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Posts posted by Greg

  1. I've never seen any of the Turakian campaign setting and I'm not necessarily looking for yet another campaign setting, but I think its magic system is the one I want to use. I've had the Fantasy Hero book since Gencon and picked up the Grimoire over the weekend so I've been guessing at the way it works. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Basically, I would have a wizard buy a Endurace reserve, which I'll just call a mana pool or something similar, for say 20 points actual cost that would be 10 mana rechargable once per round. Then they might buy a couple spells from the grimoire possibly at a 3rd of the cost per the suggestion in the grimoire. Lastly they would buy one skill (with however many levels) per school they want to cast in so for example Fire magic might be 3 to buy and 2 per point averaging around a 15- for 5 points if they have a 20 Intelligence and assuming Int is the stat for spell schools. I don't think I'd be using a VPP or anything because this is more like a D&D wizard than a sorceror. Not to mention I'm not particularly good at the rules yet. Are there any basic concepts/steps I'm missing or is that basically the system?

  2. I'm not sitting in front of a book, so some of my terms are probably off, but this is something I've played around with a little. I'd break the various classes (prot. against dark arts, potions, etc...) into seperate skills. Then have the the spells be powers with the skill as the success roll. Maybe a power framework or something would be better, but I'm not super familiar with all the Hero rules yet. Harry seems to be particularly good with attack spells and flying while Hermione has a good overall skillset. I assume it was easier for Harry to do Crucio in the last book because he'd had so much practice with attack spells in the previous book. I don't know if Crucio being difficult gives a penalty on spell success checks or needs its own check....

  3. I picked mine up Saturday at Gencon. It was between that and the Dragonlance setting, but WOTC material is so easy to get discounted online I went for FH. Not to mention it was $10 cheaper and 2-3x thicker. I even managed to get out of the parking garage with $1 to spare...


    Looking at the retail list you only have The Game Preserve listed here in Indy. The Boardroom is much more likely to have Fantasy Hero as they have the entire Hero line and not just one copy of the core rules.

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