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Posts posted by garygarrard

  1. Look at it as OCV -DCV >= 3D6 -11. That is your character has an ability to attack of 'OCV', the defender has an ability to defend of 'DCV'. You want to perform within your capabilities, just like a skill, but if the opponents are equally capable you want to succeed approximately half the time, so we bias the roll to zero with its average of 10.5 rounded to 11 giving a slight benefit to the attacker.

  2. You might try bluefish. It's a fairly lightweight html/css/etc editor. I can also suggest vim, a vi variant which I use. And if you want an editor you never have to leave, there's always emacs.

  3. Wil Wheaton runs a YouTube channel that promotes roleplaying. In some ways, he is a pro-RPG activist. There are some guest stars that might add to that very "wall of text"-ish list up there.

    Don't forget Geek and Sundry, which produces TableTop and is Wil's & Felicia Day's project, promotes role-playing quite strongly, too. It has shows about game-mastering and others that are like game sessions on video.

  4. Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


    Another way to do this could work is a split personality, like how Carol Ferris/Star Saphire was with Hal Jordan's Green Lantern.


    That's one way I am thinking of going with my new villainess, since the DNPC relationship already exists, but now she reveals an alternate personality.


    Is that with an already extant DNPC? If so... evil :eg:! I like it. Way to make those points count. Inspiring.

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