investigating something else. The leader in the poll is 1) A Manchurian candidate or is a traitor. 2) Guilty of a felony still within statute of limitations but has not been caught- until you did. 3) Same as three, only a misdemeanor 4) Guilty of something embarrassing when still a minor.

    Notice the chaos it would cause. You could be accused of being anti the front runner whether he is your guy or not. (Unless you are already on record – Which Olorin just might, but the others would not.)

    Would it make any difference if it was someone you wanted to win?

    The last question first for my players: No, they would go they same thing whether they oppose the guy or not, but would grieve about exposing 1 2, & 3.

    All my characters would tell the media about 1 & 2 and back it up with the proof they have. Volt would emphasize that the offender does not reflect the party is a member of, his candidate or not. The others would probably just drop the bomb and answer questions. For # 3, all would expose it only if it contradicted something the candidate publically stood for. Otherwise, they’d let it go. All of my characters would let #4 go. You can be stupid when young, grow out of it, and indeed, learn from it and change.

  15. Re: More fun with Morty the Incompetent Mugger


    Volt would shake his head at most of this and figure the guy deserves it although in 4 & 5, would take the guy to get treatment if needed. If the guy were turned into frog, he'd say "Olorin? Is that you?" If not he suggest turning over the guy to the police. Asking the mugger for his wallet would get him to say somthing like "Now, now. If you are serious, I have to bring you in. If you are just making a point, let me take him in." On number one "Well officer, I see you do not need my help." The monster scenario would probably start a fight.


    Olorin - 1) "I see you do not need my help." and start snickering when the officer is out of hearing range. 2) Could be granny. If not, he'd say "Nicely done. Are you going to turn him back and turn him in, or leave him like that?" If informed he was going to be left like that, he'd check the person out. If not evil, he'd let it go. If evil - well..... 3)One fight coming up! 4) & 5) :thumbup::rofl:6):snicker: then say basically the same thing Volt did.


    Black Tiger 1) :snicker: and walk away. 2) "Olorin?" then the same as Volt. 3) One fight coming up. 4) & 5):snicker: and walk away. 6) Shake his head and give bascially the Volt speech, but a bit more seriously.


    Futurian 1) :snicker: and congratulate the cop. "On to something else!" 2) "Aw c'mon Olorin! Let me have some fun! Olorin?" If not Olorin - "Aw @$#&! Not another one. Listen, are you going to leave him like that?" And then act pretty much like Volt. 3) "Aw @$#&!" and start a fight. 4) & 5):rofl:6) see Olorin's reaction.

  16. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets?


    Volt would not do anything with them except hold them for someone who might use them. He would investigate though, as would all my heroes.


    Olorin - well, Olorin is strange. He (yes, he) might just wear them, but probably only once as a joke. He would not care what people in general think, and his friends would be thinking "Oh, that's just Olorin." Would then hold them for someone else.


    BLack Tiger would not use them or even give them to someone. To him, such skill must be earned, not given like this.


    Futurian. Uh... He might wear them too. And more than once. Would probably tire of them after a week. "Too uncomfortable to wear." Then he would probably forget he had them.

  17. Re: Does Not Work in Water


    This one can have problems, especially #1 if done like I did it for a hero I had. (A water ballon could do it, and villains started carrying water ballons or super soakers.) If a true hosing only could do it, a not usable 1/4 of the time would be good unless you are doing a lot under water. Be sure you talk to/know the GM to make sure it is not used too much, or up the limitation.


    Good luck.

  18. Re: How flawed is your Super?


    All my characters have some sort of flaw, and most are a Hero disad. It can be anything from uneasy speaking in front of crowds (Volt); to likely to kill someonw who he thinks deserves it, even after they are defeated (Olorin - he has not done it yet, but it's bound to happen eventually.)


    Each and every one is basically heroic and protective of innocents. Olorin will eventually break laws he thinks is stupid and costs lives. (Like letting Dark Seraph live after defeating him. He thinks this was a big mistake, but obeyed the law as "he is supposed to be a hero." .) He also has a "unfamiliar with modern earth culture" disad that causes problems - he is not politically correct - even when he knows what is.


    Every one of my characters is somewhat irritating in one way or another, and some tread the non-heroic at times.

  19. Re: Guliver Syndrome part 2: The Amazing Colossal Character!


    Volt: Is retired and could hide out in the base for a week if needed without being missed. He would not mind it too much.


    Olorin: Has no secret id. Might enjoy it for a bit, but can reverse it at will(actually, takes a bit of prep, but only hours). He'd use it at least once to intimidate someone. He lives in the base, so that's not a problem. The little booger may go between big (in public) and normal (in private) just so people do not know he can.


    Black Tiger: Would swear a lot. Has secret id, but no close friends and is a private detective in his secret Id. Could hide out in the base for a week and not be missed. Probably would stay in the base unless a crisis occurred.


    Futurian: Also has no secret id and lives in the base. Would enjoy it entirely too much. "You are in Big trouble now." "Larger than life! The new improved, larger Futurian." "Such a small time crook." Etc.

  20. Re: The Olympics


    Volt and Futurian would decline. No real area to compete in and they would not care to anyway.


    Black Tiger would enter any martial arts competition there was; just to see how far he got. He would not expect to win the gold, but he'd like to test himself.


    Olorin would porbably not care to enter unless there was a spell casting competition. Even then, he just might judge it; he's done it before. If he entered anything else.... just pray he doesn't. Large VPP's tend to stack the deck. "Man, the moon was harder to lift than I thought." Just joking, but Grond level strength is not beyond the pale.

  21. Re: Bearing Witness




    --What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

    Um... A bit weird. Most of what I do is normal where I come from. I'm better than average on most things though, and exceptional on one.


    --Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

    Uh.. I need a place to live and money for food. I don't steal, and do this because I get to live. I can't seem to get back home so I am stuck with this.


    --What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

    Um... I'm normal back home. If I did not have these ablilites here, I'd have to earn a living somehow, and my of my other skills do not apply here. I'd be very poor.



    --Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

    No. I don't like poor. Don't you listen?


    --What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


    Uh... I guess so, since if I am super and everyone where I come from can do most of what I do, that makes them super. We make it work.


    --Is there anything else you wish to say?

    Are we done here? Can I go back?

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